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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I know what you mean. The generic hex maps are definitely not helpful or EVEN DESIRED to make a CM map. Yuk yuk yuk. Interestingly, the historic modules actually take reality and THEN have to make it work in the ASL hex map system. But once you are talking a reality based CM map, then you can use GoogleEarth and old U.S. Army or Wehrmacht tactical maps or whatever you can find. This is what I am doing for that Budapest ASL scenario translation... Thank you for your efforts and I speak for everybody in saying "We look forward to seeing it and playing it!"
  2. Thank you sir. I would love a CMFB scenario maybe depicting the January 1945 Operation Nordwind around Hatten, France? There IS an ASL historical module to squeeze ASL scenario lemons to make CM scenario lemonade as I like to say... https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/254682/hatten-flames-asl-historical-module-9 EDIT: of course, please create in ANY manner you want but I do offer the link below that shows MANY "ASL Scenario Cards" for several scenarios of the above ASL module, "Hatten in Flames" They are the ones with HF in the scenario title. The scenario cards are 1 page "recipes" of the units and situation and in my opinion can really help make a CM scenario. https://mmpgamers.com/support/asl/ASLEU2022_scenarios.pdf
  3. coming soon CMRT FESTUNG BUDAPEST UNCLES AND PUPS ^ Buda, Hungary. 1 January 1945. By 26 December 1944, Soviet forces were finally able to complete the outer encirclement of Budapest when lead units of the 18th Tank Corps linked up with forward elements of the 6th Guards Tank Army northwest of the city near Estergom. Initial penetrations by Soviet reconnaissance elements toward the heart of the Axis defenses, the Vasbegy area, were made from northwest of the Buda side of the city. These first attacks were stopped near the new St. Janos Hospital on Christmas Day by a combined force of squads from the Hungarian University Assault Battalion and the city gendarmes. Beginning on 30 December, units of the Soviet 108th Guards Rifle Division's 311th Guards Rifle Regiment, supported by SU-76Ms from the 1897th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment launched a series of attacks from the area around the hospital in an effort to dislodge the Axis defenders from the Varosmajor. ^ You are a Captain in the 311th Guards Rifle Regiment. Your force is a company of infantry paired with 5 self- propelled guns. ^ The Axis force is most likely a Hungarian infantry unit dug in on their own soil and supported by heavy weapons. ^ Press forward to take the Cogwheel Railway embankment and the rail station. ^ You have 10-15 minutes to achieve your mission. Points are awarded for destroying enemy units and getting to several touch objectives as well as holding them from enemy counterattack. Note: this is my translation from an existing ASL scenario
  4. CMFI AFRIKA AND HERE WE DAMN WELL STAY 14 miles West of EL ALAMEIN, EGYPT, 27 October 1942: In an ill-organized night attack during Operation Lightfoot, a battalion of the British 7th Motor Brigade had thrust forward to seize a German-held position codenamed "Snipe". However, unaware that their maps were faulty, the men and carriers had advanced along an incorrect compass bearing, halting around midnight in a shallow, sandy area a half mile south of Snipe. There they dug in for all-around defence, while with great difficulty their 6-pounder AT guns were brought up through the soft sand. When asked if they were actually on their objective, the battalion commander, Lt-Colonel V.B. Turner replied, "God knows. But here we are and here we damned well stay." Just before dawn, as nearby Axis tank formations, unaware of the British presence, began moving to their battle positions for the coming day, they were met suddenly by the sharp crack of 6pdrs at point-blank range. Throughout the morning and afternoon, cut off from their own lines, the Tommies withstood continuous artillery and direct fire (several times from friendly units), and repelled successive armored attacks. The battalion had unwittingly halted directly in the path of a major Axis counterattack. It was incurring heavy losses, especially among the precious 6pdrs and their crews; ammunition for the few surviving guns was critically low. And now a company of panzers was forming up for yet another attack - possibly the one that would finally overwhelm the exhausted defenders. PLAY AS EITHER SIDE VS THE AI https://www.dropbox.com/sh/icm3a2cnnfebzv5/AABxI54rnRxig2gmgMQcCuc2a?dl=0
  5. damn, maybe I am a bit groggy (RN joke?) Here is a dropbox link to grab the "Cutting Out.." scenario and the mods. I have played it several times and I enjoyed it. I am playing lots of VASL and then a CM counterpart scenario. Sometimes it is viceversa. It is very enjoyable to see the scenario presented in 2 different manners AND PLAY IT. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dtmste5ecgfrr88/AABgD7hDIrXAvwAj4AaLS_7Ta?dl=0
  6. yeah, I had made a change and pasted the new scenario there in the goody box and then tried to update the link in that other post. I must have failed to do that properly. EDIT: I added a few vehicle mods into the mod folder linked up above for "Cutting Out..."
