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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Prior to this post I did search this thread for 76mm regimental gun. No results were presented. So, it seems the muzzle blast for the Soviet 76mm regimental gun fires from too low? The blast effect originates from down on the ground. Is anybody else seeing that? I checked it in Blender and it didn't even seem to have a muzzle component in the 3D model where it seems most others do. Note: I am just an amateur 3rd class Apprentice Blender user. Also this "bug" is from CMRT base game and not an actual F&R new bug. The reason I found it is because I am always dorking around swapping models for some reason or other. I am over in CMFI trying to make a French 75mm Model 1897 for a Bir Hakeim scenario. I brought the CMRT gun over there and am fiddling with it to become what I need for the Free French. Mix and match.
  2. Oh man, I am very happy you liked it. I also have played it many times as well...as I created it and it evolved but also AFTER I think it stabilized and I was happy with it. At that point I was ably to just try and enjoy it and not be "on duty" as the scenario writer to watch it for any issues. I relaxed and just played it. Having something new is quite exciting. Unheard of really. Minor Nation versus Minor Nation! France vs Italy. I enjoyed this flavor. MORE TO COME!!!
  3. Yes, definitely. I got a few tricks up my sleeve to make it more Italian. "I can cook like a Mother!"
  4. rivets galore! @Heinrich505 still in progress...I gotta alpha layer out the antennae and see if I can fatten the turret up, add the side hatch even if non functional.
  5. Germans had cuff titles. US had shoulder sleeve insignia. British had regimental cap badges. French have the Kepi colors. Well, the Italians had and STILL HAVE the gorget badge system. Mostreggiature or Mostrine Very interesting stuff. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Royal_Italian_Army_gorget_patches On the left is my Pavia Division gorget. On the right is pitbull's Trieste Motorized Division gorget. I followed the master's dropshadow the best I could and then mirrored the one on the left to cover over his on the right.
  6. great! If you see anything odd looking, please stop, you can take a screenshot and I can triage it before you play on. It is almost impossible for my brain capacity to avoid some mod conflict with all the bells and whistles I have going on.
  7. If you desire to give this small new scenario a try... Play as Axis vs Allied AI. I want to eventually, soon, make a version for play as allies vs axis AI. AFRIKA LUIGI ASSAULTS PIERRE It is just after sunrise on another hazy summer day in the Libyan desert. The wind is light from the north. You are just east of the Free French lines at Bir Hakeim. Several mechanized attacks have failed to breach the enemy line. It is now your turn... You are Tenente Enrico Fossatoro of the Guastatori attached to the Pavia Infantry Division. Your assault engineer platoon was ordered to conduct a night infiltration to penetrate into the French perimeter. 1 breach team has made it through the outer wire, through the anti-tank mines and is now just inside the inner wire right near a French trench. The French are well dug in. They have good noise discipline and have mostly held their fire to conserve ammunition. They have at least 1 light machine gun and several submachineguns. Achieve Points by reaching several hidden touch objectives along the enemy's main line and by destroying enemy units. Clear out the enemy positions and defend against any French counterattack. If you can keep below 10% casualties for your own side, you get a parameter bonus. You have 20 minutes to achieve your mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The link at the very bottom takes you direct to the CMAK2 department in my goody box. Grab the new scenario AFRIKA LUIGI ASSAULTS PIERRE and the 2 mod folders. A butt ton of mods. I pray there are no conflicts but there CAN be. Please don't blow a gasket and come here to shout at me. Just PM me and I can try to iron it out and get you a good battle. Mods by me and pitbull aka @boygarvin and @Falaise and maybe others I forgot, you know stuff from 2015. Modtagged stuff: new icons for Italy, sunhelmet Blender mod, pitbull gorgeous uniforms, Falaise and my team effort for ranks for Free French, a couple new road tiles to try and show tread tracks in the desert, mdr shenanigans, tons of moddy goodness. And "only in z when you actually need it": a separate folder with force choice Italian flag, Italian war song music intro. I think that is it. Optional stuff but flavorful. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/icm3a2cnnfebzv5/AABxI54rnRxig2gmgMQcCuc2a?dl=0
