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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I have a mix of @benpark's helmets, @Vein uniforms (which also has a helmet mod) and VM's (not sure who's that is) UK uniforms. Given these are Canadian Paras I am pretty sure this is the @Vein uniform mod possibly with some of @benpark's helmets mixed in.
  2. This poor PzIV (/s) gets hit by two tanks but shot at by three plus a PIAT. I think all four of them will claim credit for the kill. When I first watched I was convinced it was the infantry that scored the big hit but I was wrong. Taking careful aim and fire (note PIAT round near the shadow in front of the flowers)... Tank round Boom Note the PIAT round now behind the enemy tank Which then blows up behind the enemy tank The action The tank commander's view
  3. Yep, that's what my dad called their infantry portable AT weapons. I do not however know that it was the LAW. He served in the Canadian infantry through out the 60s and into the mid 70s before moving to staff positions for the last half of the 70s and into the 80s A quick look shows that the LAW was around then but I'm not 100 percent sure if the CF used them from the get go - mind you I couldn't find anything else listed that might have fit the bill.
  4. Sure, The version I am working on includes messaging (that also is compatibility with CM Helper). It should automatically recognize the newer games and get the Steam directories correct without prompting too. There is at least on language translation in the works (likely more) and it integrates with @Ithikial_AU's CM Records spread sheet. Humm, that is unexpected. If you check the "Override game files directory" and point it to "D:\Giochi\Steam\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Shock Force 2\Game Files" that should work. PM me if that makes no sense and I'll help you get sorted.
  5. Or Whose Turn Is It? To put in a shameless plug for myself (See link in my sig)
  6. Sounds like an important test case we should push on. Finish a big turn press the BRB wait a moment or two and pull the LAN connection and wait for it to time out and see if we can get bad things to happen.
  7. Also if testing shows that the guns are accurate you also need to have some reference that shows if this is expected or unexpected. Proving A and having no idea if A is correct or not correct does not move the ball forward.
  8. LOL much simpler. I managed to win king of the hill at the few good men tournament and defend my position. The tournament organizer announced it will a hilarious black cat on a cardboard thrown. I do love some tung in cheek humour so I switched up my avatar for kicks. Notice my little saying that goes with it: defender of the faith. This time someone used it as an insult but it's just so funny to me to be called that. I put it up for all to see forever (well unless something funnier comes along)
  9. Well the module for RT is nearly ready. So, you're good one one count. Having said that I'm not sure if Steve will care much if you get salty
  10. Or none of that is true and gunners could come very close in the first shot at those ranges. PS I've seen a lot of misses too so I'm not sure that your initial characterization is even accurate.
  11. Or things just got cold overnight and what you have is a layer of ice over muddy slush...
  12. Ninja'ed by @Combatintman. That is a great thread. The short answer to your question is they will report back once they are in C2 again - any form. So, you either need to get them back safe or bring up thier HQ enough that they reestablish C2.
  13. You can order a patch too: https://www.popularpatch.com/navy-patches/squadron-patches/vf-41-patch-fighting-41
  14. Yeah, the on site image storage is crazy small. Most people use a 3rd party image holder and post links here. I personally have one installed on my own website which is what I use (https://piwigo.org/). Hopefully someone will post some 3rd party recommendations for you.
  15. I agree clarity is needed. For you I just confirmed that the 2.14 patch has all the .brz files from 210 onward so you can patch 2.00 and up with it.
  16. Yeah, a .gif of an AT gun firing, reloading and firing again would be très cool.
  17. Ah, awesome. I look forward to seeing some. Let me know if I can help.
  18. ?? what are you waiting for from me? I'd hate to disappoint anyone because I am not aware / don't remember that anyone is waiting for me.
  19. Sorry man, I took that to mean you wanted to learn more about how I got there. I was just trying to point you towards that. I see now you were being appreciative of what I already shared. Got it.
  20. Yes. With no orders on the vehicle select the passengers and issue a Special | Dismount order. Then issue normal move orders for the passengers followed by orders for the vehicle.
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