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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. Apologies in the delay getting back to this. Last night I double checked the same files in CMBN and the tag doesn't have an impact on uniforms there either, so I'm assuming it's a coding thing under the hood to only have an impact on vehicles.
  2. Messing around with a mod idea last night but ran into an apparent problem. Essentially trying to create 'muddy templates' for the infantry uniforms that the community can use to layer over their own infantry uniform game files. Mod tag them with the built in [muddy] tag so the troops don't appear in pristine clean uniforms while fighting through what it supposed to be a mud bowl. This is becoming more likely as the CMFB and the upcoming modules are pushing existing CMx2 titles outside of the initial summer setting. I appear to have run into a hurdle however and need some clarification. Does the inbuilt [muddy] mod tag only work with vehicles? It didn't appear to be working with the infantry uniforms until I changed the mod tag into something completly custom. I'm hoping I was stuffing something up, since if this required people to use custom tags every time they are fighting in a game set to muddy/wet conditions, it sort of defeats the initial purpose of this idea. Cheers in advance.
  3. Has BF ever released (or intends to release) a CMBS Operational map similiar to CMSF? A bit of history... I know the manual has a general outline of the fictional conflict - the intitial Russian assault towards Kiev and Odessa, NATO rushing forces to hold the line and the eventual counter attack which is successful or not. It just fails to provide a sense who is fighting where / when like CMSF offered. Also any word on how neighbouring countries react to the ficitional conflict? (Scenario design idea simmering away and would be nice to fit it into the wider narrative...)
  4. Probably the big two requests for engine improvements over the years from the community has been the two "F's" - Fire and Formations. Is the engine broken, no, as Womble outlined earlier there are tactics you can use to minimise casualties. Can it be improved? (From an outsiders perspective with no idea about the amount of coding BF have to do ) Absolutely! We've all seen pixeltruppen do some pretty silly things over the years. The ability for pixel truppen to react / cancel orders if they see their buddies from another unit getting hit is proably number one on my list. Murder for WeGo players! I think the disconect we players have with pixeltruppen compared to what real commanders had/have with their troops mean we all get a bit gung-ho / human wavey once and a while. For example: In Game - I'd like to take that house but I think it maybe being watched. It's worth the risk - get going 2nd Squad! Real Life - I'd like to take that house but I think it maybe being watched. I guess I'll take another look at the map for alternatives.
  5. I think it was a bit more front and center for blufor in CMSF compared to CMBS. You couldn't fight a battle without worrying about at least one 'Preserve' objective and/or a low casualty threshold. For modern warfare though it was certainly accurate! CMBS is a bit more of a modern conventional where both sides have a modern military 'sort of' on par with each other. (At least for this fictional environment), so I guess if you had a large scale ground war where the enemy are shooting back with their own high tech weapons, caring about if that building gets demolished goes down on the priorty list a bit. As for accurately reflecting outside factors impacting upon troops on the ground, I've half completed a campaign rule set I was trying to get up over at the FGM but alas RL got in the way. In effect the campaign could be won on the battlefield or by reducing the enemies 'Political Point' score to 0. Political Points reflects the 'home front' and theatre command's interpretation of how the operation being depicted is playing out. You could gain points by doing things in game that would 'look good' to those outside of the conflict area such as winning battles by a big margin or destroying enemy taskforces completly. It would be much easier to lose political points by losing battles etc as the effect of bad news is fext 10x more than a good news story. Most interestingly was the idea that both sides would have one off 'Action Cards' that represent specific events that could occur in a theatre that would also affect the Political Point score. For example a secondary mission becomes active to resuce a Journalist in your next mission, successuly doing so may gain 'x' political points as it becomes a major media story back home. Anyway it would have been a nice idea to test out but work work work.
