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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. But, unfortunately, you are very homely. Sorry, but I just state the facts, Sir.
  2. Yes, envision the penis as a salient, er, penetrating the line. What does one do to eliminate a salient? Why, cut it off at the base, of course. Now, the vagina could be seen as a kill sac....oh, never mind, but I blame the Battle of the Sexes for this divergence from proper decorum.
  3. So, last year everyone was atwitter (pun intended) about starting a war with the Norks. Then there is a summit (detail negotiations by underlings to follow) and Trump is accused of legitimizing Kim by giving him a world stage! How the **** are you going to de-escalate peacefully without talks? So, the act of attempting to negotiate is in and of itself wrong?!?!?! The frenzy created about Trump through the media is ridiculously outrageous and disingenuous, to say the least. SoIt appears some people spotted Prez Trump walking across the Potomac River...on top of the water. Next day's headlines: Trump Can't Swim!!! I will never again post anything political here again, I swear, but the pretzel logic of certain groups of people and the media (by-and-large) is astoundingly hypocritical, disingenuous, myopic and over the top regarding ANYTHING the man does, and shows a level of either plain idiocy or intentional deception (or self-deception) that goes beyond the pale. Rant over, and I'm self-exiling myself from this thread. Cheers!
  4. I just spit my drink out, Mr. Bennett. Well played, Sir!
  5. Well Firehead, either I’m hearing you, or there’s an echo in here!
  6. Wateryall thinking? Don’t sink to c3k’s level.
  7. Excellent, Stephane! You’re famous now! And considering your hat’s pedigree, I’ll gladly take it off your hands if you ever tire of it, lol!
  8. I put this same notice in the CM Normandy forum (beat JK by a day or two, lol!)...certainly it applies to that one?!?!
  9. PS: I’m not sure, but I think only some of the helmets are mine. If some aren’t, the modder should be credited.
  10. CMSF was my first intro to CM. I had tried the demo, quite by accident, around 2002 or so, but not knowing game forums were there for help (they seemed mainly for jerks who harped about everything—present forum excepted, as it turned out), I didn’t think much of a “gaming table” floating in space with Moe, Larry, and Curly marching stiffly about and no instructions, so I spent all of 5 minutes on it! Anyway, in January 2008, I had planned a week off work, mostly to catch up on painting miniatures (wife gone all day at work—no interruptions or distractions). So 8:00am, coffee in hand, I surf the web for some AFV images and I find a YouTube vid of what was obviously some sort of super realistic looking animated Bradley laying some bitchin’ fire on some Iraqis (I thought). W...T...F is this? Quick search, voila!...I’m landing a US Marine recon team on a Syrian beach within the hour, and played it all the rest of the week. Up until then, I had been a hardcore IL2 Sturmovik fanatic since 2000. I only went back to that game for about 2 months right before CMBN came out. Thing is, I never really cared to game, or even read much on any modern warfare past Vietnam. CMSF truly opened up a whole new world for me. I have a pretty extensive home library section on modern wars now, and many modern war miniatures to boot! I better get to painting some of them before the end of July!
  11. Hey K, Steve mentioned in one of his posts a while back—not the ones most recently, IIRC—that it was being fixed.
  12. OMG, people actually used that mod? I thought it was pretty “meh” and because I just couldn’t get the Photoshop processes down well enough, and then Gothic Line came out, and its HG pixeltruppen were much, much better. So I didn’t do much modding after that. (I did learn a lot in later years on non-CM project, but haven’t had any desire to go back to it in CM. I’d rather play!) I believe these were the first mods I where I learned there were such things as Layers, lol! Have at it, K. Looking forward to the finished Gerbini!
  13. Yes, lol, Steve, there is that! As usual, only The Donald knows (or doesn’t), and only time will tell how it comes out in the end. But I never like discussing politics on these forums, and am surprised I even commented in this thread, plus, it’s supposed to be off limits here too, so I’m gonna bow out and kill me some pixel-Norks in CMSF.
  14. Jeebus, guys, does anyone, including CNN, actually pay attention? It's only a Memorandum of Understanding, for chrissakes...there is no final agreement. (And getting that in writing from the Norks is no mean feat.) The actual process is just starting! There will be working sessions (with Bolton carrying the warter?) to follow. Whether the actual agreement comes out good or bad, we don't know yet. And, just FYI, Trump didn't agree to pull our troops out of SK, he said he would like to at some point.
