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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. Late to the party but the was well worth the long fight. Started before Christmas and just managed to finish this beast. A good tough fight that found the right balance between being a challenge but not stupidly hard. ++++Spoilers++++ My tanks made mince meat of the Soviets at range for minimal loss (though surprisingly the Tigers didn't do the heavy lifting). My real problem in this mission was the limited infantry under my command. You go through them quick clearing those villages and the odd half track brewing up to a hidden AT Gun. I was tempted to ceasefire around Phase Line 2 on account of my infantry losses and looking down the barrel of another two villages to clear but pressed forward with my tanks. A few were knocked out as you'd expect without close infantry support, but managed to beat the Soviets into a surrender before I myself clicked on the ceasefire button. Soviets: 417 KIA, 192 WIA, 12 MIA, 34 Tanks, 5 Armored, 21 Other Vehicles Germans: 77 KIA, 90 WIA, 0 MIA, 9 Tanks, 5 Armored, 1 Other Vehicle. German Total Victory Video about halfway through of one my assaults. Recommended. Cheers George MC.
  2. I don't know or attempt to follow Russian domestic politics or military decision making so will take Steve at his word. I also understand and agree that CM has always been about realism first. If one side is more powerful than another on the battlefield, then that is reflected in the game play and players need to adapt. But at what point in a fictitious setting and narrative (hopefully to remain that way), does BF say, "Yes let's stretch the realms of possibility here for the sake of diversity and to add in something new." Expand the 'sandbox' of options for players and scenario designers to play around in. Example: As you say, NATO would overwhelm a Russian act of aggression in a traditional conflict in a span of a few weeks. Would this reality be enough for you to preclude ever expanding Black Sea into autumn and winter as a result?
  3. I must admit this would be a nice thing to include. It's not a regular occurrence, but there has been a few times I've caught a bunch of enemy infantry against the map edge with my own troops engaging in a turkey shoot. Perhaps also apply it to neutral map edges if possible? Would help in discouraging players from hugging the edges of a map so they can avoid worrying about flank security.
  4. JuJu, happy to help testing if the call comes.
  5. Cheers Chris. Never going to get to watch it live because of timezones but good to see it on YouTube.
  6. Fancy fighting some big battles in Normandy? Your Mission The Canadian 8th Brigade is tasked with taking Carpiquet and the adjacent airfield. The 12SS Panzer Division stands in their way. Carpiquet is a fortress. Take command of a reinforced Canadian Infantry Brigade and crack the German defenses to the west of Caen. - For those who love big battles. - Lots of chances to use the Vehicle Pack 'Toys'. - Perhaps the most explosions you'll see in one battle. Included in this download: • The Campaign File – Copy this into the “Campaign” folder of your CMBN directory. • A ‘z’ folder – Contains compulsory mods that are already mod tagged and ready to go. If you do not copy this folder to your existing mod folder the maps will look really silly! • Operation Windsor – The Overlooked Battle – A scenario ‘history’ document outlining my final thoughts on the battle and the concessions I had to make in designing this campaign. SPOILER FILLED! The Scenario designer notes if you will. This is a separate document so the in game briefing field can be spoiler free. • 4 x blank Master Maps • Northern Map covering the village and northern approach. • Southern Map covering the southern hangers, airfield and eastern control buildings. • ‘Clean’ and ‘Damaged’ versions of each. Many thanks to the following community members for providing feedback for the early release version. Mad Mike - FGM David Harding-Smith “Jofontaine” And also a special thanks to Rambler - FGM, for making the briefings that little bit special and coming up with the title card theme. Requirements • Combat Mission Battle for Normandy; • Commonwealth Module; • Market Garden Module; • Vehicle Pack; • Upgraded and updated to at least version 3.11; and • A beefy enough computer that can run battalion plus sized battles. Grab a Copy http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/c...-battles-for-normandy/the-lions-of-carpiquet/
  7. Thanks. Taking a break for a bit over Chrissy and New Year.
  8. Wasp was discussed extensively before and the end result was that it didn't really appear in the theater until the CMFB timeline.
  9. This. The ability to copy/paste pieces of maps together would allow for community efforts to be merged together into a whole and make the time heavy task of map making that little bit easier. Oh and an undo button in the editor.
  10. Actually closer to the truth than you'd think. Earlier in the war during the Siege of Tobruk in 1941, the Indian and Australian troops used to actively patrol no mans land at night to keep the Italians and Germans off balance. The Indian troops were known to move silently into Axis camps slit the throats of sleeping soldiers, while leaving a few of their comrades sound asleep for a shock of their lives come morning. It can be difficult to navigate at night and there were a number of occasions where Indian troops mistakenly approached Australian positions. The Australian Army 'Rising Sun Badges' that Australian troops wore on their collars was the main form of identification - if they had a collar badge they were friendly, if not... well. Some great bones here, I'm looking forward to 2016. I think this is the year we've been waiting for. A whole lot of base games over the past few years is one thing, but now moving into this module/content phase for these titles is going to be great.
