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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Uh oh, Para, this bodes me ill for our upcoming mano-a-mano contest(s). When I playtested for GVT, I got knocked out after Battle 4...even though I never had less than a Minor Victory in any of the battles, GVT said that you need a Major Victory in #4. Good luck, Verulam.
  2. Who's this Fuser guy, and what has he ever done?????
  3. Yes, but orders just received.....we're jumping tonight!
  4. He's got a rocket in his pocket, or he's glad to see you, one or the other. Sderiously though, your mods are genius!
  5. Any one know what's up with their website? All I get is a blank screen since yesterday. I was offline Saturdayall day, so may have missed an announcement about site maintenance or something, so just checking.
  6. Not sure what you're seeing, Erwin. I only found one guy in one picture (#25 of 27) who was wearing a shoulder/div patch. You can make out clearly that it's a shoulder patch, but focus and distance make it fuzzy. But it is clearly there...then again, it's a church service/blessing, so it is not clear how close they are to the front, or what kind of unit it is.
  7. Had to bring that up, didn't you? Somehow, (I think by cheating:D) Herr Klopek managed to defeat the otherwise superior forces of the glorious Wehrmacht in the OOC campiagn. Herr krieger somehow managed to do the same in my 2nd battle as well (Battle #9). But in the Hrallion campaign, I murderized the Honorable English Gentlemen Paratroopers who had the temerity to attack Villa Bellina. I'm hoping you get command of one of the 2nd airdrop parachute companies...so you too can feel the Iron Fist (I know what you're thinking, Para...get your mind out of the gutter:D)!
  8. You sometimes have....to...speak...slooooooowly...to...Para.
  9. Doctrinally, HT's were used to get infantry to where they were needed with some protection from mortar splinters and small arms fire...dump the load, then get back out of harms way, until needed again. I'm sure they were used as often as was prudent in an agressive role...but those prudent moments were probably be few and far between.
  10. Yes, from my recent experience in a FGM Campaign game, where grenade use was necessary in order to ensure capturing a hedgerow I needed to shelter my assault squads from punishing enemy fire. I searched the forum for grenade info, and experimented alot in a mock up I made in the editor of my objective--practice makes perfect! "Target Light" for infantry will conserve grenades. "Target" from one AS away and the P-truppen will use grenades.
  11. No, just a visual mod, but a damn good one, what with all the model swapping and Coon dog 's artistic talent.
  12. Same here. I had a HMG team move around here and there to get into a good position, and later I noticed the team leader with the binocs was at a forward position on a little rise or knoll, and the rest of the team was further back and off to the flank behind a wall. It was kinda neat, since it appeared the leader was forward looking for signs of the enemy. They eventually hooked up together when I gave the team a move order to the same square they were already in.
  13. Para, old pal, if the wind is strong enough, it should drift. I'm certain I've seen that before.
  14. Can't hardly wait for this, DC. It looks great in the pics and with Mord's Stamp of Approval, it's gotta be good!
  15. LOL, I've been putting in a one letter password now for several days, since I first started to play a hot seat battle for the first time to test a scenario! I never thought to just press enter!
  16. So how did you "unpassword" those ema files? I always get asked for one when I'm setting one up for hotseat play. And of course, pebm always appears to require one.
  17. Again, though, pulling your view up high will easily show the difference between low bocage and a hedge...the hedge is much skinnier and the low bocage is the same width as high bocage. Also, up close, the low bocage is "messier" with branches shagging out, etc., whereas the hedge is pretty neatly trimmed. Finally, modders can't do anything about changung the look of gaps. The bocage/hedge texture files (the .bmps) only show the branches/leaves; the ground tile they go on is done under the hood, and even though you can mod the ground tile, a modder is not going to know where in the tile the gap would be (plus, whether it angles across the tile or is perpendicular to it). It's up to the scenario designers to give you hints.
  18. Military barb wire for certain. I hadn't heard anything regarding "fencing" barb wire.
  19. I recall a discussion sometime back...a year or maybe two ago...about using the CMx2 engine for a tactical, company-squad level American Civil War game. It might have just been us players talking about one, or it might have been BFC. I don't recall. A neat idea, especially for modding possibilities into AWI/FIW skirmish-level games along the Indian borderlands of the Mohawk and Ohio Rivers, but the ACW at that level just doesn't work for me. It needs to be regimental based, like "Take Command: Manassas" but with what would be a lot better AI. Add that to your wild-ass speculations! :-)
  20. Add a Firefly, perhaps? Or trade out the Panther for 2 Mark IV's?
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