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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. I'm part of the pro-Africa bandwagon but BF have to run a business and make the call on projects. Pure fun speculation on my part but I think the next family of games you'll see announced will be 1943-44 Eastern Front with the base game centered around Kursk. Once the German TOE is done for that, maybe it's worthwhile diving into Africa. However my understanding of the African theatre was that there is a solid break for many nations TOE once that theatre came to an end - particularly for the Allies as they made wholesale changes before launching Huskey. The Americans learning from their mistakes in Tunisia / Kaserine Pass, and the Commonwealth leaving behind most of their 'traditional' armour in favour of the new Shermans etc. North Africa would be a I think a seperate undertaking, but the only real option if they want to maintain a Western Allies CMx2 game post CMFB modules. My dreamworld scenario for the African family: Base Game - Tunisa = US vs Italy and Germany (Vichy French?) Module 1 - El Alemein -> Mareth Line = Commonwealth Forces going back to First El Alemein. Module 2 - Africa 1940 -> Early 1942. (Tobruk, Crusader, Battle Axe etc). Module 3 - Commonwealth Expeditions. (Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete). Packs after that for the smaller scale theatres East Africa, Middle East?
  2. Agree with all your comments except this one. Depending on the narrative the scenario designer is trying to weave, sometimes it makes sense not to outline the plan/reinforcement schedule down to the letter - particularly if your battle is admist a chaotic situation such as a retreat or or dependent on other actions outside of the scope of the player. Additional pet peeves: 6 - No briefing or a minimal briefing that is out of character for the setting/narrative. 7 - Weird and unrealistic force compositions. (Yeah we'd all like a company of King Tigers on the field but...)
  3. Agree with all your comments except this one. Depending on the narrative the scenario designer is trying to weave, sometimes it makes sense not to outline the plan/reinforcement schedule down to the letter - particularly if your battle is admist a chaotic situation such as a retreat or or dependent on other actions outside of the scope of the player. Additional pet peeves: 6 - No briefing or a minimal briefing that is out of character for the setting/narrative. 7 - Weird and unrealistic force compositions. (Yeah we'd all like a company of King Tigers on the field but...)
  4. Yeah it's one of my persistent bug bears as well. Fair enough you can get ambushed and lose some pixeltruppen can't argue with that - particularly in urban fights. However, it would be great if the TAC AI was smart enough to realise this and where one infantry team are are getting pinned down/shredded any other move orders for those that can view the carnage and have a move order goign through the same action tiles would have those orders auto-cancelled if deemed safe to do so. Troops on the ground wouldn't be so silly to race into the same space where an MG42 is lighting up. Perhaps only have an exception if the move order is say 'fast' where it's a case of push through no matter the casualties type situation.
  5. Yep I think those German uniforms are from CMx2 1.0 days when CMBN just came out. They are probably using the old file naming format. I also think there were some model tweaks between then as well. Easy way out I'd suggest 'go shopping' for some more up to date German Infantry mods. CMRT German uniform mods should also work fine for CMBN. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?cat=19
  6. When and where did you download them from? Also which mod? There was a significant change to the way uniforms are handled when the CMx2 engine was upgraded to 2.0 and the file format for infantry uniforms was heavily changed. I'm guessing your German uniforms were from the early days from before this upgrade and therefore won't show up as the game no longer recognises the BMP files.
  7. The save file will use the campaign version you started on. The only way to get a 'wood bunker' in this case is would be restart the campaign. If I remember the mission, yes it's extremly tough. You may have some smoke rounds in your mortars which may help block LOS from some enemy firebases. The key here is to provide incredible ammounts of surpressive fire before sending a platoon forward with demo charges to assault the bunker itself. Even the crew of a concrete bunker will be pinned inside keeping their heads down, if you keep up the fire from most of a company of angry US Paratroopers.
  8. That's the version the campaign was made in so cross that one off the possible fault list.
  9. Mmmm should be fine. Anyone else having this problem with the latest CMBN version?
  10. Silly question, how powerful is your PC/Mac? That first process for the fire missions takes a little bit. Perhaps hold off on the cover arcs. Just hope something in the 3.12 update hasn't don't something.
