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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yes, that will work. There is actually a 2.11 patch too.
  2. Thanks - I'm getting caught up... Great stuff as usual. I hope you can figure out the cropping. I take it from this comment you are not using my method of using ffmpeg.
  3. That would be an awsome add to the TacAI. At the moment that is just a feature ask and my understanding is a pretty big one too. For right now you need to do a bit of micro managing - maybe someday.
  4. Excellent capture of a cool happening. Just a little feedback: The gif frame rate seems high. PS. I'm still out of up-votes otherwise I'd be giving you one.
  5. LOL check Wait, is that a rule for fighting or for kids having their girl friend / boy friend over to visit check, check LOL awesome Bloody hell yeah must remember that one.
  6. I think that is correct. AA fire in CW is glorious - if you have the right AA assets on map. Testing it was a total blast.
  7. I'm just starting this and did not play test it so my comments are based on my pre game planning and thoughts. So, not really spoilers since nothing has happened yet... I am planning to not rush even the initial force down any path and will likely wait for reinforcements before actually making a real move. In the mean time I'm going to use the recon units and have them pick their way through trees to get to good vantage points where I think I might even dismount the crews to have a look see. I am using the amphibious ability to have some infantry presence on my left as well. I am hoping I can find some enemy over-watch positions to give my main force something to blast away at once they do make a move. We shall see if that will work.
  8. LOL thanks. I don't think the forum system counts yours as 10 for each like though. You'll need to put in a feature request for that.
  9. Wow guys. I'm out of likes for the day but there are lot more great screen captures - keep them coming!
  10. I am glad you like it. The game itself can sort in various ways too actually.
  11. There is no timeline for it but BFC are working on it. It's never long after the full installer comes out but it's usually not the same day either. Hanging in there.
  12. They have not produced the patch install file yet. Currently there is only the full installer available. They'll get there...
  13. That's for sure. I read over every informative and precise discussion thread that @Battlefront.com and @akd have. Mostly my eyes glaze over but I am always impressed at what they accomplish with regards to the TO&E. And thankful.
  14. Nice one. I watched it start out looking good. The tank was facing the armour ? contact then choose to target the spotted infantry but before engaging got a solid contact on the armour that it then engaged and hit. Then a the 36s mark things go off the rails with two armour targets to choose from. Thanks for capturing a nice example with game save...
  15. Point to point for what unit? By that I mean what height should the check be made at? I get that the current tool doesn't always use the height of the final position but mixing the heights of infantry and tanks would not make things more intuitive. I honestly don't see what you are suggesting as more intuitive at all. The current system is very convenient and quite intuitive.
  16. No, you cannot select them to fire directly. They will get used when you target smoke. I have no idea when they get fired. No, fire does not spread. Yes, sort of. WP rounds are supposed to cause more suppression but it's not a chemical weapon cloud
  17. LOL I spotted that at just past the last minute. Steve figured it would be a while before anyone noticed. Predicted it would the in the first hour. Took a little longer than I thought. At any rate the bug is in the bug tracker already.
  18. You should have an email with details. Check your spam folder. If not reach out to support.
  19. LOL This is great news. I love how every time people fail to read or fail to understand the part about keeping things quiet. It's even right there in bold Important.
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