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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I think you’re right, Zveroboy. That’s why he should delete them since it appears he doesn’t need them.
  2. puje, do you have a painted setup zone for OpFor? Sounds like it’s the type of setup you don’t need one for, cuz you have specific locations for specific units. If you do have a setup zone, delete it and see what happens. Should work.
  3. PS, it was confirmed that it was not user error.
  4. I can’t. All attempts to upload anything at CMMODs are rejected for some reason. I had to get Bootie to upload my USMC mod, and I don’t want to keep pestering him. I have scores of CMx1 mods that are gonna sit on my HD until WordPress or whatever is the problem there gets fixed. Just doing strigoi a favor in the interim.
  5. Great minds think alike! Well, your great mind thinks like my run-of-the-mill mind, lol. But, after re-reviewing MOS' description, and then going back to his other masterpiece (My mind forgot the g-damn name in like 5 minutes--what?..I told you it was run-of-the-mill!), I'm not even going to bother making my own scenarios (which I have always done, in all the titles), let alone one for the public. Genius is just too difficult to follow.
  6. You keep using that word. I don’t think that word means what you think it means. -Inigo Montoya
  7. Looking really good, MOS. You are one talented Dude!
  8. Still, just like other forces not in the game, they could be approximated. They are on my SF2 mod list.
  9. strigoi, I uploaded it to my Dropbox. Get me your email and I'll send you an add/share--whatever it's called--to the folder..
  10. Hi Puje, I'm sorry, I forgot to say what a great map! If you do Zveroboy's compound wall trick and some odd angled ones, it will put it over the top.
  11. Zveroboy, I think that is what it covers. I have a recollection of the guide from when I first started playing SF1. What I remember is that it was instructions similar to what you just stated. To get variety. Was it by chance done by Mord?
  12. Look great to me, Cpt. Thanks for all that work! I know how much of a pain it is to go through all the gear.
  13. Great stuff, LLF! I missed the face thread, I guess, but if I'm not mistaken, I did use your japanese faces. I'm making new ones for the Filipinos, but I go back and forth with the African faces I'm also working on. I really enjoy the articles and links, and information and ideas you, Sgt. Squarehead, MOS and the others have provided above.
  14. Pffft! Aerial photos of dull, drab buildings are a dime a dozen. But colorful, strange alien camo, now there's a subject!
  15. Thanks Combatintman. I browse the net, and Camopedia for different camo examples from different eras and different countries, but somehow missed DCPU in all that..
  16. Go for it, Claude! The more modders the merrier!
  17. I have been following modern conflicts for years...started this mod as soon as SF2 came out. It's been sidetracked for several others, but i fully intend to finish it. (Sorry, not the best pic.)
  18. No, unfortunately, the old hex editing tricks don't work under v4. But there is a way to add new 3D models, of which I know absolutely nothing. I forget who it is who is making new beret and helmet 3D models for CMFS. It was only in the last few weeks that it was posted here in the CMSF2 forum, so a search should find it. He'll no doubt be inundated with requests, lol!
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