  7. @MOS:96B2P i PULLED IT ASIDE SEPARATELY SO YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT Karl. Best wishes. Change my modtags to whatever you need. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vbdkz0ss2245a00/AADGY23qwIuNf-fgZqB_DdROa?dl=0
  8. Some mods are not modtagged because they will be loaded BEFORE a scenario even loads. If they are in your z, they ALWAYS will load as the game loads and are not scenario specific. This can be music you hear during start up, some UI stuff, also the names of soldiers text files and the unit script files. One of these is a force selection mod I made that has a CMAK2 British 8th Army infantry vibe and an early DAK infantry vibe. SEE IMAGES BELOW. Of course this is mouse sensitive as you scroll over the button it changes and then when you click on it, it also changes. If you plan to play one of my Afrika scenarios, you might desire to pop this into your z BEFORE you start CMFI. Then when NOT desired to be seen, you pluck it out of your CMFI z folder and stash somewhere outside CMFI z folder. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fgewjdki460dx6m/AAC5BN-JWJ8LUmxLZ24rFecAa?dl=0
  9. Good news! We've got them already. Thanks to early tests and success by Tempestzzzz and enhanced by Kieme. https://community.battlefront.com/topic/105827-proposed-mosquesmall-building-for-fortress-italy-tunisia/?do=findComment&comment=1389167
  10. Oh yes, I would love to scoop that up for use! Thanks for your suggestions. I did watch a video of you playing CMFI and it had older mods where I used a c instead of a k I THINK. [africa] and now I use [afrika] to help spot the older mods. The Stuart was an early attempt at a "Caunter paint scheme" and it reminded me of long ago when I knew a bit less for image modding. My trouble is I have a ton of other modtags going on such as the below... [folgore] specialty mod to try and represent Italian parachute troops, helmet mod and some other stuff [wadi] specialty use terrain and road mod to show muddy tracks through a wet wadi [greif] Rommel's halftrack [aussie] specialty ui for Australian slouch hat BEFORE Australians were added to CMFI [busharty] specialty mod that gave Australians some Italian guns at Tobruk [aussietank] specialty mod that gave Australians some Italian tanks with Kangaroo insignia [kasserine] specialty mod for Kasserine area scenarios [saltmarsh] speciality mod for some Tunisia scenarios [birakroma] mod to bring a mosque into CMFI [valentine] mod to turn Stuart into Valentine [concrete] terrain mod for some emplacements at Tobruk [italiangermans] mod to make German troops appear Italian for certain scenarios [afrikaopelkadet] this brought the CMRT opel Kadet into CMAK2 in place of the US jeep [sangar] trying to mod the sandbag thingy to look like stacked rocks a la sangars [brazilaustralians] mod to bring in Brazil 37mm and crew but look like 1941 Aussies [kopz4] Blender modded wreck of KO pz4 as a sequence of junk flavor objects [re sunhelmet] pitbull's Italian Army desert uniforms with my sun helmet Blender mod [captured] a speciality mod that allows axis use of captured British vehicles with crosses [sbeitla] some roadsign mods and other foliage mods for Tunisia [pav] speciality mod for a particular desert Italian army unit uniform style [tracks] a road mod to try and show tank tracks behind a vehicle for looks [m1340] Blender mod to make an Italian tank [birhakeim] specialty mod to try and show French in North Africa Anyway, these are all specialty mod cases based on my writing a scenario that tries to be a certain situation. One thing I did do recently is just try to roll these folders up into my own brz files. Just to make it seem simpler for the player wanting to give my scenarios a try. I goofed up when I also rolled up with the modtagged files was the non-modtagged cases and had a blanket undesired changes to soldier names. I figured that out eventually. One thing I need to do is go back and add a designer's notes to all my Afrika scenarios that specify the modtags being used and what they do. For my own tracking and also so the player can check if they have those mods loaded in their CMFI z folder.
