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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @Dankmushroom if you want help, I can try my best to remote assist. We can do it here (and amuse everyone!) or PM me. Be advised I do not have any of these modern titles unfortunately. No CMSF1, No CMA, No CMSF2, No CMBS. No CMFalklands. No CM Space Lobsters. Nor the recent CM Space Lobsters module "Fire and Butter".
  2. ok, this reminds me of one of those airplane disaster movies...I am in the control tower. You're up in the plane. This might be a bust after all our collaboration just so you know. I can hang in there if you do. Step 1. In the main folder of your CMA and CMSF2 might/should be a folder called mod tools. In there should be subfolders rezexplode and rezpack. You'll be working with rezexplode. Go in there and see the utility rezexplode and a folder called input. I don't have CMA but usually/probably in another atrea of your CMA main folder is your data files with should be a .brz extension. I think mthere are just 2 from some info I have. Copy the first one and paste it into rezexplode input folder. THEN right click on rezexplode utility and and run as administrator. It produce a new folder of the unpacked/exploded contents of that first brz file you copied. rename the folder as CMA1 or some system. If you want, try to accomplish that and we move on to step 2. report back...
  3. Just my 2 cents... Spotting from INSIDE a vehicle: yes, horrific small field of view and in our little CM game if I have my tank NOT SEE an enemy AT infantry team in a nearby area, I feel like that is not a thing to complain about. But I see in a CMRT Warsaw Uprising 1944 Mod that German tanks roll down the street and the turret slews over to sniper nail the enemy AT team hiding in a building. WTF? In CMFB I have a US Army bazooka team NOT seeing an enemy tank driving all around them. I see as the player a quiet little spotting enemy "?" icon dancing and floating around to indicate they hear something but the game code has no specific sound effect wave file it ques up, a revving or idling of the engine or maybe squeaking of tracks? nope, nothing, the explanation usually given is they have their heads down in fear and are not seeing it or the wind is blowing or the darkness or visibility or Cognac. SPOTTING IS BROKEN. SPOTTING ISN'T BROKEN. SPOTTING MIGHT BE IMPROVED OR TWEAKED. WE HAVE NO TIME. BUSY WITH OTHER STUFF. CHARLES IS THE ONLY GUY TO GO IN AND CHANGE THE CODE. HE AINT DOING THAT EVER MAYBE.
  4. I do not own either CMA or CMSF2... But I have done this type of "shenanigans" many times and can TRY to walk you through it remotely IF YOU WANT. You'd rezexplode the files in CMA and CMSF2 to identify the apple and the orange. You grab the apples from CMA and rename it as the oranges in CMSF2. Or...wait here and maybe somebody chimes in that has ALREADY done it. @37mm possibly/probably/most definitely? Let me know.
  5. PM sent. When I was in the service they always said that NAVY stood for Never Again Volunteer Yourself!
  6. Take your time. I have KV-1 and Panzer IIF mods I am still dorking with. This summer is aok with me. Thank YOU!
  7. Hell yes! Please... For CMRT, 2km x 2km. Something with a Barbarossa summer 1941 feel to it. big rolling fields with thatch roof houses...and a small town over on the eastern side of the map that would be an objective...
  8. @Falaise Did you "fix" the chinstraps in Blender? It seems better than I remember...
  9. I think If I marry him then I want dual US-French citizenship and demand free champagne and camembert and my own kepi. I must negotiate! Separate bedrooms for sure! And I want a GB internet connection. And my actual current female wife can visit. and a new Peugot.
