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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. AND IN JUST A FEW MOMENTS AFTER I POSTED THAT, the incredible self-help potential of our community has raised up to solve it. @Jace11 is way smarter than I am and has evidently better attention to detail than I do. He spotted something named incorrectly in the model. "muzzle" changed to "weapon muzzle" seems to fix them, effects come out the barrels now instead of the top of the bunkers. Here is a dropbox link to the fix for CMFB. I think it should also work for the other titles but will need tested. CMRT seems fine with this fix. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9cx82qz6c3txsjk/AACf0xdsEYJYEr3xOyOxjYg4a?dl=0
  2. My current SOP is this...I offer as we are all in learning mode. EDIT: it could be wrong or over-kill! I have a folder called "Blender Stuff" with subfolders that are project named working folders. Csaba - Zrinyi - KV-1, etc. Whenever I am going to cause mischief and mayhem and mess with something like a vehicle mdr, I first copy the BFC folder(s) contents over there to my working folder. All the parts of the Franken-vehicle or the thing I am editing. You need Blender to be able to see all that stuff "locally" when you import the vehicle mdr from your "Blender Stuff" working folder. Some stuff in the BFC folder is not important. UI portrait, all the extra modtagged texture versions such as [muddy]. They can be left out of the working folder.
  3. For these Franken-vehicles, I use the following terminology: you have a shell mdr coming in to wrap itself around the host mdr and that host mdr's game code parameters. The shell and host should be the best apples to apples as possible in the main categories such as crew number, speed, armor protection, weapons, wheeled or tracked, turreted, etc. In Blender you import an mdr and see the naming nomenclature is very consistent. weapon can replace weapon, turret can replace turret. The axis of the shell mdr's turret can be adjusted to match up with what the host is supposed to do. When things are not matched up, as in a STOCK PzIII we got with F&R, the turret will do odd things. Bad QA on BFC's part. Weird oddities with the 3D model.
  4. BFC: I suggest you please fix mdr files with 3D errors and then offer as a simple download with readme and not wait to include in a patch. If you did pay Casio LIma studios to make those bunkers for all the titles...the axis ones with anti-tank guns and the muzzle effect is incorrectly placed, it seems like warranty work. I think they are ALL a basic set (Pak38, Pak40, etc) and in a short time, those 3D guys sit down and fix the issue. Then it can be offered as a download link with a readme to put the files in the various z folders. These fixes do not have to be held hostage awaiting a patch with that entire headache of the license and activation. Just offering a suggestion from the peanut gallery...
  5. The Franken-Csaba progress continues thanks to @Lucky_Strike and Mark's superior skills at the PS joystick. I am adding Hungarian crosses and license plates. I waited for hours down at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to get the damn tags. Insurance papers and my war vehicle license. The lady had it almost all done and THEN said she was going on break and I must return after lunch. DMV joke. FRANKENCSABA hahaha I have to alter the SdFkz222 MG to be a water cooled looking MG. I had to swap the sides of 2 weapons on the turret, cannon goes to the left, MG goes to the right. Messing with the crew spots. Effing with the hatches the best I can. Still gotta make vehicle crew uniforms for Hungarians! Fun stuff. Work in progress. EDIT: I might mess with editing the fenders. I will grab the low hanging fruit to push it more towards a better Csaba look. Am I 100% making it a Csaba? No way man. It aint worth it to me. This is a hobby and I see @NPye staying up until 4am doing stuff. I have to bloody ask where the actual BFC people are. It seems the fans can crank out the content but BFC still has bunkers that shoot wrong for every title. I don't run a business so I guess I work for free here. But BFC must carefully plan the 15 minutes they budget in to have somebody on the clock to do a small 3D change? If SOMEBODY was paid to make those bunkers then it should be warranty work and be done for free and released in a special email. You do not need a big release and activation headache process to give us the corrected files. Very depressing.
  6. Honestly, I don't even know where the Panhard is. Is it even in CMRT? Hidden somewhere as an odd vehicle?
  7. I am using the SdFkz 222 as the mdr host for the Csaba. And you are correct, I am using the StuH42 as the mdr host for the Zyinri. The best matches I can come up with.
  8. I am happy to see more folks are involved in Blender to make CM mods. @Lucky_Strike @RockinHarry I am ATTEMPTING 2 new Blender Mods to make some vehicles for my CMRT Hungary Mod. 39M Csaba Armored Car 43M Zrinyi Assault Gun
  9. Definitely. Tram car 888. Sounds like an episode of the The Twilight Zone. You are a content geyser. But I gotta ask where is this all headed? Is there a final destination? QB playable maps with AI plans? Take the stock Berlin scenarios and revamp with your stuff? New scenarios? I have found 4 old ASL scenarios based in Berlin in April 1945 that somebody might translate into CMRT scenarios using your stuff. I can post the scenario cards here if desired.
  10. If you are happy with it now then no big deal... But definitely you can change things in Blender with the same bmp. The bmp stays as is. You use Blender to change the model faces over in that last section and how it UV maps back to the bmp. IN FACT, I am thinking it must be an error with face "normals" pointed the wrong way if it is showing reversed as a mirror.
  11. It's a nightmare, i'm going to change the number to 88 or 888 so it won't be affected. Cheers In Blender, you can maybe try to "flip the normal" on those specific faces in the tram model and get the 112 back in proper image...
