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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. In case you guys missed it - this is hilarious!
  2. Cover ars are for when you don't want guns to fire. Do you want your AT gun to fire on tanks? I'm betting you do. Don't place a cover arc on an AT gun. Hiding reduces your chance of spotting. Do you want your AT guns to miss tanks that come into its LOF? I'm betting you do not. Don't hide your AT guns. The thing to keep in mind for keeping AT guns alive is keyhole positions, good concealment and some cover. Position your gun so that it has LOF over a fairly small but important area. Make sure they are not out in the open. Having their HQ in a location that they can see more is a good thing. Having your AT guns know what's coming before they enter their LOF is a good thing(TM). Often not as well as above.
  3. Funny I found season 1 really good and started loosing interest in season 2 and never finished watching season 3.
  4. Well I am supposed to be doing something else so I was feeling a little guilty. In the past I have posted Youtube videos but I find that a heavy process. I feel I have to create title slides, text overlays and use a video editor to trim off the start and end etc. etc. But I have some videos on my HD that I'll probably never do that for. @Bil Hardenberger's Beta AAR got me thinking about it again. I already have ffmpeg on my HD for conversion work so I did a quick check and found it can extract frames and create gifs. Cool. For the curious the command that does the work is: ffmpeg -ss %starts% -t %capture% -i %filename% -vf "fps=10,crop=%cropparms%,scale=-1:%size%:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse=dither=bayer:bayer_scale=5:diff_mode=rectangle" -loop 0 "%outfilename%" It is inside a script with built in parameter checking so as to not hurt my brain in two weeks when I try this again Replace: %starts% with the number of seconds to skip (decimals are allowed) %capture% the number of seconds to capture (again decimals are allowed) %filename% the input video file name %cropparms% the cropping you want (or remove crop=%cropparms%,) for no cropping. I use w=1815:h=880:x=0:y=32 for my 1080p captures and w=2474:h=1208:x=0:y=32 for my 2k captures %size% is the pixel height of the final gif (you cannot remove this one but if you don't want a resize use -1 as the value). The width will be automatically set to preserve the aspect ratio. 720 seems to be a good choice. %outfilename% the name of the resulting .gif file - make sure you include the .gif extension
  5. This has been sitting in my capture folder for over year... This is from a scenario I played long ago which I'm pretty sure I lost but even in loosing, opportunities for small victories present themselves. Here a squad shows that at least one of them has nerves of steel. Thankfully it was the Javelin operator. He maintained his composure while everyone else was ducking for cover and got the shot off With the desired results Afterwards his squad mates renewed their resolve
  6. I spent part of my morning learning how to use ffmpeg to convert a section of an .mp4 video into a .gif. It was wasted time well spent
  7. Playing in the few good men's King of the hill tournament I ran across this heroic tube guy. This is from a red on red battle and it is in the final minute. My opponent tries to run his last running Stug into the objective. I knew he was going to try it so my Shrek team is moving from one building to the next with a pause in the street to meet the threat. First he takes out the Stug. Then he takes out his pistol and goes after the lone surviving crew. He even chases after the guy to get a few more shots in before heading into the building.
  8. LOL the conversation goes something like this: Product owner: "We are releasing the product in April" What the Marketing Department and Customers hear: "We are releasing the product April 1st" What Developers hear: "We are releasing at the end of April"
  9. No that does not happen in CM2. You can dismount passengers before the vehicle moves or issue move orders to passengers so they will disembark and move once the vehicle stops. Those are you two choices.
  10. Is this confirmed true? I know I've heard similar things from veteran players like @Erwin but I know some like Rinaldi really seem to disagree so I'm never sure. Nope. Check out this thread which has an interesting discussion and this response from Steve which sheds light on how things actually work:
  11. I should also let everyone know - again - the site is a little out of date. It is one of my projects to fix that and I even got some help from another forum member but I still have not gotten around to updating it. I have RL work at a new job and several other personal projects on the go that I am giving a higher priority. I'll make sure everyone knows when I do finally get there but it will be a while yet. In the mean time the only thing that is critically wrong is the BFC download links are all dead (repository has been decommissioned) Bootie did move the vast majority over to the scenario depot so use that link to get scenarios. If you find one that you really want but there is only a dead BFC download link you can send me a PM and I can get you a copy while we wait for those missing ones to get identified and added to the Scenario Depot.
  12. Indeed. While the stock scenario flag is not in the main table the Links column does not have a green download icon () for stock scenarios. There can be a blue information icon () but no green download icon. When you click on the details for a campaign the window that opens up has detailed info about the campaign including an indication that it is a stock scenario followed by a campaign decision tree that shows the scenario flow followed by a table of details of those those scenarios.
  13. This is the way TRPs work in game now. Not a bug. It's a design limitation. I don't think it will be one that is on a list of things that are likely to change (mind you I don't make that call so I could be wrong - hey it happened just recently :-).
  14. Indeed. They are super helpful - untill they trick you into picking the wrong word. Spell Checkers are sometimes the most cursed thing I use. Well right after autocorrect on my phone.
  15. It's been a while. Here are a couple of shots from a game from over a year ago: Fighting in someone else's back yard.
  16. Well oops - I'm wrong. My engineer was definitely in harms way from the enemy too. Sorry every body. Thanks @Bulletpoint
  17. I don't think building mods actually effect the game play. However it could cause confusion for players - if the mod shows a door that isn't there for example. The game has not changed how it will play but players may see unexpected things because they were fooled by the mod. I use @Tanks a Lot's (hope that is the same person) buildings in CMBN and have never seen an issue because of the mod - at least not that I am aware of.
  18. In my case I had engineers breach a building / wall combo and I timed it so it would happen just at the end of the turn - a couple of the engineers took a few steps into the building. Then next turn I tried to time the flame thrower to fire into the building through the hole with enough of a pause to let the engineers run out. I failed to get the timing right and one of my guys got caught in the building clearing flames.
  19. That would be cool - for sure. In the mean time theBlitz.club records are public here is a link to CMBN: https://www.theblitz.club/scenarios/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/b-15.htm?action=scenarios&game=153 The club picks a couple of scenarios per month and tries to get a handful of play tests for those scenarios. There is also @Ithikial_AU's CM Record where individuals can record their own battles: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cmbn-other/cm2-ww2-combat-mission-career-record-system/
  20. and they do. Just managed to do it in a CMFI game a few weeks ago.
  21. So, you purchased the engine 4 update for CMFI. If that is correct go to that purchase order and download the full install for your platform and install that. Then you will be up to date in one install and all you will need to do is activate the engine 4 update and CMR2V that you also bought. The activations you already have for the base game and GL will still be there.
  22. I have not experienced this. I have done this on two high quality notebook computers. One I still have and one no longer with us In both cases I never had the game use the integrated card after I told it to use the better GPU.
  23. LOL I didn't notice they were different guests. Yeah, it is new and not very conducive to having a conversation. Ah well.
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