  8. That is not work at all, apparently you're his self-appointed representative, fine, that is some kind of put it all on a silver spoon request. He was told right away they are all engine 4. He also wanted an answer to how the games play differently? I said Try the demos. What the f is wrong with that approach? He basically said he would rather have it all described in words versus taking time so he could try them himself for free. I got it. Try the demos
  9. Yes, Try the demos To me that is very helpful to suggest to play the demos. They are all free. You get to see something about the game. Some folks are unaware they even exist. Maybe then combined with a bunch of other people's various and differing opinions, I guess the poster can flip a coin and buy a game. uggggh This is I think the 3rd or 4th of these type "What game should I buy?" posts in recent weeks. No offense to folks asking at all! Try the demos! @Ultradave was smart and sent the link to a previous lengthy mish mash of opinions for a potential buyer. I think these games can be like 4 different flavored soups. Then the engine change is maybe just some new broth ingredient added to enhance the quality of the soup in general. But they all are still different flavored in the vibe they give. So, trying the demos to me is a good way to get the personal feel for that vibe even if not with the latest engine upgrade. In fact it might make you happier because you then see the upgrade with a fresh memory of playing the demo that didn't have the upgrade. Take care! ...and Try the demos EDIT: In my goodybox are the pdf manuals for all the WW2 titles and the engine manuals. Download them and have fun and look them over.
  10. Hey Tony. They all were in folders UNDER a game folder that said CMRT but to help it be easier to figure out ...I went in and added CMRT in front of the subfolder name for Italy Mod and a few others. I can add readme's, sure. No problem. Good idea. Thanks. ~Phil
  11. Scenario in the oven to showcase the new mods from me and pitbull... Italians attacking the French at Bir Hakeim...summer 1942
  12. ok, I personally don't know exactly what you are seeing. But I guess you are swamped by this situation. I only get emails for PM's. I see the little green number by the bell when I come to the forum after some absence. For me, I know this can be adjusted and personalized, It always just shows me people quoting me or giving me a like or whatever. I HAVE a few times clicked "Follow" a thread and I think I got emails about new posts. I decided NOT to do that anymore. Try this....go ahead and Follow the Black Sea thread BUT select on the pop-up, Please do not send me jack diddly! (Do not send me any notifications). Will that help, I dunno. I hope.
  13. Thanks Mark. How are the optics healing up?
  14. It took many months and scratching my head but I have solved it. Below is @boygarvin aka pitbull's gorgeous uniform mods with some of my mods (grey green icons and the sunhelmet) . Later this year we will have a nice return to Libya!
  15. Dude! If you buy it, I can make you a new splash background that says exactly that.
  16. FINALLY solved this Italian sunhelmet in Blender after 3 months of many many occasional tries...
  17. well, the mods for the games are free. Honking my own horn a bit, there are some mods for CMRT that are totally free and change the game quite a bit. If you have questions, PM me. Continuing to milk the "harem analogy", I guess it is like a free wig to make your red head look like a Blonde for the evening's fun?
  18. Having all the WW2 titles is like my own personal harem of super shaggable babes. When I grow bored of my bella Italiana I can head east for some bearskin rug romance with my red haired Katyusha. Then in the winter I hear the trumpets call me to the Bulge where she warms me in her Rollbahny bosom. ...or on a summer day I can sip Calvados and relax with mon amour. I mean to say that they all are great to play and when you already plan to buy them all, then just have at it and it all gets its own rhythm. New scenarios pop up or campaigns or mods or modules or battle packs and you swing different directions. DISCLAIMER: I am a faithful married man and the above was for discussion purposes only.
  19. I will press forward to make some more...maybe we do a PBEM too? You can have Sophia's side if you want...
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