  12. It is that time of the year when everything seems to be called Pumpkin Spice this or Pumpkin Spice that... BARB PUMPKIN SPICE VILLAGE DEFENSE ^Udachnyy Vystrel, Soviet Union. Fall 1941. Afternoon in a seemingly quiet Russian village. Light wind from the north. ^You are Untersturmfuhrer Otto Grossenkeister and lead the 1st platoon of 5th Company in the II Battalion of SS Grenadier Regiment Deutschland of SS Division Reich. Attached to your company is a 50mm mortar and an HMG34. Your ammo supply is severely depleted. ^Battalion reports that several small groups of Red Army stragglers are passing through headed eastward. ^Defend the village while you await resupply. ^You have to hold on for 30-40 minutes. Points are awarded for destroying enemy units and occupying several key areas in the village. The new scenario file is in the below overall folder link along with the mods folders... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yoptddfhbnym47w/AAC6dl5WOcTGGxN2jm3CuqRAa?dl=0
  13. Back years ago, me and a few other folks messed around with a concept called CMPzC. A guy named noob created the basic concept with rules to take various CM titles and fasten them to the operational layer of John Tiller's Panzer Campaigns. I and a few others did actually muster up players and get a few of these campaigns off the ground. I did one using CMBN during Market-Garden around Valkenswaard near the River Dommel. Another was CMFI down near Sicily. Another was with CMRT in Hungary. Maybe there were others but those 3 I was involved with. In the various game forums you can search CMPzC and see the threads for the 2 sides and many AAR's and screenshots. The names of the fine folks who participated and ran it will then be evident. I don't recall all the names nor am I saying "I" ran it ALL. I just can't remember. I THINK it was fairly enjoyable but it took a LOT of work and time. My only advice and just IMHO...smaller is easier/better.
  14. Here is a really cool Budapest map resource for anybody thinking of making Budapest siege maps... It has 1937 plans of the city to use as a starting point in CM map editor. https://www.hungaricana.hu/en/budapest-idogep/terkep/ I am now slowly working on a 600m x 600m map in the Buda side of the city, the Szent Janos Hospital - Varosmajor Park area. It will support a small set of scenarios I am working on <<with mods>>.
  15. According to the CMRT Fire & Rubble pdf manual (in the main folder if you want to check it out upon occasion), page 15 says... Panzer IIIM (late) Later Panzer III variants were equipped with longer-barreled KwK39 L/60s, added up to 57 mm of armor to the turret and spaced armor on the superstructure front and gun mantlet. Available beginning............January 1945 (Germany region only) Formations equipped........ Panzer company (ad hoc)
  16. An old video of 1942 trench experiments at Bir Hakeim... I remember that the MMG or HMG didn't like this modified trench.
  17. In the Berlin photos it seems a few tall lamp posts or streetlights are still standing. Here is my Blender modified lamp post made extra tall for city boulevard use (...here in Buda, Hungary). I made it an extra "rock" flavor object. Change that and the modtag as you desire. Grab it if you want it. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zh0ycpjmb5j7b5r/AADDd9bWrOC3SV-gfDq13wKxa?dl=0 I thought I also made one that was horizontal as a "junk" flavor object but can't seem to find it. @Lucky_Strike TIP(?): In the above Blender modified flavor object you can see a trick I came to use to help things show up properly in the CM world. I might make something modified from an existing mdr or an outside freeware 3D model. Take a CM rock and plop it in with the new item BUT THEN make a transparent rock bmp. The rock being there seems to "calm down" the new model and have it show at proper elevation.
  18. prototype of Kiraly SMG, a few more tweaks here and there.
  19. All my old stuff was lost, so I restarted from what existed as a hybrid of somebody grabbing what I had done back in 2015. Juju still had what he did for me for UI images and sent it to me. I finally sat down and cranked through the voice file renaming using a bulk renamer utility. etc etc Still making some related mods in Blender. Trying to make a Kiraly SMG.
  20. coming soon CMRT FESTUNG BUDAPEST UNCLES AND PUPS ^ Buda, Hungary. 1 January 1945. By 26 December 1944, Soviet forces were finally able to complete the outer encirclement of Budapest when lead units of the 18th Tank Corps linked up with forward elements of the 6th Guards Tank Army northwest of the city near Estergom. Initial penetrations by Soviet reconnaissance elements toward the heart of the Axis defenses, the Vasbegy area, were made from northwest of the Buda side of the city. These first attacks were stopped near the new St. Janos Hospital on Christmas Day by a combined force of squads from the Hungarian University Assault Battalion and the city gendarmes. Beginning on 30 December, units of the Soviet 108th Guards Rifle Division's 311th Guards Rifle Regiment, supported by SU-76Ms from the 1897th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment launched a series of attacks from the area around the hospital in an effort to dislodge the Axis defenders from the Varosmajor. ^ You are a Captain in the 311th Guards Rifle Regiment. Your force is a company of infantry paired with 5 self- propelled guns. ^ The Axis force is most likely a Hungarian infantry unit dug in on their own soil and supported by heavy weapons. ^ Press forward to take the Cogwheel Railway embankment and the rail station. ^ You have 15-20 minutes to achieve your mission. Points are awarded for destroying enemy units and getting to several touch objectives as well as holding them from enemy counterattack. Note: this is my translation from an existing ASL scenario. It will also be playable as axis vs AI. The mod makes the Germans look and sound like Hungarians.
  21. no worry sir, you are doing the Lord's work! here is no worry at all
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