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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. OK, well I am sorry for my part if you did not deserve it. However in my defense you did add a post onto one of the worst examples of "the game is broken because it does not match my perception of the way things should be in my opinion, but I will offer no real evidence that my perception is correct" threads in this forums history. (Yes there was a little sarcasm there). And you also just declared the game broken and offered no real evidence. Heck I don't even understand what it was you observed in game that seemed wrong - I mean specifically. When the performance of MGs first came up - way back now - I tried rushing infantry across the open against MGs and the pretty much always overran the MG's position. Not good. Then the effects of MGs were tweaked and now in my same tests I could pretty much never overrun the MGs position. Nice! I forget the exact troop soft factor specifications but it was not tuned down to a low level. So, unless someone can recreate something that shows things are not working as expected my experience and testing shows that things are. If you have an example that seems off by all means create some tests and share some saved games. But I recommend two things: Start a new thread - and also start from the position that you think something might be wrong and that you have done some investigation. Be open to the possibility that your testing, tactics or assumptions are not quite right.
  2. Purchase order and reporting formations do *not* control assignment to AI groups. Everyone defaults to being part of group one (A1). So if you have not assigned the MG team to a specific group that could explain this - we would need more info to determine exactly. With a lack of other info I would suggest re-reading the section on groups (pp.95 in CM Engine Manual v3.00.pdf). Another possibility is that the MG group's orders are too similar to the assault group. Moving out earlier than expected is common when you get confused about order timing - I know I do that constantly. Thank goodness for Scenario Author mode.
  3. Now that is a nice turn of phrase. I'm going to remember that one...
  4. This is by no means restricted to this thread either. Many threads, especially the ones that get into heated discussions, are a result of this. But @womble knows this. I predict we are about to be told we are wrong about this too:D
  5. Agreed awesome diagrams. I made a slight refinement to show how I take corners. See the orange and mustard colours added. Also 15s between vehicles is pretty long. I try to use 5s pauses - when there is already 20m-30m of separation 10s if they are too close together. I guess I push it a bit because I don't want the lead vehicle to arrive in a dangerous area all by itself. I want help to be closer.
  6. Oh I should add I would never say to some one enjoying the game that they are playing it wrong. So, you guys that are playing Real Time - cool and going head 2 head over the internet - really cool. I am happy that there are choices in how to play this game.
  7. Well described - I feel the same way. I know that this is not what @womble meant when he differentiated between "goal focused" and "process focused". I play like I am process focused as described by @womble but I definitely have goals in mind - taking out the enemy I am facing and winning the day!!! I just don't have to do it *today*
  8. Reporting FPS numbers is a highly questionable game - there are so many variables that reproducing them is not guaranteed. On top of that they do not really indicate how well the UI responds. On past machines I have had FPS rates in CMBN in the 10-12 range that never bothered me because the camera still moved smoothly. But the kicker is that the performance of beta builds will not reflect the final version due to possible presence of debug code. You are probably best to just wait for the release and try it your self. My take would be that if CMRT is not running for you there is a good chance that CMBS will not either. I suggest you figure out what is stopping you form running CMRT before CMBS comes out. Visit the help desk: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/ (assuming you have not already done so)
  9. Totally agree with asking the help desk for help. Here is what I think happened. You had version 3 installed. The game uses a different key for version 1 a new one for version 2 and another new one for version 3. So your DRM system had version 3's key all confirmed. When you tried to start the game with only version 2 it was displeased . I suspect the solution is to install things all the way before trying to launch. While you are waiting to hear from the help desk you can read these: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/128133 http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127908
  10. Yep works fine for me - on both of my machines: On my secondary machine I have things setup with a z folder that contains a sub-directory for each mod and inside that sub directory is the mod's files: C:/Programs/Battlefront/CMBN/Data/z /CatTacticalIconsCMBN -> which contains the files and sub directories for the mod /Juju's TweakedUIv3 -> which contains the files and sub directories for the mod On my home machine - where I really use mod it looks like this: C:/Programs/Battlefront/CMBN/Data/z / a bunch of sub dirs for miscellaneous mods C:/Programs/Battlefront/CMBN/Data/u / a bunch of sub dirs for UI mods C:/Programs/Battlefront/CMBN/Data/t / a bunch of sub dirs for uniform mods (yeah I know t - crazy right:-) C:/Programs/Battlefront/CMBN/Data/v / a bunch of sub dirs for vehicle mods C:/Programs/Battlefront/CMBN/Data/zz / a bunch of sub dirs for overrides for a few things above All working happily
  11. What he said: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/128133
  12. In my opinion if it is good to play CMRT it will be good to play CMBS. My machine is less powerful than @Buzz's - I have an i5 and only 2G in my 760 and I am very happy with the results. On the other hand I do have Windows 7 so that might put me a head of @Buzz (that last part is just a joke)
  13. LOL they stole your pants but left the SSD and headphones - suckers. "Pissst hey mister, want to buy some pants"
  14. Yep that will do it. Problem solved. First you have to learn that this is an issue you need to play attention to, after that you can mitigate it very well.
