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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. You should see my helmets in the z_Data file, Erwin. I have more than a 12 for each and every army and branch. I have one of every mod (well, almost...some just don't move me), and I have modded those mods to fade them, add leaves and such, etc. I do use some SS patterns for LW and Heer, and mixes of turtle and flat tins for the CW. Even my Ami helmets approach a dozen different variations. Lol, I hate uniform uniforms!
  2. Me want too! mark2039***At sign***att.net
  3. Not sure he/we can shape the flash with an alpha channel or if the flash is a 3D model that we are stuck with, like trying to put realistic camo on a helmet that is basically modelled "flat". Those default flashes look like a direct import from CMSF.
  4. There's a nice one you authored, IRRC! Can't remember the name at the moment though.
  5. I'd like them to disappear after a few minutes at most. They clutter the game up (I know I can--and do, alot--turn icons off) and I hardly ever pay attention to them after they start to fade out.
  6. Just what I need...more ways to play CMBN! I play it on my PC in my basement Man-cave, and now I can play at work and anywhere else around the house with my IPad. I hope it's a joke. But it would be a really good marketing ploy for the full game as well if true. OTOH, why were they spending time and resources on this instead of on Market Garden!?!?
  7. Mord, you kill me! You headlining in the Catskills soon?
  8. IIRC=If I Recall Correctly. Outlaws was in the repository; if not, check CMMODS site.
  9. I wish you the best of luck, Mad Mike. You saw what happened to me!
  10. Coon dog, that's looking real good! By the way, if you're interested, I made Asian faces for my divisional patches mod (100th Batt/442nd RCT at CMMODS and in the Repository--or I can send it to you). They are only a color/desaturation of regular game skins, but might work OK for using in your WIP screens.
  11. Hi Mad Mike, Thanks for that information. I'll try it for Die Letzte Hoffnungl. I didn't have any noticeable trouble with Engel, btw. Also, are you the Mad Mike, my compadre in FGM's Overlord campaign?
  12. There's one called " screams" I think, that has just that...screams, death gurgles, etc. I have it, just can't get to the game atm to check the name.
  13. What Pete said. It works like a charm, except that one user-made campaign doesn't open for me--Die Letzte Hoffnung. Neither the author nor the Scenario Organizer maker knew why that was.
  14. Erwin, I just opened it in the editor. The Allies have 3 plans, Germans none to speak of...just one order for the whole force to occupy a town. So it looks like Axis versus AI, and maybe H-t-H.
  15. Good ol' EZ! I've been waiting for you to start in on the Germans. Excellent coloring and texturing!
  16. I wouldn't put my stuff up against the others you mentioned, Mord, but I do agree 100% with Para. I love your work, all of it!!
  17. Speaking of $0.02, Rocky, that is only a little under the per-hour amortized cost to me so far for the number of hours of CMBN entertainment I have received. No kidding...I did the math a couple of weeks ago for fun, and it came out to something like $0.07 an hour.
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