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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. Nope, shouldn't require the VP. Is your copy of the game fully up to date?
  2. There's a few coding changes that would help the cosmetics of the game and increase the immersion factor. In my opinion this would be right up there so the Canadians can have their own voice files. Having a 'switch' option like we do with some of the uniforms as well to separate English and French speaking regiments would also be great. The other big sound change would give the Scenario designers a few options for background noises to help convey different situations. Is your CM scenario taking place during a raging battle or is it deathly quiet as you undertake a recon mission? One day maybe.
  3. Been around for a while but never experienced it regarding mounting a transport. What's worked best in the past is to use two separate waypoints. So place a move order to the action square directly behind the transport then another one to mount. This should lead the squad to all be together before they move off the next 5m or so to enter the vehicle. I think long way points prior to entering a vehicle where the soldiers can become strung out over distance is part of the issue.
  4. Pretty sure the Wasps became standard around October 1944 so were just pinched out of being part of the CMBN timeframe. There were probably some floating around for training purposes but a widespread roll out, probably not. Been reading the Canadian War series over the last year and the Canadian forces received their Wasps as they went into the fighting around Antwerp post Market Garden and when they arrived they were well received for the rough canal and dike fighting. Edit: And a quick google search... maybe I'm a little mistaken above. Maybe only the Canadian variant of the Wasp which was different to the standard British make came into active service later. Meh definately one for the TOE grogs.
  5. Oh Breakout from Juno is actually a book. Good read I must say.
  6. It's a full campaign. See earlier posts and pics. Also should be a link to a youtube video preview.
  7. Update: Most of the missions have been 'laid out' with force selection etc. Need to do the AI plans and about half the briefings. Hoping to have something for play testers sometime in June. As for play testing, with all units being Core and losses carrying over virtually in full it's going to be hard to test the missions in the second half of the campaign (German counterattack), so ideally probably looking for people to run through the whole campaign itself.
  8. Mission is trickier for the German player, for sure. With scattered and battered resources they've got to time it just right to take advantage of multiple angles.
  9. Yeah it's meant to be a 'shock.' As the allied player check your briefing. I thought it maybe gamey but all the testers reported back they thought it was fine. Can't really say anymore or will be disadvantaging the German player.
  10. Yes they will so be a bit careful. Purposefully put it 'out of the way' as much as possible to avoid that. Look on the north east side of the bridge there should be one green objective tile on it's own right alongside the bridge. Exit the engineer and it's HQ team. Don't worry about any keeps that may be attached.
  11. Cheers mjk. At least that History Degree is coming in handy for something. Now just need the winning lotto numbers to ditch this job and spend more time making missions and CM videos.
  12. Yeah sorry the FGM recently dropped it's Download section due to next to no traffic. Mmmm try CMMODS or even the repository here. Fredrocker has probably posted it somewhere else. For what it's worth the Operation Windsor campaign I'm working on will require the Vehicle Pack. Currently making missions, hope to have a playtest version by June.
  13. Sniff... all this focus on us lot brings a tear to my eye. It's was a special day here in Australia (and I'm guessing in New Zealand as well!). But yeah real misunderstanding by the general person on the street not realising we were 'small players' in the Gallipoli Campaign, nor the fact we actually made some larger contributions on the Western Front and across WW2 30 years later. Still as the first military action for two newly formed nations, regardless of outcome (and sheer stupidity militarily), Gallipoli will always be a special place for us.
  14. Exactly as intended. Glad you enjoyed it. Sadly a true hard historical version of these two engagements (which were squished into one for this scenario) would have been a little too boring and easy for the British player.
  15. Not PaperTiger's project but this is still being worked on by yours truly. Different focus, since it's only about Operation Windsor and covers the 36 hour period of that fight. Still at least brushing up again what PaperTiger was working on. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118368-campaign-wip-operation-windsor-carpiquet/#entry1585328
  16. Sorry for digging thread out from the grave but new version released... (now with Scenario Names ) http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5504/details Oh and a Modern Era version for all the CMBS, CMSF and CMA goodness.
  17. Not to my knowledge but I can tell you my Carpiquet operation and map project in development fits in sort of nicely directly onto the southern border of Rokko's excellent map.
  18. Love the idea of highways. More terrain options keep map makers happy. Fingers crossed some of these ideas (like parking lots!) become mainstream and part of CMBS through future modules.
  19. Don't think so. Think location of a fight is dictated by the mission date.
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