  11. alright lads, have at her CMFI AFRICA CUTTING OUT A STRONGPOINT mods for the new scenario here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dtmste5ecgfrr88/AABgD7hDIrXAvwAj4AaLS_7Ta?dl=0 the scenario itself https://www.dropbox.com/s/vy8jj4tllchb5z6/AFRIKA Cutting Out a Strongpoint.btt?dl=0 the briefing again, with a few typos fixed... ^ 1330, 19 December 1941. 7 miles south of Halfaya Pass, Egypt. During the tedious days of confining the Axis to their ring of frontier fortresses around Halfaya, HQ 4th South African Infantry Brigade authorized a small operation to eliminate an enemy forward position. This strongpoint, manned by mostly Italian troops of the 55th Savona Divisione, was making a nuisance of itself by firing on Allied reconnaissance patrols. B Company, 2nd Royal Durban Light Infantry was assigned to the task of "removing" it. The sky is a haze of dry desert dust kicked up by a light wind from the south. It is hot. ^ You are Lieutenant Nettlestock of B Coy, 2RDLI. You have your rifle platoon. A forward observer is assigned with a limited number of mortar bomb at his disposal. Brigade has promised they will will send light support vehicles from both the 2nd South African AT Regiment and the 6th South African Armoured Car Regiment to support your attack. They should arrive 5 to 10 minutes after your attack starts. ^ Your mission is to assault and clear out the strongpoint. ^ The Italians and some Germans are in trenches surrounded by a belt of anti-tank mines. Reports indicate they have several heavy weapons dug-in and also have artillery support. The axis have mechanized forces only a few miles away which may respond to assist the strongpoint's defence. ^ You are observing that the terrain is mostly flat but some depressions known as "deirs" may offer concealment as you make your approach. You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. The axis trench position is the terrain objective worth 150 points. Both sides also get points for the destruction of enemy vehicles.
  12. Some mods are not modtagged because they will be loaded BEFORE a scenario even loads. If they are in your z, they ALWAYS will load as the game loads and are not scenario specific. This can be music you hear during start up, some UI stuff, also the names of soldiers text files and the unit script files. One of these is a force selection mod I made that has a CMAK2 British 8th Army infantry vibe and an early DAK infantry vibe. If you plan to play one of my Afrika scenarios, you might desire to pop this into your z BEFORE you start CMFI. Then when NOT desired to be seen, you pluck it out of your CMFI z folder and stash somewhere outside CMFI z folder. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fgewjdki460dx6m/AAC5BN-JWJ8LUmxLZ24rFecAa?dl=0
  13. I need to basically rip open my CMFI CMAK2 Afrika mods to analyze them and make sure they work. This thread will be that. Done in front of others that are helping me @Vacillator and in front of smart(er) people than me that might have time to drop by and give advice to help consolidate stuff from their own experience with a TON of mods. @37mm
  14. You are very welcome Warren. I aint perfect, my mods and scenarios are not perfect, you know that. But I keep trying to produce content. I must admit that it is some type of addiction and obsession. I have some work to do to straighten out the Goody Box CMFI Afrika mods and @Vacillator is assisting me to get all the CMFI CMAK2 Afrika "stuff" up to bootie. Scenarios and mods. Once it is there, people can criticize it, review it, whatever. But at least it is "there" for the future.
  15. I also love some Afrika action... CMAK2 scenarios...here is the link direct to the CMAK2 aisle in my Goody Box. A dozen or so scenarios and mods. Worth every penny you pay. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/icm3a2cnnfebzv5/AABxI54rnRxig2gmgMQcCuc2a?dl=0
  16. coming soon CMFI AFRICA CUTTING OUT A STRONGPOINT ^ 1330, 19 December 1941. 7 miles south of Halfaya Pass, Egypt. During the tedious days of confining the Axis to their ring of frontier fortresses around Halfaya, HQ 4th South African Infantry Brigade authorized a small operation to eliminate an enemy forward position. This strongpoint, manned by mostly Italian troops of the 55th Savona Divisione, was making a nuisance of itself by firing on Allied reconnaissance patrols. B Company, 2nd Royal Durban Light Infantry was assigned to the task of "removing" it. The sky is a haze of dry desert dust kicked up by a light wind from the south. It is hot. ^ You are Lieutenant Nettlestock of B Coy, 2RDLI. You have your rifle platoon. A forward observer is assigned with a limited number of mortar bomb at his disposal. Brigade has promised they will will send light support vehicles from both the 2nd South African AT Regiment and the 6th South African Armoured Car Regiment to support your attack. They should arrive 5 to 10 minutes after your attack starts. ^ Your mission is to assault and clear out the strongpoint. ^ The Italians and some Germans are in trenches surrounded by a belt of anti-tank mines. Reports indicate they have several heavy weapons dug-in and also have artillery support. The axis have mechanized forces only a few miles away which may respond to assist the strongpoint's defence. ^ You are observing that the terrain is mostly flat but some depressions known as "deirs" may offer concealment as you make your approach. You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. The tench position is the terrain objective worth 150 points. Both sides also get points for the destruction of enemy vehicles.
