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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. ...back in the 70's my older brother (now about 64) and I (now about 58) had this name we would say for anybody that made a stupid error or goofed up something...where it came from exactly I am not sure. You touched the plastic model's paint before it was dry and left a fingerprint... Or you got too much model glue on the seams and "goobered" it up... "YOU F***KING NIMROD!!!" I was the younger brother with the lesser skills of plastic model assembly so I know you can guess which way it was mostly directed. Nimrod. Don't be a damn nimrod. A good rule to live by I suppose.
  2. Hey Tony, This thread doesn't really have to be a thread where someone instantly plays and reviews the scenario 30 minutes after I post it. JHC. I know/think/grant/accept you do have a right to say whatever you want but the point of this thread is to maybe get people to be brave or bold to make scenarios and the instant critique kinda throws a wet blanket on the flames of creativity. Anyway, the briefing did say 20 to maybe 30 minutes so that was my maybe less than direct way to say the timer had some variable extra minutes...
  3. Hey Tony, you're welcome. I got many more I hope to give birth to before Christmas 2022. 359-268=just 91 days to go. Wake up you scenario crafters!
  4. CMFB "Busting Out of Bras"... Play as Axis vs Allied AI only. 1115, 19 December 1944. 8 km east of Bastogne, Belgium. A dense fog reduces visibility. General Bayerlein has created a special group to lead the Panzer-Lehr Division on its way to cross the Meuse River. You are Leutnant Hartmann in charge of the motorized "spitze" composed of pioneer troops, scouts, some half-tracks and 2 tanks. ^ You have only 20 to maybe 30 minutes so use your assigned forces to rapidly press onward and exit off any of the zones marked "Routes forward"... ^ Your forces: On map, you in your 250/1, a kubelwagen and 2 scout teams checking the road on foot. At T=5, the rest of your force arrives. No off-map support is assigned. ^ This is the 3rd day of the secret offensive and the US Army is alerted to our intentions. We do not know what awaits us beyond the fog. These roads are not normally mined as they are the MSR for the allied forces. However, you must keep a close eye for mines just placed on top of the road. Also, watch where any US vehicles travel and it should assure you those areas are safe. ^ Press onward carefully but as fast as possible. ^ EXIT your force: Denies the enemy 100 pts. DESTROY American Forces: up to 100pts. Other hidden touch objectives: up to 40 pts. Map: 1000m x 320m https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ncltlhb6g0o2m0m/AADKR3ed1W_A43J28rHhCZS_a?dl=0 Note: I am working with Vacillator and bootie to get all my stuff to the websites run by bootie and will someday close down the goody box. The above scenario is also being sent this week of 25SEP2022 to bootie so when later the above link becomes "dead", go find the scenario at "The Scenario Depot"...
  5. @Butschi Sir, can you do the reverse of what you did in the other thread and "read" the scenario map elevation data to make some type of a contour map for players?
  6. Did you see nathangun's vassal project? It looked really cool and he has a lot of experience from over at The Few Good Men website gamer group where folks step up and run a show as the GM. nathangun has this new project he did and though I THINK it was for 2 people, it didn't need a 3rd person as GM. Let me find the link to the BFC forum thread and post it here in a jiffy. standby EDIT: here it is...I hope somehow this helps you do what you want. If not, ooops, sorry. https://community.battlefront.com/topic/140876-i-have-a-campaign-idea-and-i-dont-have-to-gm-it/#comment-1900860
  7. WTF If you reach out and ask about a mod to be made like you are ordering an effing pizza, please stop and think that MAYBE, effing MAYBE, that somebody really took a long time to climb a steep learning curve, their OWN fault--sure, but damn, this aint no easy pluck it off a tree. Modders are often gifted (ARIS?) but some barely get by with luck and long hours. They try to work with newbies and the newbies don't even reply.
