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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. BFC has only one old vagina. It can maybe have a baby in 9 months. Maybe. Sometimes, just all talk and no getting pregnant. Not too often you see it pump out twins.
  2. I think you will NEVER see anything done with old CMA. Sorry to bear my bad opinion. But for you, I hope you get it.
  3. I hear that someday in the future the CMFB module has the British late war forces? Maybe just wait for that day? 2023, 2024, 2029? hahaha
  4. Hey JM, you are welcome. Best regards to M, E & S. (I think I got all names right...) Did you ever do that Belgium scenario for CMFB? I forget.
  5. Discount Mod and scenario. Cost is $0.00 CMRT FB TINY BLESSINGS OF SZENT LASZLO ^ Part of the Festung Budapest Attila Line defenses, east of Soroksár, Hungary. 2 November 1944...just over 10 km from Budapest city centre. It is late in the afternoon, the sun sets behind you on a cold and wet day. A light wind blows from the north. ^ You are a young föhadnagy (1st lieutenant) in the 1./I Parachute Battalion. Your units are well trained and highly motivated. But there are just a few of you to balance against the low morale of the common Hungarian infantry. Your position has several heavy weapons in support as well as a small variety of defensive fortifications to position. An anti-tank ditch has been dug by forced labor. Dark Blue set-up zone is for you to adjust the deployment of all axis forces, foxholes and trenches. ^ The Soviet tank and infantry force is probing forward to determine the level of resistance they will encounter as the siege of Budapest develops. ^ Your objective is to block any passage of the Soviet forces through to the west. ^ You are ordered to hold out for 10~15 minutes. The enemy gains points by exiting forces off the west edge of the map via a small exit zone. When the Honvéd (Royal Hungarian Army) stops that exit, it takes points away from the Red Army. You have a parameter bonus if you can keep your own casualties below 25%. To get this, go to my signature dropbox link, then go to CMRT section and see the folder for CMRT Hungary Mod. In there are the 2 mods folders, 1 mod folder is just the soldier names changed to Hungarian and you can plop in z folder ONLY AS NEEDED, the other folder is modtagged and can probably be in z and not cause any issues. Emphasis on PROBABLY. The scenario file is there for CMRT scenario folder. Restart CMRT and have a try as axis vs Soviet AI. "Based on a true story."
  6. CMRT FB TINY BLESSINGS OF SZENT LASZLO ^ Part of the Festung Budapest Attila Line defenses, east of Soroksár, Hungary. 2 November 1944...just over 10 km from Budapest city centre. It is late in the afternoon, the sun sets behind you on a cold and wet day. A light wind blows from the north. ^ You are a young föhadnagy (1st lieutenant) in the 1./I Parachute Battalion. Your units are well trained and highly motivated. But there are just a few of you to balance against the low morale of the common Hungarian infantry. Your position has several heavy weapons in support as well as a small variety of defensive fortifications to position. An anti-tank ditch has been dug by forced labor. Dark Blue set-up zone is for you to adjust the deployment of all axis forces, foxholes and trenches. ^ The Soviet tank and infantry force is probing forward to determine the level of resistance they will encounter as the siege of Budapest develops. ^ Your objective is to block any passage of the Soviet forces through to the west. ^ You are ordered to hold out for 10~15 minutes. The enemy gains points by exiting forces off the west edge of the map via a small exit zone. When the Honvéd (Royal Hungarian Army) stops that exit, it takes points away from the Red Army. You have a parameter bonus if you can keep your own casualties below 25%. To get this, go to my signature dropbox link, then go to CMRT section and see the folder for CMRT Hungary Mod. In there are the 2 mods folders, 1 mod folder is just the soldier names changed to Hungarian and you can plop in z folder ONLY AS NEEDED, the other folder is modtagged and can probably be in z and not cause any issues. Emphasis on PROBABLY. The scenario file is there for CMRT scenario folder. Restart CMRT and have a try as axis vs Soviet AI. "Based on a true story."
  7. Is there a dropbox link to start grabbing the various goodies? Even if works in progress... Keep up the good work. You are the "Chocolate Fountain" of new content.
