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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I am pretty certain I read either somewhere in the manual, or someone from BFC mentioning this back 4 years ago when CMBN first came out. Or maybe even way, way back in regard to CMSF. I remember not being surprised when I first noticed it.
  2. Bil follows orders well! If he hadn't gone for the ATG, he may well have been shot at dawn. He still may be for his failure to bring it in...this is a penal company, after all!
  3. When I win the lottery, my people will join you guys...
  4. Blood Red Snow, the only one of those I have, gets dreary because it's a constant bad news follows bad news in the bitter winter with deep, deep snow, IIRC. Made it a bit of a slog for me.
  5. Yes, I've had times when I left the game in Deployment Mode for long periods, and the game's day moves right along with mine. Six hours later, it's nighttime in the game. Oh, and it does go back to normal when the game starts, like Bulletpoint stated.
  6. Nice! And I agree, a visual OOB would be a good thing to put up early. Will you add the rest of the OOB as they appear? Is that a PzC MG '44 mod, or did you do those uniform backgrounds, Phil?
  7. I wondered the same thing lately. It seems it was different before, like you thought, MOS, but maybe we're just mis-rembereing???
  8. Plus, he could also just be burned-out, fed-up, etc.
  9. Heinrich, Phil will be along shortly, I'm sure, but I assume we'd get a crew for it in the next battle, which is why Bil is scrounging stuff. But Bil, can your men actually drag that thing all the way back to safety?
  10. ^^^ What Ian and Frankster said. I love to watch the troops moving up through the terrain...especially through wheat and taller crops and grasses, through hedgerows, over fences, etc. I have set up "scenarios" with just one side so that I can lock on a unit and watch it like a tracking camera in a movie without getting shot at and having to yell "Cut!" all the time. Beautiful game, just beautiful.
  11. Hey Chappy, I look forward to meeting you on the field of battle soon. Phil, if everyone agrees, I have no problem having Bil and Ian's battle having an immediate effect on Chappy's and my upcoming battle.
  12. Phil, I vote that these mini-mini battles do have an effect on future "regular" battles.
  13. That's how I first got into them too, Warts. I forgot who modded the icons to these symbols, but will have to dig them out for kohlenklau's Panzer Command Op campaign.
  14. Your creativity knows no bounds, Phil. This stuff is pure gold for an active, multiplayer Op campaign. I've been sweating out how in the hell Burke and his men are going to stop British armor later in the day when the big show starts. To answer the question in the public PzC campaign thread (or wherever...hard to keep track of all these threads), I would like these small battles to have a direct effect on the following battles. This scenario provides an excellent example...Bil may end up getting us more AT assets (we have so little), ammo, maybe a few LMGs or an HMG. And suppose Guyver (is that the one whose father has Scottish ancestors...the MacGuyvers??? Sounds like he is.) doesn't blow the bridge; then the Allies can simply roll their armor across the bridge. C'est la Guerre!
  15. Nice, Bil. Gather what you can, Strafkompanie Burke really needs those AT assets! Phil, clever scenario. I wondered what you were going to cook up.
  16. I agree, makes sense. For clarification in this and future battles, I assume the local battle commander still gets to set up the trenches, foxholes, etc., just like with his/her men and vehicles, as with most any H2H/pbem battle, correct?
  17. Good catch. I have lots of info on tactical markings gathered in my old boardgame/Vassal days. I love the German symbols so much better than the standard Allied/NATO designations.
  18. Here's that pic, which is surely a reenactment vehicle...I remembered it as being an original-looking photo in B&W:
  19. Fine as far as she and I are concerned! Throw a truck or something in with a flaming blue comet for ****s and giggles if you feel like doing more work. . Hell, maybe I will when I get done with my chores and workout today.
  20. Okay, no problem here, just curious. I just wasn't certain whether the bridge featured in both battles or just one or the other. The flexibility in the way this campaign is being run is what I like best about it. This is shaping to be great fun, and with the guys that are involved--even those pesky Allied dudes -I think this Op Campaign really has wings!
  21. Nice job you guys. that's a helluva lot of work to make all these maps. So the 1, 8 battle doesn't include the bridge itself?
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