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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Lol, no, never have screwed around with mortars in setting up AI triggering. I haven’t hardly visited the editor, except for minor tweaking of existing scenarios, since v4 came out. So thanks for reporting your results!
  2. Please let us know the outcome of that test, BornGinger.
  3. Yes, they are! That one of the Panther turret with the hit decals and open hatch tells me threre’s an interesting story there....
  4. But Dude, no good deed goes unpunished. If you don’t keep us posted with guesstimate deadlines and a dev diary, it’s all going to go to ****!
  5. Sorry for being a bit thick, but I haven’t had any coffee yet this morning and I want to make certain I’m tracking right. I own CMSF1 (purchased from BFC) and all 3 modules. As I understand it, I don’t need to pre-order anything, and can just wait for CMSF2 to be released, and then buy the upgrades to all 4 products at that time, correct?
  6. No need to insult the man, Mannschaft. He gave you an honest answer with no sarcasm or other effrontery. Come back next year (personally, I’d come back sooner) and you’ll have new, enjoyable products to buy.
  7. Ninja’d by Ian. Actually, I didn’t scroll to page 2 here before replying. How’s that for irony!
  8. Ginger, click the down arrow in the upper right of the screen. It will go to the next “page” where the expansion will be.
  9. Lol, I’ve been retired for 5 years, and it’s great! Besides, thanks to various diseases and whatnot in my 50’s requiring a vigorous exercise/weight training regimen, I’m actually healthier and in hugely better shape than I was in my late 20’s through my 40’s. Life is great (he said, as he inadvertently stepped in front of a fast moving truck....)!
  10. I turn 65 in two weeks, Badger. Will those three afflictions show up exactly on my birthday, or will I have a day or two to say good bye to life first?
  11. Excellent new models, excellent change allowing Syrian squads to split! Can’t wait...
  12. UT, Steve mentioned it in the “New website” thread, but it’s also in the instructions on the new Battlefront Homepage. Good luck! https://www.battlefront.com/
  13. Lol, read the directions from Steve. He explains that truncated email thingy.
  14. Bulletpoint, I thought that is exactly what mortars do on Target Light...after spotting, 3 rounds per minute as long as you leaving the Target Light order in place. Although I didn’t count them, that’s what I’m certain was going on last night when my GIs were attacking some town in France...
  15. And no kettle-calling-the-pot-black comebacks. I'm definitely much, much more handsome than you!
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