  17. Thanks for the reminder on where it came from. Now I remember. This was my gentle expression of frustration toward the many wonderful nimrods here in the forums.
  18. https://www.dropbox.com/s/owmmjickscz63ol/A Bridge too Far-ski.btt?dl=0 CMRT "A Bridge Too Far-ski" (FR module is required) ^ Near Warsaw, September 1944. ^ You are Major Grabnakov, a veteran Red Army cavalry officer. You were severely wounded in combat during the Bagration Offensive. Now you command a scratch detachment of vehicles and reconnaissance troops... ^ A small force of German Fallschirmjagers have landed by glider to take and hold a key bridge over the Vistula while awaiting a panzer kampfgruppe coming from the west. ^ Attack with your available forces to bust through the enemy and take positions to block the panzer force. ^ You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. Points are given for destroying the enemy but mostly for exiting your force off the west map edge. This symbolizes you have been able to block the enemy reinforcements somehow. Good luck Comrade!
  19. Coming soon...... CMRT "A Bridge Too Far-ski" ^ Near Warsaw, September 1944. ^ You are Major Grabnakov, a veteran Red Army cavalry officer. You were severely wounded in combat during the Bagration Offensive. Now you command a scratch detachment of vehicles and reconnaissance troops... ^ A small force of German Fallschirmjagers have landed by glider to take and hold a key bridge over the Vistula while awaiting a panzer kampfgruppe coming from the west. ^ Attack with your available forces to bust through the enemy and take positions to block the panzer force. ^ You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. Points are given for destroying the enemy but mostly for exiting your force off the west map edge. This symbolizes you have been able to block the enemy reinforcements somehow. Good luck Comrade!
  20. Before anybody attacks me, yes, I know the demos are not the latest version of the titles. Try the demos maybe? Have some fun before you lay your money down. https://www.battlefront.com/final-blitzkrieg/cmfb-base-game/?tab=demo https://www.battlefront.com/red-thunder/cmrt-base-game/?tab=demo
  21. You should give it another try. I am open to feedback (I will PM you in response to your comments Tony) but what I want for this thread, what is the best for the intentions of the "Christmas Scenario Festival" or whatever I want to call it, is anybody wanting to critique a scenario can send feedback by PM to the various scenario authors directly. That is the kindest and usually easiest way to have 2 people discuss the feedback. Often the feedback can be mistaken or taken the wrong way and IF in public forum it just spirals out crazy and everybody goes nuts. Thanks everybody.
  22. In a month or so I will send you a PM. The 80th anniversary is just around the corner...I want to try to do some CMFI scenarios..
  23. No way, keep the trophy please. oh, that is ok. don't hang your head down at all, you did awesome. please say you are young AND smart so I don't feel old AND dumb... Once again, best wishes to you and a sincere thanks for your good efforts and presentation here in the forum and actual accomplishment. I might use it down in the Kasserine Pass area of Tunisia.
  24. @Butschi I am asking this question, like a non-chef asking a chef how he made something to eat. I THOUGHT these btt files were encrypted and we couldn't read the elevation data or even find where it is? With the chef analogy, I may be beyond explaining this to. I admit it. If you must, just disregard the below question and stay on task sir. With your knowledge of the btt file , can we see where panzerfausts are 1 or 2 randomly in a squad and somehow overwrite them to always be zero? I am an "early war" guy and this is an issue to making early war scenarios that don't all of a sudden have panzerfausts.
  25. The only Python script I know is Monty Python. Thank you for doing your "black magic voodoo" sir. For future scenarios on a historical location, if the elevation data can be fed into your program, then it saves folks so much time & hassle in the CM map editor. One caveat being that sometimes a scenario/map designer kinda takes poetic license to change things based on limits of CM map editor road options and the like.
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