  10. Courtesy of @Kevin2k I have the complete list of all files for CMCW in my goody box. Try this link... https://www.dropbox.com/s/xblwjmfg6bnpcqp/cold war v100d.index.txt?dl=0 Please go take a look but I couldn't resist to look and I don't know "guerra moderna" but maybe one of these...? silhouette m60a1 rise-passive.bmp silhouette m60a1 rise.bmp silhouette m60a1.bmp
  11. No knocks against the modern titles at all. I am just challenged dealing with the modern equipment. Besides some inherent knowledge and familiarity with WW2 gear, really there is a great nostalgia to me for playing WW2 titles. I personally just don't get anything emotional from the modern titles. Does that say something about me? Sheez, I dunno. Maybe now with this new war in our faces we/I must see the situation and feel something and THEN if I play, I have a connection? That sounds cheesy. That is a real war and is in the present tense. But I just report what I feel. Throw rocks if you must. I just have a great affection and love story with anything WW2. Modern war stuff just doesn't turn me on for some reason. An odd use of various analogies but that is my descriptive style. WW2=love, nostalgia, familiarity. Modern=estrangement, apathy, ignorance on my part. <I need a Thesaurus?>
  12. Hey Greg, You are very welcome! I hope you mend up well. I had "it" but a mild case luckily and feel back 100% now. I have a much bigger Bir Hakeim scenario in the works, 90 minutes!, heavily modded with a pretty damn decent (if I do say so myself) M13/40 tank, bearded Foreign Legion engineers and French Model 1897 75mm guns. Ticking away at it slowly... Best wishes! ~Phil
  13. yeah, I agree. Long ago I had posted and tracked it over some duration and tried to do some analysis of the percentage growth of number of posts at T=T1 and T=T2. The number of each title sold would be awesome to know! Imagine how secret that info is because the WW2 group might feel neglected if they learned that we were outnumbered by sales, age group demographic totals, posts and current BFC focus! But maybe we'll always have the edge in sense of humor, sex appeal, 70's trivia and carpentry skills!
  14. Maybe I can mod some old ww2 tanks to fill in as your modern stuff? PzIIIG with 120mm smooth bore? j/k
  15. In its core, it is based on a hypothetical war based off doctrine and TOE from each side in the geography of the most likely areas. Scenario writers go to what ifs and no actual accounts, right? But I get a devious smile when I sniff that CMCW has potential for Arab-Israeli actual historical scenarios. But BFC Business Model will most likely only allow the slow choked trickle of modules over the maximum duration and modders will have to cobble together a CMCW Yom Kippur Mod before 2032. I don't even own CMCW but the day I ever buy it, I would TRY to begin the Yom Kippur Mod.
  16. a data point for what it is worth... forum/total posts in 1,000's CMCW/12 CMSF2/18 CMBS/73 CMSF/216 Modern Total = 319,000 CMFB/23 CMRT/61 CMFI/46 CMBN/199 WW2 = 329,000
  17. Some more comments... Maybe the WW2 crowd is a pie chart (mmmmm, pie) and the WW2 CM crowd is just only a small subset with a small percentage, a tenth that pie? A small slice, a small proportion, a small market. BUT the modern title junkies are younger and the subset that is boardgame and die rolling is much smaller so this essentially pushes them towards technology that they grew up with, mouse use etc., and so for CM, the arena has flopped to a high prevalence of the available gamers who would prefer modern titles, shifting to CM. And BFC has made a business shift to focus on them I feel.
  18. This is an awesome topic! Sadly, the folks that know the breakdown best are BFC and I think they don't ever release numbers. They could answer this and really open my eyes I suppose. Wars happening for the last 20+ years means 10 year olds are now 30. I THINK THE MODERN BUBBAS NOW OUTSIZE THE WW2 BUBBAS BY DOUBLE OR TRIPLE!
  19. I don't own CMBS or any modern titles. Too intense for me. Plus I have no knowledge of the equipment vs "learning" about WW2 from long long ago <since age 5???>. I have active duty kids and right or wrong some part of my brain shudders away from modern warfare. I hope this hell ends soon. Anyway, the above photo made me want to make a mod for you fellows who play CMBS to consider using. I suppose the file nomenclature would have this be for the CMBS UI "portrait ukrainian armor.bmp"...? Please rename if I am incorrect. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sshijv6ox3gpjy8/portrait ukrainian armor.bmp?dl=0
  20. what is that you posted? the game screenshot or the image of the bmp uniform file? I can't really see. I use imgur to post screenshots. Discussion that might or might not assist you. OK, for the ww2 games when you change the uniform model (the set of mds files) and then rename the slots for the uniforms to match up to that model, sometimes/usually the footwear (boots) bmp image files are also needing renamed. If you already know this, I am just trying to help. ANOTHER THING: Fire up your game and load a scenario where the soldiers SHOULD be wearing this new uniform you are bringing in. look at a platoon or even a full company of troops. If SOME of your dudes look ok but others do NOT, then maybe there is an issue with you needing more slots of the new uniform. copy and rename to the next few numbers 7, 8, whatever. If you follow me. EDIT: I am outside building a small concrete slab so I will be away from the PC. But I will poke my head back once in a while to see how you are doing...
  21. Good on you for giving it a try! If you can/want...please put up a screenshot or 2 to show what is happening and maybe some of us can spot what is the issue and get you back on track... Note: I don't own CMSF2 or CMBS but it is all basically the same process as messing with the WW2 titles.
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