  11. Yeah bumped into this problem a few months ago as someone else hit the same problem. For them it was a corrupted save between missions 1 and 2. Unfortunately you'll need to start again, but luckily mission 1 is generally a quick affair. Never heard of an FO having too many fire missions during deployment but wouldn't hurt spreading them out. Worth a shot. The second crack at the attack missions you will be a little forward from your current starting positions on both occaisions. Don't be sared if you are forced down this route either here or in Mission 3, as this is the true to history pathway for the campaign. If you fail mission 2, the second attempt is actually pretty fun with lots of Vehicle Pack toys. Best piece of advice I can give for Mission 2 is take your time and preserve the forces you receive in this mission trying to take the village. They'll be with you to the very end of the campaign.
  12. Got a Certificate error in Firefox and Chrome isn't liking me logging in. Will wait for morning. Good night.
  13. $65 for the Mac version, $55 for the Windows? Assume that's a typo? (PC here, but still. )
  14. Historically the Australian dollar has always been worth less than the US Dollar except for brief periods. Imported goods, higher costs passed onto consumers.
  15. Tripple A titles on disk (such as console games) have always been $100 here since the dawn of time. In gaming it was like the $60 USD standard. Only over the last few years have I seen the dollar amount decline a little, probably because of increased competition from digitial sales.
  16. Hehehe I hold out hope a CMx2 Africa game will one day be with us. Shafted yes, but the currency would have to utterly collapse and I had to pay $200+ before I'd probably say no.
  17. The Canadian and Aussie Dollar generally track against each other over the past few months. There's a current bounce in the value of the Australian dollar which is nice, but regardless I'll already be paying around $75 + Postage. In comparison when CMFI came out the dollar was around parity or doing better than the USD so was only paying $50-$55 + postage. We must be desperate. We're now talking about exchange rates, a clear sign of a CMFB update to distract us would be nice.
  18. Thanks mate. Hope you find it plays as well as it looks.
  19. Good to hear. (Campaign author). Just make sure you have all the modules and the Vehicle Pack before you try that one. I can say it's a very different beast compared to the CMx1 days. The time it takes to create a scenario is indeed far greater now, however I think the amount of detail you can get into the map and the OOB means the payoff is worth it.
  20. Bahahahaha. I just saw this and I hold my head in shame for being the cause. Or should I hold my head high for indirectly alerting the community about a possible bug? Yeah that's the 'gamey' secret to mission 2 for the Lions of Carpiquet campaign - most of the Germans come in as reinforcements after the heavy artillery barrage. I could of just had a cratered the map to begin with, but wanted to give the player some 'fun' at the start of the mission. Having a bit of variety as well in what is essentially a clear out mission doesn't hurt either. I honestly thought this wouldn't of been a problem as the game would have automatically relocated reinforcing soldiers to lower levels in the even of building damage/collapse. Even with the heavy barrage in my testing the hangers and Church stood firm. The only houses that collapsed were the little shacks and houses that took a direct naval strike. Well those pesky Germans should be easy targets with no cover.
  21. I've got a new scenario project at the moment that's got my interest, sorry. Good to get out of the CMBN editor at the moment.
  22. Yeah should be if history is anything to go by. Universal things like sounds, tracers, flames, smoke/dust etc should be fine from day 1. UI, uniforms and vehicles however are going to be a little bit iffy. There's usually a surge of modders that release their goodies in the months after a big release. It's like Christmas everyday for a CM wargamer.
  23. Yeah a few but more tweaks than wholesale changes. Top of my head the first mission was altered. It's still boils down to a 'yes/no' choice with a chance of machine gun fire and dictates the level of intel for mission 2 which is the first 'real mission.' Some spelling errors have been fixed and one of the victory branches have been tweaked since one outcome was a bit unfair for an end of campaign ranking. Some movement of deployment of troops, again since it was a little unfair.
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