  8. Hey Tim. Yeah sure. I played "The Guards Counterattack" in VASL just last month and won as my very first ever game of VASL/ASL. @Heinrich505 lulled me into a false sense of confidence and has soundly beaten me every time since. We are playing our butts off. My record against him is 1-6 with another loss in Crete just around the bloody corner. I have cobbled together a CMRT version and it goes insane with SMG fire. Green laser blasts like Star Wars. It comes across as a big waste of time. I have a few ideas but so far I am at a loss of what to do to make it cross over successfully. I will share it later to you...
  9. Hey Tony. Sorry man. I don't have any of those modern war titles so I cannot assist you.
  10. No, I never finished my stuff but somebody else has done probably an adequate job with what I started years ago. Now I will look to add to it if I can. Some folks here seem slightly interested to maybe help. Once I have it cobbled together, I will put it all in my Goody Box. The way CMRT is structured you cannot have Hungarians fight alongside the Germans. In CMFI, there are multiple axis nation slots and multiple allied nation slots. But CMRT is just 1 nation versus 1 nation. Good luck with the scenario Gary, it sounds interesting.
  11. Damn tragic James! I thought you male strippers got the summers off? No worry. My KV-1 project is too hard at this point. I raise the white flag of surrender. So, any previous offers of help to ME to make that Barbarossa map, may be rescinded. initial here here and here. sign here. --OFFICIAL STAMP-- ok, you're done. No worry, thanks and best wishes. I appreciated the kind offer.
  12. LET US DO THIS AGAIN? I give everybody more time. I want to see those cherries raise their hands. Make a scenario for the community. Alright, 110 days until X-mas. (Julian 359-249=110). The gauntlet is down for you guys, especially you "cherries", to make a scenario, your first scenario...?, before Christmas. Let us swamp the community with some scenarios. Use or modify an existing map if you need to (and give polite credit in your briefing or designers notes to prevent accusations of being a dreaded parasite!). Make your own simple map! No Rembrandts are required! Dial it down to 208 x 208, if needed, the teeniest tiniest map you can make. BUT ANY SIZE MAP IS GOOD! Playable from only one side is AOK. Just make sure to say that guidance in the main cover description. Use just a tiny force. Put the AI on defence and the AI plan is very rudy..rudo..ruddimuntary..it is EASIER! Use just a small timeframe of 10 minutes! I (and a butt ton of others) am here to lend a hand to answer questions or go now and read the famous JonS scenario guide pdf in your main install folder. All these different titles can use some new juices. I got a couple coming down. I will edit this and state how many scenarios we got from last time. Standby, EDIT: I think it was between 16 and 20. I did release many but had a few hit a creative wall so maybe this year, they get done. **NEW IDEA: Maybe do some QB maps with simple AI plans? I am not a CMCW, CMSF2, CMBS modern war bubba but please use this as a reason to make a scenario for those games. This is not just for WW2 games. Best wishes and who wants to post a pledge to make a scenario?
  13. BFC had an idea way back to make their games have "modability" and sent along the rezexplode and rezpack utility programs. The game manual explained where to put mods. Then at some point the modtag feature was introduced. I can't say if this was really an offering to modders or just an internal feature that helped them and ALSO benefited modders. Either way, it is great. Hey! Whoever thought of modtags, maybe not even BFC?---Thank you! Now, in September 2022, I can't think of anything since modtags that has increased the modability of their games. AI group increases and such do help with writing scenarios but not modding. Modders have limits that BFC could help them overcome but taking on to solve and implement is not on the BFC list of things to get done. I wish modders had a small module that would just be a huge pile of workarounds for modders. For FREE, the modders try and create content. I wish BFC would help modders do more. I guess several of the BFC insiders seem to somewhat like and often support the fringe modder work but at the very top it is a BFC business decision to focus elsewhere. Best wishes
  14. Thanks. I grabbed just the Hungarian part. I see my old work and some new work of somebody else.
  15. I can change voices. CMBB had Hungarian voice files almost the same collection 80% as needed for CMRT. Things like artillery commands and spotting are not in there. Maybe you can be a voice actor? Big money we will pay. $1 weapons...we have some tricks. but not perfect. do our best.