  15. FYI: http://www.helion.co.uk/ For years, one of the most essential sources for study of the Normandy invasion was known only to a select few, and nearly unobtainable even to those who knew of its existence. It has never before been translated. None of the major English language histories of the Normandy Invasion refer to it, even though it is the history of the only German armored division that was in place in the Caen area at the moment of the invasion. It reveals key facts that are missing elsewhere. At long last, Werner Kortenhaus' history of the 21. Panzer Division has been published in English. Kortenhaus' account of the division's subsequent commitment, in the Lorraine-Saar Region-Alsace area provides intriguing detail on this little-known sector as the southern wing of Patton's 3rd Army strove for the Upper Rhine area of Germany. The last section follows the division after its hasty transfer to the Oder Front, facing the final Russian onslaught on Berlin. In revising and updating his account, originally released in two massive typed volumes, Die Schlacht um Caen, 1944, Caumont, Falaise Seine, der Einsatz der 21. Panzer Division in 1989 and Lothringen Elsaß, der Ostfront, der Einsatz der 21. Panzer Division in 1990, Werner Kortenhaus has exhaustively researched all available sources in German, French and English to supplement his own experiences and those of his fellows and the many individuals whom he interviewed. The result is a seamless account of the Normandy Invasion in the British sector from the German viewpoint that sheds new light on many controversial issues. The account continues, following the division and surrounding events during the retreat to the Seine and the division's later commitment in Alsace-Lorraine and, finally, on the Oder Front against the Soviet Union, and its eventual demise in the horrors of the Halbe pocket. The account is not restricted to the history of the 21. Panzer Division, but includes detailed analysis and exposition of actions of adjoining divisions and of the larger picture, from the German viewpoint. Helion's English edition includes a large number of rare photographs and a separately-bound book of newly-commissioned color maps. Werner Kortenhaus' study represents a significant contribution to English-language material available regarding a Heer Panzer division, besides its extensive coverage of German armored operations in Normandy, Lorraine, Alsace and elsewhere. 245mm x 170mm 520 pages circa 80 black-and-white photos diagrams/charts 21 color maps in separate map book
  16. But what is death, really? With a name like Mordante, I know you’re familiar with, and probably a bit concerned about, the Lazarus Syndrome. Why not beat the horse a bit more, just to make sure? Better safe than sorry!
  17. Btw, I wasn’t ever THE negotiator; Machiavelli types did that, lol!
  18. You guys haven’t been in negotiations with foreign governments, have you? I have (not about nukes, lol—although one of my former law professors had done that). And even with the sane governments, many times you’d think every session was the Paris Peace Talks! Much pre-negotiation wrangling, maneuvering, and shouts of “Yo Mama” or smooth “Hey, nice suit!” goes on—mostly behind the scenes—sometimes for long, long periods. So I’ve had a few chuckles over the last couple of months, as newspapers followed the bouncy ball: summit is on....nope, now it’s off....nope, now it’s on, etc., ad nauseum! We won’t really know crap until it’s over.
  19. We used to do that as teenagers way, way back when. My buddy’s VW worked best, IIRC, but also tried it with some other vehicles, including my Mustang (once...I didn’t have the dough to repair shocks, coils or leaf springs!). But you had to go real slow, I think no more than 15 mph (more like 10, probably), you couldn’t touch the steering wheel at all once you got it going, and it could get rough depending on the ties and bed. I really enjoyed being a stupid kid!
  20. The map is looking really good! For the AT ditch, you could have a steeper cut using the ditch lock feature and experimenting with dirt road or footpath tiles (not sure foot paths are even in FL/GL...been away from it for a long time). Steepness of the sides of the ditch will vary a bit using different ”floor” tiles. (Apologies if I’m suggesting things you already know!)
  21. Damn, there goes tons of top notch scenarios and campaigns. RIP, my good man, “we hardly knew ya”!
  22. Inagree with Trooper. I turned it off after the first few minutes. Maybe the rest was well done, but the ambush was pretty stupid and the FX, etc. was not too impressive either.
  23. Hmmm, just got a call from Boston...something about sending killer bots to the Scottish Highlands. Figured it was a misdialed call, but thought I should pass it on to you, George, just in case.
  24. Slapstick comedian from way back. As for the reference, think “Clown Show”, clusterphuk, etc.
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