  8. Yes. Sorry to be this way but the anyone is you most likely. I recommend you tackle learning Blender if you want that item. It is maybe a day or 2 of learning... Once you do that helmet, you'll be skilled to make other stuff you want. Try on your own and folks can lend a hand. Give a man a fish you feed him for a day but teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
  9. Each hatch has an origin symbol, a white circle with 3D red blue and green coordinate arrows. Over on the left you can relocate it.
  10. Work on the Hungarian Csaba Armored Car presses forward... Hatches? Hatches? We ain't got no hatches. We don't need no stinkin' hatches! I am renaming hatches to get the behavior I desire. Some hatches on "open up" will move. Other hatches only move on bail out. The direction and degrees of movement is coded. You can change the object by renaming. You can also move the position of movement, the "hinge" location.
  11. @37mm I never even downloaded it, did LLF's PTO mod have UI mods for IJA ranks and portraits and voices done? If not, I could offer to work on that aspect of the project in a year or so. Or over the next year or so as time allows, if you follow me. If somebody has ANOTHER war game and it has "harvestable" IJA voice wav files and I am told what they basically mean, I could do the renaming and copying to flesh out the designated voice pack in CMFI. I assume Italian voices would be replaced with Nihongo? Italian ranks and portraits replaced with something 1941-ish? Working on a CM mod project has its ups and downs. But the groupies are hot and flying business class to the meetings is just awesome.
  12. Swapping gear aint so bad to do. I think @Jace11 helped me with some issues and misconceptions I had. You can easily rename and grab other animations from other titles to blanket swap out in a different title. Animation cycles I am not sure what that means. I once renamed one type position of a tank commander in 1 vehicle so I could change the vehicle. Stuart to R35 I think for Aussies near Tobruk. A mod like that might best be "scenario specific" versus for the entire mod with the same overall modtag. There should be a cool bar somewhere where we CM modders go pull up a stool and Steve and BFC pour us free drinks all night. Damn we have all earned it.
  13. Wasn't there a PTO mod? by ...maybe... @LongLeftFlank
  14. THE CSABA: I will be looking for a CM water cooled MG to import into Blender and "strip it down" by deleting most of the 3D model. I just want the barrel and muzzle. Then I will import my Csaba 3D model. Then I join the 2 by making that water cooled barrel a child of the parent Csaba. Delete what is not needed and rename things as required.
  15. oh, a GIMP issue? I was thinking it was a Blender issue. This thread is about Blender stuff! BUT!!!!! GIMP for me never saves a bmp properly for some reason. It will show up as blackety black coal tar black in the game. So my SOP is to ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS open the new BMP in Paint.NET and just save it again. Somehow that extra step makes it all good.
  16. We need the errors fixed not inverted and made worse after gratuitous indulgence. EDIT: I volunteer to hold the beer and keep it cold until after you and the other smarter guys have done the proper corrections.
  17. It is almost November. Maybe I started this too soon and nobody but a few are yet in the Xmas spirit. To help get that Christmas vibe jump started I will soon release a CMFB scenario called "HATTEN STREET FIGHT"... A tiny infantry battle on a cut down 208m x 208m portion of Jon Martina's beautiful wintery Hatten map. @ASL Veteran
  18. Hey man, I am just a know nothing. Of course, BFC can track these things in their tracker system database and some future patch CAN be where they officially get a fix out into a revised brz BUT the advanced availability by download dropbox style link of a fix for SOME of these gameplay annoying graphics "bugs" is appreciated. Maybe BFC could deputize a few of the smarter folks here and get them cleared up quicker? Have these smart guys sign an NDA and give them some ability to try and tackle fixing them.
  19. @vudi Hello buddy. I only just now saw your question today at the end of October. Are you still out there in the forum? I promise to help you figure this out. Can you PM me?
  20. Well, maybe I did. I somehow was able to make the mosque in CMFI. This was building003. I changed the roof to allow the domed mosque. EDIT: Ooops. Building003 is an indie. Sorry.
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