  11. The CM community even has 'Road Sign Grogs.' Looking great MikeyD.
  12. Play as the Russians. US forces have very little AA assets... but they have Abrams. It is tempting but in my experience I wouldn't pin all your hopes on winning to a handful of air assets. In CMBS I've come to rarely use them for area fire missions because of AA threats. Point missions for precision hits on ID'd targets is the best approach in my experience.
  13. A little part of me is looking forward to this more than CMFB. The chance of an expanded CMFI OOB, particularly for the array of Allied Nations that take part in Italy is one of the draw cards to the Italian theater IMO. Also support coverage of Operation Dragoon if possible but that would mean having all the work done for a French TOE.
  14. I've always had a close to top of the line graphics card and never had brilliant shadows in CMx2. It's always been a hit an miss affair. It's not a deal breaker by any means but one of those shrug your shoulders issues and hope for better in the next update. Fingers crossed it's a sign of further improvement with CMFB.
  15. Any chance we'll see streams in the other CM titles at some stage as well?
  16. Sounds absolutely great. Fingers crossed in time for some Xmas cheer.
  17. One of the first CMRT 'big battles' I played when the game came out and had a blast. Some of the desprate German infantry actions were the basis of some of my 'Action Moments' on my channel. Tips that worked for me (hazy memory): - Terrain analysis is absolutely key. Getting your forces into position quickly to cover those river crossing, particularly the one on your right is important as you can hold them for quite a while as they come over that choke point. - The built up and forested areas are key for your defense but in some cases are also highly exposed to long range tank fire if you aren't diligent with placement. You need to be patient letting the Russians get in close and inside 'schrek and faust range. Overall thought the scenario was a great fight and a good representation of the the sheer difficulty the German defenders must have been experiencing at this time of the war.
  18. Get well soon mate. Need you back in the trenches ASAP!
  19. Not to derail the thread but thanks. I'm still await feedback (hence why it's over at the proving grounds) so please feel free to PM your thoughts. Two years of on and off work so really want to hear what others think. Tip - read up on Operation Windsor and you'll probably get a sense why those pixeltruppen just won't budge.
  20. Great news indeed. Looking forward to some solid winter combat... in the middle of summer here.
  21. Must admit I'm in agreement. Having different files for each nation or in the German's case organisation would be nice. I noticed it the most in Fortress Italy where you have scenarios with mixed Italian/German forces. Would be a lot easier to recognise who is who quickly if they didn't have the same colour icons.
  22. Here we go... With this and some other TOE comments that were listed below about best way to purchase units to max point expenditure... I'm in the camp of seeing this as a little bit 'gamey.' Definitely not in the realm of cheating but the idea of having unique TOE for a range of nations or organisations in a game like this is to experience the sometime subtle differences between them. If you were taking Luftwaffe Field Division force would it be accurate to beef them all up to Crack level troops? I guess my preference for scenario/campaign play over QB's is shining through there. Can't fault that, it worked! When going up against Commonwealth based TOE, going after armour is probably always a good first objective. Their firepower diminishes very quickly unless they have plenty of off map support which you could also expect with some Commonwealth lists. It was the same for the Hotel on my side of the river which surprised me a bit. Could get good view around the Church but couldn't get LOS to the entry point SLIM used to get his infantry into the town. Goes back to me earlier point about needing the extra firepower to back up my infantry. I knew there was no way I was going to win a small arms fight against the Germans at close ranges dictated by the weather to some extent. This was even during the fight prep and the fight itself when I didn't realise I was up against dismounted Panzergrenadiers with their extra firepower per squad. Rushing all my armour to one flank to take on the tanks would of I think been a waste. One extra Firefly yes, but also one extra Sherman III which is useless against the front armour of two of the three armour pieces SLIM took. Also by splitting my armour, I hoped this would also force SLIM to split his own and react to my push on both flanks. True. The fire at the Hotel I suspected was area fire since it kept up after my squad pulled back to safety. The fire going after the Vickers that almost took out a Sherman I thought was the other way around. I thought you were going after the Sherman with the rounds instead falling short to hit the HMG team. Yep worked a bit but I knew I'd have to run the gauntlet regardless. Funny, I could spot your initial AT gun position with my tanks as I raced down the railway track. I just didn't area fire fearing it would send up a 'flare' in the poor conditions saying "Shoot Me!" Just watch out as mortars firing are pretty easy to spot in my experience. If you can see me, I can probably see you (and the little puffs of smoke as rounds leave the tube). Very true. Your split squads in the town threw me in their initial push. I'd say this depends on range. I got lucky with the Vickers against your Panther TC. Personally, I also think the TacAI for TC's buttoning up needs to be adjusted a bit. They are a still likely to go a bit Rambo under small arms fire. Yep. I was surprised to encounter one actually. I'd just add to this that if it can't be resolved inside the game itself, don't let it be a reason to throw the whole game. Just push on if it can't be fixed and report the bug. As for my thoughts, most of mine are at the end of Part 3 of my video series. I'd just add that it was a good choice on SLIM's part to take Panzer Grenadiers. Their firepower is brutal with the extra LMG. Knowing he was up against Commonwealth TOE, meant (I assume) he could rest easy knowing he'd win 9/10 straight infantry only fights. One less thing to worry about is an amazing thing for a tactical commander in my experience.
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