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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Phil, it's not very clear that FJ units used tactical markings on their vehicles on any regular, consistent basis, but the ones I've found are the blue flaming comet on a white shield (flat across the top, rounded on bottom, like a shovel) on the left front fender (as you are looking at it from the front). Here's a link I saved a while ago...the picture is no longer there. I have it, but I'm not at my computer at the moment.
  2. Ah, he is a good man then! I thought he might send an unteroffizier out instead.
  3. Not from what I heard the other day--direct from one of his descendants, no less. But yes, despite his rather goofy-looking face (which would be great fodder for a comic book after this damn war is over), I know he is a fighter. He better be, because I have to command him in the upcoming battle!
  4. Yes, you just have to admire that smile of optimism, especially in light of the number of times he was freed from, then sent back to, the penal battalion. (Something to do with sexual proclivities and animal husbandry, according to Herr kohlenklau.) Now look at him, he's commanding one of the companies he used to toil in. Doesn't get much better than that...for him.
  5. Sequoia, I'll be testing the ones you sent me later today. They look great, just haven't put them in the game yet. Bummer if they all don't show.
  6. It begins. Units of KG Kerner pull into Valkenswaard. 1./Schiffsturm Abt. 19 resting in a Valkenswaard park. Hpt. Fizou and Hpt. Dr. von Bletchler scouting their positions in and around the city. Leutnant Stefan Burke heading to his Srafkompanie. The beginnings of "Festung Dommel".
  7. Bil forgot to mention that he has a Javelin ATM we ported over from CMSF. But only one.
  8. Sorry, no. Besides, she's the only sane one in her family. And that's her assessment!
  9. Kohlenklau, I just showed Martha "her" kubelwagon. She laughed and said it was cute (after having to explain the concept of why we bother to play computer wargames, have community forums, what modding is, etc.).
  10. Ian, you think you have it bad, I'm his commander! Plus, Fizou and BletchleyGeek are also subordinates. I fret over every decision....
  11. Vanity wins out. I like this pic of Oberst Kerner better. In the other commanders' pics, they look cool and dashing. Kerner looked too dorkish.
  12. Eureka, I found a picture of Carl Gustav Fizou! Obviously taken in happier times, before an unfortunate incident occurred, as I understand it, involving some "dancing" girls on board his boat while in berth at St. Nazaire. He swore he did not say "blow the tanks", but that his actual words were misunderstood. Doenitz was unimpressed. So it's command of Schiffsturmtruppen now!
  13. The Axis commanders: Oberst Manfred Josef Kerner: Major Hardenberger as a Hauptmann Hauptmann Dr. Otto Michel von Bletchler Haven't found any pictures yet of Hauptmann Carl Gustav Fizou yet, but I'll keep digging. Meanwhile, here's one of Uncle Manfred taken somewhere in France, I believe. (Bil did the first 3. An excellent job! I did the last one, and am working on a lot more...er, I found a lot more that will be posted in the Axis thread as the campaign progresses.)
  14. Hello everyone, As the Axis commander in this campaign (what was kohlenklau thinking???), I want to thank kohlenklau for all the work and creativity he has put into this, and for helping me get re-acquainted with the Tiller Pz Campaign engine. I also want to say that our team has three very, very astute CM Forumites that I have enjoyed getting to know a little bit over the last few days: the inimitable, the one-and-only master tactician and AAR king, Bil Hardenberger; that geekiest of Geeks, and more-hot-blooded-than-Inigo Montoya, BletchleyGeek, and, the cool, suave, Bofors gun heir, Fizou. They are a great bunch, and will certainly give the Allies a run for their money. I'd also like to say hello to the Allied team; we're looking forward to being steamrollered by your Allied might! While rummaging around in my great-uncle's old steamer trunk, I found a treasure trove of items that coincidentally, and quite amazingly, are directly pertinent to this campaign! Here is just a teaser of what I found: I'll be posting more pages from that Archive report as the campaign progresses. It has a lot of meaty information, including bios of the leading officers of the campaign. Next post has some loose pictures that were in the trunk. Cheers!
  15. "Hex C and D: I would place pickets in these hexes to give us early warning of any movement along AA3" Bil, would be nice if we could post small pickets, but I don't think we can break down units that way. If we could, I'd post them from the Penal company. Everyone...well, Heinrich505 anyway, at least he's watching , we are working up the results of the first Allied turn, taking pics of the actual situation, etc., and will be posting it all here The Axis team has already had a lively discussion of this campaign and the first Allied movement/assault. We'll carry out those discussion here from now on. To get in the mood, I'm going to repost some things from the Eindhoven campaign announcement thread here.
  16. Great video, Ian. Love this stuff when it happens. Good demonstration that no two eyewitness accounts are ever identical.
  17. Eureka, I found a picture of Carl Gustav Fizou! Obviously taken in happier times, before an unfortunate incident occurred, as I understand it, involving some "dancing" girls on board his boat while in berth at St. Nazaire. He swore he did not say "blow the tanks", but that his actual words were misunderstood. Doenitz was unimpressed. So it's command of Schiffsturmtruppen now.
  18. Scheisse! How did the Allies get behind us already!?!?!?!? Or do I have my map upside down?
  19. Thanks Mark! I've never really been enthused to play anything but a scenario when playing the AI, because it was the same experience with me. oce you know the routine... Many groups with many triggers and several AI plans will really open a whole new playing level for me.
  20. Oberst Manfred Josef Kerner: Major Hardenberger as a Hauptmann Hauptmann Dr. Otto Michel von Bletchler Haven't found any pictures yet of Hauptmann Carl Gustav Fizou yet, but I'll keep digging. Meanwhile, here's one of Uncle Manfred taken somewhere in France, I believe. (Bil did the first 3. An excellent job! I did the last one, and am working on a lot more...er, I found a lot more that will be posted in the Axis thread as the campaign progresses.)
  21. Hello everyone, As the Axis commander in this campaign (what was kohlenklau thinking???), I want to thank kohlenklau for all the work and creativity he has put into this, and for helping me get re-acquainted with the Tiller Pz Campaign engine. I also want to say that our team has three very, very astute CM Forumites that I have enjoyed getting to know a little bit over the last few days: the inimitable, the one-and-only master tactician and AAR king, Bil Hardenberger; that geekiest of Geeks, and more-hot-blooded-than-Inigo Montoya, BletchleyGeek, and, the cool, suave, Bofors gun heir, Fizou. They are a great bunch, and will certainly give the Allies a run for their money. I'd also like to say hello to the Allied team; we're looking forward to being steamrollered by your Allied might! While rummaging around in my great-uncle's old steamer trunk, I found a treasure trove of items that coincidentally, and quite amazingly, are directly pertinent to this campaign! Here is just a teaser of what I found: I'll be posting more pages from that Archive report as the campaign progresses. It has a lot of meaty information, including bios of the leading officers of the campaign. Next post has some loose pictures that were in the trunk. Cheers!
  22. Been working to cover some of these units for a long time...mostly not working on them, actually. Maybe BFC will get them to us before I do!
  23. Yeah, but which one is which? Youse can call me Ray, or youse can call me Jay...wait, just cal me mj.
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