  16. @Kuliyeah, it basically is just changing from normal axis Germans in CMRT over to Axis Hungarians. 1. Names files for Germans to all be Hungarian names on the UI. 2. bulk renaming of the old CMBB Hungarian voice files to replace the German voice files in CMRT. 3. The ranks and UI for weapons. 4. icons color 5. maybe some splash screen and force selection fun stuff, very short and easy 6. we have some vehicles already made to be Hungary from before 7. then somebody (I wonder who?) can write some scenarios and make some qb maps with modtags [budapest] mod could be some stuff I already did for [warsaw], tall lampposts and other city stuff and Hungarian shop names and signs. Fun stuff for flavor. Hungarian truck. Hungarian staff car from Opel Kadet. Soviets are already done in all their late 1944 glory.
  17. I am in the mood to go back and work on this mod. I am sure I may have lost all my old files but luckily @Suchy picked up the ball and ran with it. He shared to me everything he had. @Kuli Hey ball point pen (inside joke), do you have any time or interest to work on a CMRT Hungary Mod? @pitbull @boygarvin How about you buddy? I am thinking "Festung Budapest" in the timeframe late 1944 and early 1945. There is an Advanced Squad Leader historical module with many scenarios we can try to translate over to CMRT. "Five Finger Discount" as they say. Our mod team motto is maybe "We do what we can, BFC has the car keys"
  18. Questo trabajo es magnifique. Me gusta los corpos muertos. Pero, en mia experiencia, los screenshots del Blendero no es siempre el equivalente con los screenshots del CM. Savvy? Please laugh at my 0.5 Euro foreign language usage. Hey JM, I hope all is well in Espana. ~Phil
  19. 1. download and install freeware image program "GiMP" 2. find the specific bmp files that you want to modify. I had a thread here for CMRT F&R that identified the contents of every brz folder that comes with the game. 3. come up with a modtag [modtagname] and create a tiny testing scenario to see the image in the game. this scenario must have [modtagname] assigned 4. start messing with the uniform bmp files in GiMP. babysteps. just put a big pink letter like G for Gary where you think it should be and then fire up CMRT and open your testing scenario see if you see the big pink G. is it backwards or upside down. then go for the actual swastika. good luck. edit: try and figure it out. watch youtube tutorials as needed. THEN come back here and I will keep an eye to assist you with your questions.
  20. Yeah, but it sure is fun to fantasize we would even get something. I believe that BFC in 2022 now works with various nations for selling CM as a tailored military training product. That is their main focus. Best wishes to them.
  21. Of course I don't know for sure what others might create. I do know that I already have a few scenarios for this time period in my goody box. They use workarounds and substitutions. Once given the actual toys I would really enjoy making more.
  22. BFC COULD even make the same basic module just slightly tailored for each CM. High level of overlap. A CMRT version, a CMFI version and a CMBN version. They could crank up the cost and give us all a good squeeze for our money. I see fans of the early war and I think many folks would buy all 3 of the modules so they could have their fun. IF sales warranted it, then a "Official Scenario Packs" could be sold to again squeeze the customer base who were inclined to buy them. If someone writes an early war scenario for CMFI, then the scenario cannot be played unless the CM fan HAS that new module. right? Most of Charles's code work or parameters or whatever gets used 3 times for efficiency. I tried to find my post in the bones thread but had no luck...
  23. In the "bones" thread I suggested that BFC pump out something I called an "Early War Scenario kit" module for CMRT, CMFI and CMBN. They could go ahead and make it "triple expensive" to try and capture their desired margin over less sales if that strategy helped them get it made. As far as I am concerned, it could be a module that skips the stock scenarios and campaigns, it could skip QB maps, etc. I would really just want the game-coded toys to make my own battles. I rattled off the various weapons they would need 3D modelled and game-coded.
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