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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. While a mod can alter a few things by changing where the soldier polygons are located this will *NOT* give a lopsided advantage. In a PBEM game one machine calculates the turn results. Mods on that machine could effect the outcome but they will apply to both sides in the same way.
  2. Yep, if you are playing a trusted opponent you can get there yourself using the scenario editor. Check out this post:
  3. It's a side effect of the abstraction use for calling. The caller does not have have to have access to a radio. It is a way of abstracting field telephone networks. In your example is sure feel odd. If they ever increase the fidelity of the calling process then you might see that changed but for now it's as designed.
  4. Thanks I'm glad you like it. I have not given this an update in a while - it probably needs one.
  5. Correct. Pick the combo you want and go with it. I investigated other ways of packaging it but given the shared icons this is the only way to get the look right. I have been playing a lot of small red on red and blue on blue battles over at The Few Good Men site and I noticed that my previous icon mods were falling a bit flat because one side got cool icons and the other side did not. So, when creating the new CMCW icons I did things differently. Each mod contains a full set of red and blue icons for all armies in the game. That means having several versions to allow for the various combinations that someone might want to play. That was easy-ish because I already had red and blue NATO icons and Red Soviet icons. So, theoretically all I needed was a few icons and some scripting (to do the required renaming - I don't do editing the same icon multiple times). It turned into a larger job though because it turns out that the diamond enemy unit shapes for NATO were introduced after this period so I did have to create new red versions. Plus, my Soviet icons had somethings that were appropriate for WW2 but not for modern and some stuff that I think was just not correct. It turned into a bigger project than I expected. I'm tired of the fiddly icon work so this will be it for now but someday I'll likely revisit my other mods. Maybe. I could start with repackaging the modern icons more in line with this method.
  6. And in the modern games you don't want your men near the APS envelope either.
  7. I see your post has generated the usual "the sky is falling", "no it's not" discussion... You did get the right answers sprinkled in there. So, let me summarize, here are the ways you can see what your units can see: Get down to their level and look: With the exception of kneeling and prone soldiers you can get to the level of your units. For soldiers just tap '1' to get to the lowest level. For vehicles I recommend taping '2' and then using our mouse wheel. Normally tall vehicles are one wheel click lower than camera level two and the lowest are three clicks down. Use the target tool: Select the unit and use the target tool to see what they can hit. The UI gives you feedback. No line of sight means you aren't going to see anything there. Reverse slope means you cannot see the ground but if something tall enough appears you have a chance of seeing that. Tanks can also give you the note partial hull down or hull down. Those mean that only occupants of the turret can see that location. Combine the target tool with additional way points: By setting exploratory way points on the map for your unit you can select the way points and then use the target tool to see what they can see once they get to that location. The one draw back for soldiers is that it will use their current stance for the test. So if you have a squad that is walking (all standing) you might find they unable to see what you wanted if once they get there they go prone or kneel. And visa versa. Also remember this game tries to model spotting realistically (there is no "insta spot feature"(tm)) so even if you unit can see a particular area you are not guaranteed to spot enemy units at that location. Your men have to notice them. Give them time at a location before you declare there is nothing out there. This is also a good reasons to position them in a location that has some cover and concealment for that observation period because any enemy will be looking for them too.
  8. LOL that paints quite a picture: your assault failed and you are now drunk, depressed, naked and you lost. :D
  9. That is a question for support. Click the blue new ticket button here: Battlefront Help desk
  10. A point I very much agree with. My initial rant on the face looked like a "why are they producing anything with hexes" rant but that's not really how I feel. My problem was that in all the games presented there was one actual game that didn't use hexes (CM) and one game in development that didn't (Broken Arrow). Amidst a sea of hex based games. Yep!
  11. If you bought Battle for Normandy when it was version 1, 2 or 3 then you need to enter those keys as well. Order doesn't matter. Look for the Activate Module link in the program group or the install directory. You will need to enter your original game key, possibly the engine 2 and engine 3 update keys and finally the engine 4 upgrade key. Sounds like you already have entered the engine 4 key so start by entering just the key that came with the original game and see if that works. Then enter the keys for any engine upgrades you bought. If none of that works see below... 4.03 is the latest installer. So, you have the right thing. If none of that works then do this: click the blue button here: Battlefront Help desk
  12. Step one VR glasses. How cool would it be to watch a turn from the perspective of one or more of our pixel troops.
  13. OK just finished skimming though the content from the point mentioned by @Holien. Fairly interesting discussion about CM and the military project it is part of. Cool. One other thing that struck me is WTH do games still have and show hexes? I really wish they would stop doing that (sure games have to track things internally some how - I just don't need to see that bled out into the visuals of the game). We have computers now, so, even in 2D we don't need hexes to track movement. Speaking of which why are we still making 2D war games? I just don't feel any nostalgia for those old board games with the cardboard squares. Well some but not enough to want to keep repeating that experience. I suppose I'm just spoiled by Combat Mission. Oh and Broken Arrow looks interesting - I am however pretty worried about the size of that project. It seems like it is a prime candidate for a "jack of all trades, master of none" problem. Anyway it will be interesting to see.
  14. and @Bil Hardenberger him self talks about Cold War at 1:42:21. He does not look like his avatar
  15. Welcome back There is nothing in the game's commands to allow you to issue coordinated orders. You have to estimate who will be where when and add pauses to the way points to create some coordination. With experience you can get reasonably good. That is not possible in a QB. If you are playing someone trusted you can create a scenario to accomplish this but you have to refrain from not looking at the other guy's force. Way, way back a friend of mine and I did that: We included some instructions on how to set it up.
  16. Let's eat Grandma. Commas save lives! Let's eat, Grandma.
  17. While I don't think everyone needs to quote each and every mistake if anyone does want to quote from a briefing you can get the text. Open the scenario in the editor and select the briefing editing page and export the briefing that you want. That will let you save the briefing text to a text file. From there you can open the file in a text editor and quote away.
  18. Apparently realistic. It does help to have someone in the commander's seat for the BMP 3. I'm not sure about the BMP 2 It might not open a top hatch without someone in the commander's seat.
  19. Yes, that will work. There is actually a 2.11 patch too.
  20. Thanks - I'm getting caught up... Great stuff as usual. I hope you can figure out the cropping. I take it from this comment you are not using my method of using ffmpeg.
  21. That would be an awsome add to the TacAI. At the moment that is just a feature ask and my understanding is a pretty big one too. For right now you need to do a bit of micro managing - maybe someday.
  22. Excellent capture of a cool happening. Just a little feedback: The gif frame rate seems high. PS. I'm still out of up-votes otherwise I'd be giving you one.
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