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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Thanks Karl... welcome aboard. In my signature below is a dropbox link to my goody box. I have all kinds of stuff. Maybe not all that you mentioned but some variety. Finn Mod has 2 small scenarios to try. Continuation war timeframe. Also some Barbarossa scenarios. Romanian mod. Italy Mod. Enjoy yourself I hope. If you run into snags, just holler to me.
  2. Did you do the UI stuff too? little image of weapon?
  3. I guess nobody wanted any Italian action on the ost front...or the average CM player doesn't want my half-ass version with obvious limitations. Moan and groan time: What fries my onions is that BFC could fart this out in a few days to make CMRT code changes to add in a 3rd nation. The graphics/3D/TOE/OOB to support it all mostly exist. I always guess/suspect/know Charles obviously has a full time job somewhere else and his efforts for CM new stuff are focused to like the barest allotment of his available time. Nobody else probably has permission or the knowledge to go in and make the changes. If Charles slips on a bar of soap, we are dead in the water. Steve is 24/7 working on his PhD in 2022 Ukraine-RF War, book deal, media consult, future DoD contracts and sincere best wishes on all that BUT damn I wish we'd see some surprise CMRT or CMFI module for the #EarlyWarOrphans. Ugggh secure from moan and groan
  4. You're welcome. Just ask if you run into any snags. I recall there are 2 sets of MP40 mdr files. I think MP40 and MP-40. Odd. Just do both.
  5. @Vacillator Hey Tim, yeah, please try them. 2 small scenarios with some mods. I had watched a Finn movie TaliInhintala or something like that and it inspired me to resurrect my old Finn mod and also @Suchy helped me too with some vehicles and better done uniforms. @WimO thanks for adding stuff to it. @dragonwynn made a campaign too but I am not sure it uses the latest mods but somebody could rewrite it.
  6. Yes, it is possible. Standby... You just go to my goodybox and see the CMRT F&R files and find the weapons mdr for MP40 and MP44. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u892pa6drylwleh/AAD1Yoyjt06lOqc5uY8d5-_aa?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vniqbh1ykwweqpx/AAC7KyVLFi3BEpeDRX-kyZG4a?dl=0 you will make a copy of the STG44 mdr files and then rename using the MP40 file names. Add your desired modtag. Put in your z. You can also do the same with UI files so the UI shows STG44 You can't do anything about ammo mismatch.
  7. With his 5 o'clock shadow? That exudes a Corporal Klinger M*A*S*H vibe and total non-woody... I think he is US from the 1776 in his forum name so it could be his girlfriend, hopefully a hot chick talking in a good military jargon US accent with nice outfits. She could have just a tight green t-shirt and ballcap. My idea: Frame the video so "C M Sally" is always there in one edge of the screen showing upper half of her body and face for the "view" and then the screen of CM action is superimposed to her left and she always has eye contact to the audience and makes comments and says funny things but not in a ditzy way. She also has one of those e-pens to make circles and arrows that show on the CM side to emphasize things.
  8. If somehow you could make it like little TikTok shorts with a nice cleavagey type bouncy girl (I am old so I think Suzanne Sommers from Three's Company, but there are newer versions I am told ) then people would be more apt to click on it and watch it and you'd get maybe the promotional credit as ads pop up(?). But my thoughts are if someone is indeed tight on funds to buy an older cruder game then maybe they'd NOT want or be able to "pay" for tutorials but instead come to the CMX1 forum and ask for free tactical advice and all the guys will offer advice for 0.00 which is your competition. Unless you get that cleavage in there! Best wishes to you and your project.
  9. I double-checked and I stand corrected. You are right. The partisans do NOT use the filenames with partisan skins but use regular soviet soldiers skins. Good spot sir. The damn partisan skin files are named differently too. I tried changing the file name and that did not seem to work. soviet-soldier-skin (uses dash) soviet_skin_partisan (uses underscore?) I tried soviet-skin-partisan and soviet-partisan-skin but no joy. EDIT: the reason I felt assured they WERE used was last year a team did a Warsaw uprising mod and we had younger looking faces and I THOUGHT for sure I saw them in our modtagged scenarios. But I am old and my eyes and brain have failed me I guess.
  10. If BFC considers brz folder/file "issues" a bug that they want to know about, there are many repeated oddities in there across many of the games. If you spend time wandering around in them, you will see: Half finished art, misspelled file names, textures with uv map polygon layers showing, file names that don't match the system used, etc. With that all said, in this case those soviet_skin_partisan files ARE used when you purchase partisans.
  11. Good idea Greg. Like a Doolittle raid to bolster Ukrainian morale (extra bolstered?) and cause another shock to the enemy. "Call me Vladimir Meyer if they ever bomb Moscow!" Maybe UAF are already working out the plan. "I think I will stay home for this year's Victory parade because of...Covid...yes! Covid. Not UAV concerns..." An odd observation, because I am odd I guess, is that nobody is blowing themselves up. No suicide bombers on either side. Kind of refreshing. Although definitely lots of unknown and never might be known Alamo sacrifices for the yellow-blue teams. Yesterday my wife and I had a FedEx truck pass us. It went by in the left lane and I noticed a smashed passenger side window up by the cab. Then my wife noted how dirty it was. Hmmmm. I wonder how long we might wait to see Russians avenge their coming loss by coming to the US to blow up Americans. Hollywood movie plot I think already done. Slava Ukraine
  12. THANKS TIM! Can you try this? Play with yourself (ooh err) hotseat as both sides. Use the immobilized IS-1, buttoned up. Have German infantry or Kubelwagens be at 12 o'clock and at 6 o'clock. Simultaneous approach. See if the rear MG opens up?
