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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I ***THINK*** that they are in game for CMRT as an item of headgear but if ported over to other WW2 titles then it replaces an item of headgear and would/should be modtagged in CMFI. Or maybe I have that backwards and they are in CMFI and have to be ported to CMRT with a modtag. But the [gebirgsjager] modtag makes sure that the proper version is displayed on screen. Hunter green waffenfarbe I seem to recall.
  2. If you're searching for a mod... ...don't be feelin' blue. I got this word of advice... ...that I will send to you.. You gotta call Er-win, Er-win, Er-win. Erwin is your man. Tony is the best dang guarder and storer of mods, in this here CM land. @Erwin
  3. https://community.battlefront.com/topic/110050-cmfi-gl-bulge-44-mod-pack-contents-brain-stormer-thread/#comment-1454033
  4. I fought this battle a long time ago right here in the forums. Check it out for old times sake. It was a human vs a human in an operational campaign. CM mixed with John Tiller Panzer Campaigns.
  5. Maybe already stated or already understood by all... I just want to say that using CMFI as the host title for this mod and using CMFI Italians as the host for the IJA is EXCELLENT choice from the point of view of a lot of variety in their opponents (US, British, Commonwealth, French, etc.) AND internally with the "mds-mdr-game code" dynamics, by tweaking appearance and unit type as you purchase the Japanese force in a scenario you can have a pleasant variety of headgear and uniforms (normal Italians, Bersaglieri "featherheads" and the blackshirts gives 3 uniform options and 2 helmet sets). THEN as a cherry on top of this dessert somebody has gotta do Aleutians in cold weather gear in the snow... I am busy in a different snowy area at the moment. Good luck guys. Always awesome tinkerings going on. BFC should be bloody ashamed.
  6. I am happy to try to help my brothers in this community! I hope it is a good fix and causes no NEW problems. best wishes to everybody who plays CMCW
  7. now try the m60a2 AND m60a1 rise I don't recognize a m60a1 rise + maybe it uses the same mdr as m60a1 rise so SHOULD be fixed if m60a1 rise is good
  8. @laurent 22 Hey Laurent, are you really just 22? I will download this M113 folder and find my tiny crepe suzette
  9. m60a2 needs another image from m113a2 extras, something like a smoke grenade image? Please send when you can
  10. I will fix them and then throw them one by one into the CMCW folder in my goody box. Please somebody test and report back if ok. Like for example "m60a1 fix is good"
  11. I am also working in Blender to make this weapon and retrofit to the above scenario: It is the captured French 75's mounted on a Pak38 carriage with a Solothurm muzzle brake. I am surprised it is not already somewhere in CM. Nobody has seen it in CM, right?
  12. I will look around! But I think some had and some did not have the insignia of the Romanian king.
  13. Ready for download. It uses my expanded CMRT Romania Mod. Thanks to @JM Stuff for his Romanian helmet! In the dropbox is the modtagged mods folder and another folder ONLY USE WHEN NEEDED that changes soldiers names, changes the intro music and the splash screen at the start. It is just a tiny teaser scenario to mark the anniversary... DIRECT LINK HERE https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p5jbkp5gtw2xp91/AACmKz3ggh-R2BieZUB74npBa?dl=0 ROM MALENKAYA KLETSKAYA ^ 19 November 1942. Kletskaya, Russia. It snowed last night and the temperature is below freezing. There is a light fog and a stiff wind off the Don River about 5 km to the north. The Romanian 3rd Army guards part of the northern flank of the German 6th Army fighting to conquer Stalingrad about 125 km away. ^ You are a Romanian Locotenent <Lieutenant> in the 13th Romanian Infantry Division. You are assigned to lead your weakened rifle platoon huddled in the burnt out husk of a Russian village. Your limited construction materials have provided some small wooden hut shelters. You also have a few sections of trench and some foxholes. There is just a small number of guns spread out along your entire division's defensive sector. The length of the sector is double what was taught back at the military academy. Your area has just one small gun as its share. You have one squad out on sentry duty but have alerted your entire platoon. You just called the company on the field phone and your captain has assembled a small reserve team that can arrive at the south edge of your map in 5 to 10 minutes. ^ In recent weeks, the Soviets have slowly taken a bridgehead along the Don. Their probes have expanded it a few times as well. No effort to attack the bridgehead has been made due to our army's limited resources. Things seemed quiet until the last few days. Numerous vehicle sounds were heard. What is to come across the thin barbed wire marking the battle line? ^ Use your limited assets to try and hold back the Soviet assault. THE SOUNDS OF AN ENORMOUS ARTILLERY BARRAGE HAVE JUST STARTED. Take cover! Your sector will be pounded hard at any moment! ^ You have ABOUT 20-30 minutes to accomplish your mission (random additional time). Points are awarded for destroying enemy units and holding your terrain objective. There are also parameter bonuses for both sides for keeping friendly casualties low and inflicting high casualties on the enemy. BunNoroc! <Good luck!>
  14. If successful with the 3D model repair I will request to @Jace11 ...a promotion to Apprentice Blender Technician 2nd Class. Sew on that extra stripe with pride!
  15. It was successful I see by the champagne? tres bien
  16. I think I made a silly error. So please try again! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sok5ee4aadhamb8/AACtCP690wL77SwlYgmdQo1Xa?dl=0
  17. ok, I am scratching my head. I put the ORIGINAL m48a5 in as the CMRT IS-2 and did observe the problem. Then I made my fix and tested it as IS-2 in CMRT and it seemed ok. Maybe I made an error to send the incorrect version? I will try again from a fresh start with the m48a5. I will try the M60's maybe.
  18. sacre bleu! ok, AND you are watching it in a newly loaded test scenario? NOT a saved game? right? merci
  19. hmmmm, just make sure, you put in z folder and restarted CMCW, right?
  20. oh yes, I will take a looky see. I figure lowering it maybe .5 inches, in metric that is a change in z of -0.0127m. @laurent 22 ok, try it out, it is in the same folder with m48a5 mdr. British mk2 helmet mdr lowered a little, NOT TILTED, just lowered "un peu"
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