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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Indeed. I remember in High School getting a tour of the Rhine from my father and seeing sections of the Autobaun that were designed to be converted to air fields. Got that from here: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a22063161/warthogs-nato-jets-autobahn-cold-war/
  2. That seems good too. I forgot why I didn't go that route. Probably just learned about it after I was already using Nvidia's tool
  3. Another alternative is nVidia's built in capture software. You need their GeForce Experience app to enable it. When FRAPS stopped working for me I switched to the nVidia built in support.
  4. Yep, my dad told us about how when they were on exercise there were a group that trailed behind inspecting and documenting damage for compensation of the locals.
  5. Did you use the game's Hull Down command to get the vehicle into its original position? A candidate for funniest comment in the thread.
  6. We are all working from home in front of desks with cameras on our faces. Pants don't matter any more.
  7. It should be noted that with the editor you can still do this if you really really want. Set the date to post introduction of <insert dream equipment here> select forces that use it and get them all happy in your scenario then set the date back to <insert date way to early for dream equipment here> and wallah you have M1s rolling across the plans in 1979. Just as an example.
  8. Yes sorry @IanL and @IICptMillerII I misunderstood ! No worries - I was wondering what you were asking earlier. I am not aware of any blue on blue or red on red battles that ship with the games. Normally there is a back story that leads to the scenarios. Even in Cold War, which is looser than past games, there is still a guiding narrative that it covers various Cold War gone hot scenarios. But as @IICptMillerII and I said the scenario editor lets you build lots of different kinds of battles.
  9. Yep, always. Break out the editor and have at it.
  10. It's a mistake. You are not wrong. So, no punishment unless you are into that Nothing has been announced but if there were none it would be a first for CM2 games.
  11. I have a few more - heck my parents met on one of the Canadian bases in the '60s - but the Berlin Wall coming down was one hell of an event. I still get pretty emotional. I was at university living in a flat with 4 other students and we were pretty serious about our studies so did not have a TV. One guy did have a tiny little screen tucked away in his closet that he brought out and we watched CBC over the bunny ears. One of those events that give you hope for humanity.
  12. Ooo I didn't think of that. I'll just wait for the update and avoid digging into that aspect.
  13. Interesting concept and could be useful. I have two thoughts. First, the better way to handle roads would be to have the game automatically follow them - which they cannot do now. Once that is possible a lot of this multiple plotting goes away. Second, the exact path to the next way point is actually figured out when the unit gets to the previous way point. That means you can do things like breach a wall and have the truck drive through the whole as long as the wall is breached before the truck gets to the penultimate way point after the wall breach happens. But if your tool plotted way points automatically it would go around the wall. Neither of those concerns negates the usefulness of your thoughts in general just a couple of specific cases.
  14. Pretty cool that you still had a working VHS camera and player to make this
  15. I agree this would be nice to have. The thing about nice to haves is they frequently don't get done until later if at all. I have no idea what the future holds but... The equipment list on the CMCW site doesn't mention engineering equipment so I think you know how to set expectations.
  16. Yep. They slipped this whole product past us all and onto all of your computer HDs already I reported that earlier. I'm sure it will get reworded at some point.
  17. You mean this is not planned for 2022, 2023 or 2024. What!?!?!
  18. It is totally cool! Sorry this took me so long to get to. You probably don't want to do all the work to get to 2064 right now :-). Here is what you do: Open the spread sheet to the "DO NOT TOUCH" tab - yeah we are touch'n it - sorry @Ithikial_AU 1) Enter some new dates - I don't recommend getting too carried away but you do you :-): Open the "Name Manager" (on the Formulas tab): Pick the "Real_World_Date" entry and update the range to include your newly added dates: That should cover it.
  19. LOL don't be too flattered by that. My tittle is pure sarcasm but I suspect you knew that Cool suggestions. I don't think we will get AI programming type orders during game play. But your point about formation level orders is well taken. Even if now you create good orders for a platoon once they make contact you have to revisit them because some squads will have stopped others not. If the game gave us better ways to order a whole formation that on its own would not solve that problem. My normal SOP is to only give orders for a short distance and then revisit them regularly. I get that you are looking for something that elevates at least some of that. Like I said cool.
  20. You would think I'm sure you are mostly correct a truck is a truck is a truck - as long as you know where to put the leavers you should be able to drive it at least a little bit. Backing up with a trailer - that takes some learning / practice.
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