  6. In a CMx2 campaign there are only ever two outcomes at the end of each scenario. A 'win' or a 'loss' with the defintion of a 'win' set for each scenario by the designer via the campaign script file. (The Win Threashold line of the script in my example above). So for example the designer can state that the player must achieve at least a 'Major Victory' in 'Scenario X' for it the result to count as a 'win' on the campaign tree and lead to 'Scenario Y.' All results below a 'Major Victory' in that scenario will go down the other path, or in this example 'Scenario Z' which is designed to take into account the prior loss in 'Scenario X.' Players going down this latter path will probably never play 'Scenario Y' as a result. Once you get to the end of the campaign path (there are no other scenarios to link to), then you can add in a designer stated campaign result as demonstrated in my previous post. Without looking to be certain, I'm pretty sure most campaign designers have done this to some or for all possible outcomes so they can rank the player's performance thesmevles based on the result of the last scenario played. The best advice I can give before even opening the editor is to create a flow chart for your campaign so you can trace all the possible pathways a player may follow as they progress towards the end. The link below will take you to a post where you can see my flow chart for my 'Lions of Carpiquet' campaign. (Early draft that was tweaked before the end of development). Hopefully it will give you an idea. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/operation-windsor-2-0-now-with-trailer.17914/page-2
  7. Remember that any battle designed in a campaign can be 'the final one' whether they win or lose. An example from the tail end of my Operation Windsor Campaign (going down what I dubbed the 'performed worst than history path'). The scenario is called 'Fingernails' and represents the Canadians desperately trying to hang onto Carpiquet airfield from a determined Waffen SS assault. Now even if the player wins this battle it's already deemed to far gone for the overall operation to be considered a 'victory' following earlier defeats. However, the degree of overall operational defeat is adjusted depending on the outcome of this fight. /*Battle 8C*/ [BATTLE NAME] Mission 8C Fingernails [WIN THRESHOLD] minor victory [NEXT BATTLE IF WIN] _tactical defeat [NEXT BATTLE IF LOSE] _major defeat Hope that helps.
  8. I've created a spreadsheet that does the calcs for you. Maybe I should share it. Edit: And there you go... http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=4236
  9. Page 111 of the latest Game Engine Manual. (3.0.1) for more info.
  10. Spoiler Went around to the right away from the river and looped back into the town. Always a risk with mud but it paid off. Going straight in via the roads to try and cut the town in half is asking for trouble as one of my Panzer IV's found out. By the time the reinforcing Shermans and infantry showed up on the far bank the town was largely mine except for a couple of hold infantry hold outs and I had a StuG gunline overlooking the river and exposed far bank. Became a bit of a turkey shoot against those poor reinforcing Shermans.
  11. The designer can also assign the final campagin end result through the campaign script file. This level of control helps for multi-branching pathway campaigns where players go down a 'locked' pathway as a result of an early mission result.
  12. Thanks Chris and team. The tank commander button up response change is certainly appreciated.
  13. Probably about to join the 'rip off' club here in Australia. It has just been silently announced that our sales tax system will for the first time include all international online purchases under $1,000 AUD. Hidden away without much fanfare in our recent budget after previous public talks on the matter blew up in the government's face. They somehow expect all overseas companies which sell more than $75k per year worth of goods to Australian consumers to register with our tax office. See if that works... so I'm guessing they'll go the post office route eventually and charge the consumers before they receive the item. But that doesn't pick digital sales which this was all about in the first place.
  14. Yeah usual problem. 'Mission 0' is essentially just a check to see if you get early warning about a certain something in the big fight coming up. The Canadians knew roughly what they were up against going into the fight after overlooking the airfield for some time prior to July 4. I wanted to give the player some game like opportunity to have the same intel before going in.
  15. Yeah usual problem. 'Mission 0' is essentially just a check to see if you get early warning about a certain something in the big fight coming up. The Canadians knew roughly what they were up against going into the fight after overlooking the airfield for some time prior to July 4. I wanted to give the player some game like opportunity to have the same intel before going in.
  16. Scenario designers can't program the target logic of the individual soldiers so it's something in the game itself about when soldiers will or will not use their PIATs and other equipment. But keep going. Another solution for those bunkers will present itself. But if you want to be quick about it, and you feel it safe to do so, there is nothing stopping you from getting up close with grenades. As I'm pretty sure I mentioned in my included notes, the southern attack was in my opinion a badly organised disaster that cost the Canadians total victory at the end of the day. The expectations on this weaker southern force were expected to do was simply too great. The whole first phase of Windsor at dawn on the 4th of July seemed to just toss all the lessons of combined arms warfare out the window and expect the infantry to carry the day.
  17. First attempt at the southern hangers? They're all yours. It's just the big off map stuff to help represent the carpet barrage, same as the big mission beforehand. The two missions are occurring concurrently.
  18. It would probably still be quicker than relying on our average internet speeds.
  19. Phew! Wondered what happened. Got the USPS email today. Now the long trek to Australia.
  20. A few but two things missing. 1. Personal time to get stuck in. 2. Any chance of some .psd files of the CMFB briefing templates from BF?
  21. 'Poked' in the other thread as well but since my art skills are at a stick figure level will keep poking in the hopes our artistic terrain grogs see it. Still missing 'snow' tagged textures for the newstream tiles as part of these terrain mods.
  22. Looks great but the lack of a snow modtagged option for the new 'stream' ground tiles is a bit jarring on winter (with snow) maps. For a patch pretty please?
  23. Found the bug plaguing @IanL. All fixed but everybody will have it. CMMODS has just been updated (again) with the new file. Apologies.
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