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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I thought he meant "Blunting the Spear" which ships with the game. If I am wrong hopefully he will chime in.
  2. And a PDF version is installed with later versions (I think it started with the release of the Market Garden Module). Look for a file called "A Scen Design AAR PDF Book.pdf" in your install directory.
  3. I doubt they did anything - other than spot a target and get a hit. Obviously the sniper did that
  4. It is all part of each officer's plan to not get picked off by snipers - dress like the privates.
  5. I would suggest you think about what you would do and then try to emulate that. For example while some of your men are maneuvering towards the exit other units should be protecting then and then when those units move someone else should be protecting them. Then your battalion can repeat that and escape. In the above 4 platoon is divided up amongst the companies (dotted line) and then each one becomes an AI unit and their movement orders are coordinated so that they move and cover each other as they work towards the exit. So 2 company covers the other two as the move long the river. Once 1 company is in place next to 2 company and 3 company has moved along the river it is safe for 2 company to break any contact they have and move towards the river and then towards the exit until the have taken up new defensive positions. The other units do similar. That is one way to do it.
  6. Oh good. My dad brought home a lot of jargon and acronyms but that was nearly 30 years ago now there seem to be some new ones :-). Is there an acronym definition web site that might help. I looked for one yesterday trying find out what some of the one you used were can came up disappointed. When trying to figure out what LRAS was I found a couple of site that claimed to be for looking up military acronyms but came up with nothing - sigh. Oh this is a nasty way to go. These kinds of active protection systems create an added thing you need to play attention to when coordinating your combined arms. You of course often want an infantry screen of some kind for your armour vehicles and you want the firepower of the AFV to be close enough to be useful to the infantry but you have to pay attention to that separation. New toys at home and at work - nothing better
  7. I pity the fool that tries any of that with the guy that arrived in the parking lot in his Abrams
  8. I just let him lead. If he leads his men into the fight, then all the better. Leaders should be leading.
  9. Oh yes. There was an AT gun up there on the ridge. That is why they are there flank the fixed AT gun. You can see a Canadian soldier at the top of the ridge - things did not end well for him or the AT gun. Found him, fixed him and now I have forgotten him...
  10. I has been a while for any pictures in here... From The Winter of our Discontent - some of my infantry moving up in a depression next to the road.
  11. Now that I have seen the final screen - a draw BTW - here is a couple more pictures. This is the view from the hill. Well actually this is the view from about half way between the hill and these poor wrecked tanks. There is very strong haze in this scenario so this view looks crappy from the actual location my Panthers dealt this carnage from. One tank racked up eight kills in that area shown above. His mates mostly had only one each except for one other that had four.
  12. Well I was just reading that the CF was planning to stop using tanks and switch to a lighter wheeled vehicle with a big gun for direct fire support but they changed their minds: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/news/article.page?doc=renewing-the-canadian-forces-tank-capability/hnps1tz9
  13. Hee, hee I could not find a reference to that but the CF was planning to just drop tanks and switch to a wheeled vehicle with a big gun on it. Part way through the Afghanistan mission they decided they wanted tanks there but while they found the Leopard 1s were great at their job they were too hot for the crews to work in so they went looking for an upgrade. And as @MikeyD mentions building new tanks from scratch while you have a war going on is a bit dicey: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/tanks-for-the-lesson-leopards-too-for-canada-03208/
  14. The way I handle it is not to worry to much about it. When a Platoon leader does get hit, then I pull the company CO from his nice safe place and bring him forward. After that I just try to keep him as far back as I can get away with.
  15. On my notebook the game just exits to the desktop if I forget to configure that. Every time I install a new one I get reminded again Of course that does mean that I never run on the underpowered integrated card.
  16. I am currently playing this now as the Germans H2H. Not going to comment further but if I remember I will when I am done...
  17. If there is an executive officer or second in command as part of the formation he will but if not then your only hope is to use your Company HQ as @A co suggests.
  18. Just completed a fun time playing Studienka. I have not seen the final screen so I don't know the final disposition of the score but I stopped the Russian attack! My opponent wants me to post screen shots of one troublesome Panther. In particular was displeased the it kept on firing when he had hoped its weapon was disabled. I had trouble finding the right one since there are several in need to new paint. I count 20 hits on the front of this guy. He and his platoon spent the game on over watch on the top of a hill. I lost a lot of tanks there but they KO'ed even more. Excellent long range duel. This is the one he was talking about: note the hole right next to the weapon mount. Lucky crew. He kept on firing. He started out on the same hill as the Panther above but he and two of his mates relocated when it became evident that the PzIVs could not handle the other prong of the attack. So most of these hits came from when he was in the same hill top location as the above Panther. Loads of fun.
  19. Well they have their fans but I personally do not like the way it looks. I tired one out a while back and did not find it as helpful as I expected and I did not like the look. Try one and see if you like it.
  20. @Lacroix gave you a good list. I would add my personal favourite: Vin's animated text but he has not released a version for 3.11 yet. The other thing I do is get a compass mod so I don't get confused looking at the compass graphics that don't behave like compass. I pulled one out of another mod but I forget which one (oops). I also disagree that Juju's mode just just pretty because I find he does a good job of making the toggles (like open, hide, deploy) much clearer. Now the more recent games' vanilla graphics have been better in that regard but I still find the toggles in the vanilla graphics for CMBN hard to discern.
  21. Yeah, it looks really good. BTW that BMP getting nailed is 15Mb file though. Yikes!
  22. Yep, I agree. I am currently playing Minsk Express as the Germans. I have managed to execute two really nice ambushes and took out a lot of T34s. My opponent has done a good job of forcing enough tanks into the fight that my PzIVs and even Tigers have eventually lost out but they sure had a turkey shoot before that. Now it will come down to have I destroyed enough armour to survive or not. We will see. All seems right with the world to me
  23. I just tried it my self - with success. Double clicking did not work on my machine though - not sure why. But running from teh command line worked. Here is what I did: first I copied a few .btt files to the directory where I unzipped the CMx2_ScAn_CaDe_v1.7 files then I ran this command line: That worked and produced the "Scenario_Listing.xml" file as expected. I am running Java 8 but I do not see anything that requires that in the .jar file.
  24. Yeah that sounds bad. I have logged a defect report. Not sure what can be done with your scenario but I think that if you send it to someone who has the MG module they should be able to remove the unit and allow you to work on the scenario again. PM me with a link to your messed up scenario file and I'll have a go. Also let me know what unit you added - I am not sure I can recognize which units come from MG either. That does not help with preventing this kind of thing in future.
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