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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. It is all about the right tool for the job at hand. Somtimes it is the Stryker sometimes its the Bradley sometimes the M1. Sometimes you are stuck making do with what you've got.
  2. I posted my video over on the CMFI video thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117320-the-cm-theater-is-open-post-cinematic-cmfi-vids-here/?p=1567913
  3. And if you were clearly winning right now we would be calling you a genius right now. Heck we know you are but we'd be calling you that now. I think your initial aggressive move was the right one based on the info you had at the time. Fortune favours the bold.
  4. I would just up vote Steve's comment but my quota is all used up upvoting his other comments (that's a joke BTW). This is pretty much how I see things developing *every* time this topic comes up. I don't think I have ever seen BFC just say "no". They point out that right now the work needed and the cons that they see are not wroth it. Both of those things can change - stay tuned you never know. I guess there are a handful of people who say they don't want steam here but that is a really small number. There are a few of us just pointing out the results from previous threads and a bunch of people who just keep repeating "What do we want? STEAM When do we want it NOW". Sorry there is no real value in that and insulting those of us who point that out creats even less value. Negative value in fact. I would down vote more of those comments but I my down vote quota has been exceeded for today, on this thread, again for the second day in a row.
  5. LOL that was my first thought as well. And BTW cumulative revenue is not a particularly good way to look at revenue. My business migtht have pretty good looking cumulative revenue but if my current incoming cash flow is not good I am still going to have trouble playing the bills / salaries.
  6. @Art of War in another thread had footage of an artillery kill on a PzIV. I mentioned I had been trying for a confirmed artillery kill on a tank for a long time (I had one in one of the first QB battles I played, when I had no idea what I was doing and then never saw it again). Anyway here is the video:
  7. Indeed - but keep your eyes pealed cause bugs do happen.
  8. I'll cover my eyes for that part. I am playing the attacker (rather slowly I can say for sure) in the other matchup. My attack feels stalled and my guys feel trapped in the hills. Well nuts to them :-) Agreed.
  9. Brilliant. And was that a spotting round that hit the tank? Nice I spent what seemed like forever getting a confirmable artillery kill on a tank. It is pretty cool when it happends.
  10. I have not played this mission but in general the way to deal with those guys is HE. What I try to do is find where they are with as few guys as possible and then bring up something that can put HE on the buildings they are in. Be it tanks, Shreks, mortars or heavier artillery. The only other thing to do is possition your MGs so they can hit the enemy locations from 200m or further out where the SMG fire is not effective. Yeah I know easier said than done a large part of the time. I am currently fighting the Sten gun guys in Lonsdale's Block and I have stuff runing out of HE and MG teams on empty. I still have a ton of ground to cover too - yuck.
  11. Very close. Montes Butchers is one of my favorite scenarios
  12. The pace of the game is faster than real life often and this kind of thing is why. The scouts go up and we get their reports shortly after they have noticed the enemy, rather than after they run back. We coordinate all our units and artillery quite quickly whereas in real life it would take longer. That is where the game side of the simulation / game comes in. Feel free to slow yourself down as much as you like - enjoy the game the way you want. Having you tanks area fire on the HMGs is just the kind of coordination that would happen. Your lead platoon of infantry move up and come under MG fire. They stop and report back the the company CO who coordinates with the tanks to move up to support. They would likely meet with the platoon leader who can describe to the tankers where the MGs are. Then your attack begins. The tanks might not see the MGs right away but the infantry already told them roughly where they are so they lay on the HE roughly in the right area and go from there. If you want to simulate that you can have the tanks unbuttoned meet up with the platoon leader and have a 1 or 2 minute chat first. Seems reasonable to me.
  13. Yeah, the complains do come when people loose the duel. Yuck, that does look unfortunate for sure. How long was the ISU in view? Turn the trees on and see if any surprises show up. I can no longer count the number of times turning the tress on made my complaint go away. On the face of it this is an unexpected outcome. The thing is, even when there is no game issue you still *will* see sucky things like this happen because the simulation is for combat conditions not the firing range. But bugs do happen. Can you answer the additional questions and do you have a saved game? Because CM is not deterministic to see if there really is a bug we would have to run this situation (from a calculating turn) a number of times. What I would expect is that the Marder would get the first shot most of the time. If it was the one getting hit first repeatedly then we might say something is off. But if it gets hit once in 10 tries then - it's just a sad day for the Marder crew. Bugs aside (no actually bugs included), the more you embrace the chaos and just curse the loss and move on, the happier you will be. That is what CM is simulating the chaos of battle so just include these kinds of WTF (why the face) moments as part of the chaos and exact your revenge another way or another day:).
  14. Picture this: you are playing real time and are currently watching elements of D company assaulting the outer most buildings of a town. Meanwhile E company , who are clearing the near by orchards , suddenly start taking fire from some enemy tanks. Currently *you* have to notice that by magic intuition to react. What the OP and others in the past have asked for is a way to monitor other things going on on the battle field. Assuming i have that correct, there are no plans that i am aware of right now to mask UI changes. We will have to wait to see if and how this might be addressed.
  15. Indeed it is of course possible to make a change to the game to allow the use of the assault command in single team units but that would be feature work. I doubt it would get very far up BFC's priority list.
  16. I believe the answer is the assault command works by using two fire teams who cover each other while the other moves forward. So for it to work you need two fire teams. Infantry squads normally train with two or perhaps three (depending on the army and the time period) fire teams. The game represents this with the two (or sometimes three) columns of icons that represent the squad. Those are not an accident of convenience they represent the fire teams. So if you peal off a scout team they now make up on fire team and that leaves one other fire team for the rest. Now the remaining 6 or 7 man team is not able to use the assault command because it is one team. So it is a combination of tactical doctrine and game mechanics. That's my thought anyway.
  17. I just did not want any misunderstandings. I do agree with your point though.
  18. The OP was pretty clear this poll was not Battlefront's doing in any way.
  19. Do you want US uber gear? Cause if you do you will be disappointed. Are you worried the US equipment will be over modeled? I don't believe you will find that. I know there will be loads of gripping that it is but I will not buy it. We already have people complaining every tank is over modeled. For some people, the instant they loose their kit they blame the game. All three armies have some nice kit that is very powerful. The T90 is awesome as is the BMP 3. So far one of my favorites is the T84. Are they M1s, no, but any one of those can kill an M1 if you play your tactics right.
  20. But with the full installer you might see grayed out entries in the scenario list. To activate your other other modules you need to run the active "app". There should be a link in your program group. Run it once for each module.
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