  15. You are so close with your description. Just add pauses at the same way point you add the target command. Also, I have been using target briefly a lot for this kind of thing because the other factor you need to know is that once you set a target order at a way point that become *the* target order for the tank until you give it another one or a face command. So for your example (a boring one BTW since you are targeting the same thing both times :-) do this: Add your move order forward Select that way point and issue a target briefly command on House X, then Pause for 15s Clear the way point selection Add your reverse order Select that reverse order way point and issue a target briefly command on house X Now for some vehicles 15s is enough time for two rounds to go out. So, if you are really trying to restrict ammo switch to 10s pauses and use normal target. The advantage of target briefly for this kind of stuff is after the 15s is up the vehicle can select its own targets (at least until it get to the next target briefly command) so if that pesky Firefly shows up it might increase your chances of coming out on top. In fact that is one of the reasons I like target briefly so much - you can program a vehicle to hit to targets and yet it will spend half the turn with no target command and therefore can also hit targets of opportunity. You should note that if it takes 12s to aim the first shot there will not be a second one. Where as if it takes only 2s to aim the first then you can easily get a second shot with most vehicles. I mention is this because the difference between say a PzIV and a Stug is that the PzIV can just turn its turret to aim the shot while the Stug has to turn its hull. So, if your move order ends with the Stug facing house X then you have a good chance of getting two shots off but if it is off angle by too much then you will not. Similarly if you have a 10s pause followed by a move order if the Stug does not line up will with the target you can sometimes get no shots - oops.
  16. I agree @poesel71 that is how I play it too. There is no way I could get many one or two hour blocks of time to play anything in RT head to head. However I have a friend, who actually likes CM but does not play much anymore. When he has a few moments after a long day at work he wants to turn off and just crash around in call of duty or world of war craft or what ever else he is currently into. He just cannot bring him self to concentrate and problem solve while playing CM. Personally I don't get the attraction but what can I do I think that is @Oddball_E8's point. Like I said I don't relate but some obviously do.
  17. Fair enough I'll leave it here. My sole goal was to make sure that there was an alternate point of view so new people don't wonder in here and think there is a problem with the game when there isn't. You disagree with the designer's intent, which is your right, I want make sure that it is clear that the game is operating as expected and is based on evidence with a goal to create as realistic a game as possible. As you point out tweaks have been made and as BFC have demonstrated they will continue to make tweaks and fixes to make the game better. When people show them evidence they make changes. Hee, hee exactly.
  18. Since it seems like you are not trying to troll... Please do not take offense to people being offended by your initial comment. Think about it: you, initially gave no indication what was going on, how could anyone help you without knowing what the problem is? OK, enough of that, on to something hopefully helpful. The issue is that vehicles, when they bunch up, do a "you, go, no I'll go, no you go..." dance that is really annoying. The key and most important thing is to make sure they never get into that situation. Most of the time in the open areas they do an OK job of pausing for moment and letting the lead vehicle get going again. But too many vehicles or an obstacle like a gate can trigger a mess. If you get into that situation here is what you can do. In your example, after the first turn when the first tank has gone through here is what you can do in the future for the two that are doing the dance: Cancel all their move orders - yep all of them Pick the vehicles that seems to have the lead and give it move orders through the gate Give a reverse order for the other one to get it out of the way Add a pause on the first one to allow the second one to reverse out of the way Now you can put a long 30s pause on the end of the second tank's reverse order and plot its move forward through the gate again. That should result in one tank getting out of the way and waiting. The wait should be long enough to let the first tank get mostly through the game. If you feel like my suggested pauses are not long enough - add more. If you feel like my suggested pauses are too short - reduce them at your peril The best way to avoid trouble is to not get into trouble in the first place or at least intervene before it gets bad. Check this short video I made for convoy management Bridges can be like gates - causing a bottle neck and slow downs. So once I have orders for a convoy every turn I will have a quick look and watch out for any bunching and add some pauses to prevent the jam dance. The same will go for your three tanks. One tank might slow down briefly over sightly different terrain allowing the others to catchup. Or occasionally the path finding system will do something slightly sub optimal and your tank might slow down a bit - again allowing the others to catch up. If you setup good spacing and monitor each turn you can avoid ever seeing the jam dance again. I have not seen it since that first time I tried to get two companies of Shermans to drive through two gaps in the bocage just with simple go into that field orders. Now that was one crazy jammed up mess.
  19. No get that idea out of your head Where the vehicle is is where the vehicle is. Same for every single solider. So, that is an abstraction so the whole collision handling / collision avoidance problem does not bog down the path finding / fighting calculations.
  20. When that happens the target line should be grey. If the line from a tank is light blue then the main gun has LOF.
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