  13. Tim, Please try this experiment if you get a chance...I am at work! 1. Purchase an immobilized IS-1 2. plop it on the map 3. set a "target light command" aimed BEHIND the tank so it might force it to use the rear mounted turret MG?
  14. I have tried to see if it ever fires... In CMRT, does the IS-1 ever use its rear mounted turret MG? I am trying to make a KV-1 mod...
  15. My new analogy for CM demos not being the latest engine... Go and enjoy a blind date with this nice girl. It is a version of her before she learned exactly how to pour the perfect beer and before she perfected a "few other skills"...but it is her and she is a nice girl and you will know if you 2 "click" and desire to go on a second date.
  16. Good job Wang. Translation was fine. You had a good "whim"...! Please have more. Thank you sir.
  17. @Philipthe3rd There you go buddy! Crabby Patty served hot and juicy in Bikini Bottom.
  18. Ukraine Vodka. From the Foster Brooks School of International Diplomacy...every drop of support helps. And the new grain crop must be planted soon! I also remembered that my old Grandpa Alex was from Eastern Hungary "Szurte in Ung County" but after 1945 Stalin said that is now Western Ukraine town of Syurte so maybe I have some relatives over there? Slava Ukraini
  19. @Erwin Tony, can you help this guy out? If anyone can, it is probably you. Der OberModdenfuhrer.
  20. From my experience you are stuck with your choices in the map editor. @Falaise did a 22.5 degree road mod but it impacts you for the other angles I think. You should do a forum search for posts by stock scenario writer @George MC and you can see his advice where you often must adjust source map north (rotate your overlay cw or ccw) a bit to try and have the map editor offerings 0/45/90 hit a "sweet spot" for your CM map to avoid zig-zag roads. Happy Mapping!
  21. 101 on the homepage? I don't understand. Demo should be free if downloaded from BFC website! https://www.battlefront.com/battle-for-normandy/cmbn-base-game/?tab=demo MAC OS CMBN Demo download address: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/d-s2f77e30cd1e4f6da Yes, the CMBN Demo is still game engine THREE. BFC will not put any man-hours towards updating it most likely. Some people have got all freaked out when I advised to play the demo. It aint the latest game engine! But look closely at what you get with game engine four and then see if you really think it is a major difference to NOT try the demo. I think playing the demo is a good piece of advice. GAME ENGINE 4 FEATURES Upgrade 4 offers a host of improvements and enhancements for people who own the original Base Game (Engine 3). All new purchases are Engine 4. If you are unsure what version you have, launch your game and look in the lower right hand corner for version information. GAMEPLAY Hulldown Command  Vehicles have access to a new movement command called Hulldown. This command allows a vehicle to move forward until only the turret is exposed to a specified target, and then the vehicle stops moving. Improved Infantry Spacing  Infantry on the move will now respect each other's personal space! While moving, squad and team members will maintain a few meters of distance between each other. Soldiers will also spread out laterally on the move when possible (some terrain may necessitate column movement, such as paths through rough terrain). Peeking Around Building Corners  Infantry units positioned adjacent to building corners will now automatically post some soldiers at the corners to observe and fire around the obstacle AI Proactively Avoids Artillery Fire  The TacAI that runs soldiers and vehicles will more proactively, and reactively, attempt to avoid incoming HE fire. Two classic examples are that the AI will attempt to avoid being wiped out by incoming artillery barrages and direct tank fire. Combine Squad Command  Combine Squad is a new Admin Command for squads. This command is useful for squads that have suffered major losses and need to consolidate their remaining personnel into larger teams! USER INTERFACE Expanded Waypoint Description Text  More special unit commands (such as Hide and Deploy Weapon) will now be marked with white floating text above the waypoint they are assigned to. Campaign Briefing Anytime  The overall campaign briefing is now viewable during any campaign mission by going to the Menu Options Panel and selecting "Campaign". Forward Observer Kill Credits  Finally, time to see how effective your artillery really is! Forward Observers now get credit on the AAR for any casualties caused by off-map fire missions called in by them. Screen Edge Pan Toggle  Tired of trying to fine tune a camera position and then messing it up by touching the edge of the screen with the cursor? Using the hotkey ALT-E you can disable screen-edge camera panning. EDITOR AI Area Fire Orders  The AI can now be scripted to use Area Fire! Each AI Order can have a target zone designated. AI Facing Orders  Each AI Order can be given a location for it to Face towards. AI Withdraw Orders  AI Groups can be ordered to Withdraw towards their movement destination. Vehicles will move in Reverse to the destination, while infantry will leapfrog back while turning around to face behind them. Campaign Resupply  Personnel replacements and ammunition levels are now more uniformly resupplied across all core units between campaign missions, as opposed to the all-or-nothing check on each unit done previously. 3D Flavor Object Clone Tool  Flavor objects can be cloned within the 3D view without having to go back to the 2D view. 32 Order AI Plans  Each AI Group can now have up to 32 orders, increased from 16. Stream Terrain  Small streams can now be placed on battle maps. GRAPHICS New Small Arms Effects  Tracer and muzzle flash special effects received a visual boost.
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