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Everything posted by ~Viajero

  1. Thanks! I can not see it in the mod list that shows up in the link. I presume one needs to log in to see the full list? Gosh, it s been so long... Edited: *marveled to see my old log in and password still work! :-)
  2. Really? Try this then: A 35 ton steel beast rumbling into view within a few meters and miss it may be a stretch but for other less unrealistic scenarios this video makes a point!
  3. +1 HMG "seem" to be very ineffective so far, my experienced is mostly limited to the german heavy so far. The kind of reaction I ve seen so far from BFC to these things is basically: - Sorry, if you do not present a solid load of facts your claims are not valid and theya re just your personal "feelings". - Further you also may need to provide some historical benchamrk to validate your claims, not just the game facts. Fair enough. I for one do not have the time nor the will power to do as requested by BFC in other similar events, so I can only contribute with my perception of what I see in my limted gaming time.
  4. - during play - Linear indeed. Hmm, a possibilty, but I believe that if you select the end spot for the line outside of the TRP radius (with no LoS) the system just does not allow you to click there, or does it? Quick update. What I actually did to get things back on track is to issue an "adjust" order to the mission where I got to select my fire line again. I selected one pretty much in the same spot again. 2 turns after, the landing spots for my barrage seems to be ok now...
  5. Well this one was a TRP referenced mission and it was not on target, that is for sure. It was around 80m - 100m off target (although that margin of error may be considered actually on target?). Not sure if it is a bug or not. In principle I have no reason to believe is a bug. Eventhough you have a TRP I presume you may still have wind, ability of the HQ ordering the mission, ability of the mortar crew, etc that may affect actual landing spot for the rounds. So I was not surprised to see the rounds off. Annoyed, but not surprised But that was not the point; I am just trying to find out what is the best way to make it back on target.
  6. Agreed. Not that it should be at the top of priorities but it definitely has been present in most of my games so far as a serious annoyance. Trying to kill/supress that enemy position over there? Nopes, the ubertree is in the way, therefore need to reposition armour.
  7. QFT. Forums posts, written communication and e-mails messages in general typically tend to come across as more agressive than the author intended.
  8. Of course, but if the mortar shells are dropping in a useless spot, might as well "adjust" even though is going to be basically to the same spot, no? That is what I am trying to clarify. Is it of any use at all to do that or will the mortar ignore that "adjustment" (since it is the same spot) and keep firing away? Will "adjusting" slightly off the original spot achieve anything? Or is the only solution to avoid wasted ammo to just cancel the mission?
  9. I have recently seen a couple mortar units (on map) missing by around 100m the selected area nearby a TRP spot. I presume that is due to some random factor (wind?) plus the quality of the mortar unit and/or the HQ requesting it. (Playing as American against human in "Le Desert", small map, so precission and pin pointing of arty is key). Now, what is the best way to correct? Will the "correct" command in the arty dialog pannel be of any use? I mean if I correct the area it is basically to give the order to fire at the same spot I ordered in the first place so I am unsure it is going to make any difference? Shall I just correct 100m in the opposite direction (which will actually put the target area 100m away from where I really want it? so to "trick" my mortar unit?) Or shall I just cancel the fire mission and restart again?
  10. Lol! I made the mistake of not touching the default placement for mortars... Looked like the right spot right? Turn 1 and where do you think the pre planned german arty falls? Some bloody map designer must be laughing his butt off right at this moment.
  11. Elmar, Be that as it may, but I am pretty sure that if Steve´s initial response had been something akin to what Dark Knight has suggested (not conforntational, and not arselicking either) this thread would have probably not exploded as it has. People´s offers to help would have probably been accepted. Steves tone diverted the whole thread though.
  12. Thanks Dark Knight! You beat me to it. Was actually typing exactly the same kind of response, no need anymore. What many fanbois here fail to realize is that steve an co. have had a captive market (Im included in it!)for the most part of a decade and it shows. They are too proud of what they ve built and it shows. As a consequence it also shows a very unprofessional and condescending communication attitude that were it not because of that captive market it would have probably been corrected long ago. What BFC desperately needs is a couple good competitors threating to steal some of that captive market from them. Then you ll see either steve changing his attitude or risking going under. Alas so far and for the foresseable he can get away with it. The most outrageous part is that when someone tries the same style with them they or their fanbois call it "unconstructive".
  13. Any idea how large an area each little minefield icon covers? Is it just one 8x8m tile?
  14. I cant speak for CMSF but I agree it definitely feels much much more fast reacting and accurate than in CMx1 at least around the 500m-1000m bracket which is where I ve seen this incidents so far. And specially when it comes to firing in motion. As mentioned before, it probably is a bit too early and obviosuly there is still not enough evidence, but sure as hell it feels differnet than CMx1.
  15. +1 for the grid mod! It will surely kill the beauty of Bocage Country but, who cares!
  16. I have been looking in the Mods forum and could not fin this one. Can you please link it?
  17. Ah come on. You know you are my fauvorite fanboi of them all. I would have expected you take up the challenge alas... not only fanboi but also a laetus pullus?
  18. The more I review the last pages of this thread(s) the less challenges I find. Too much talk and not so much action around here I see. Bah. Any of you abject fanbois up for a pbem game or what?
  19. What can a 88m L/56 Flak36 gun do to the mighty Greyhound?
  20. I ll vote for more cowbell, what else?
  21. Silly question, but just need to check: - is the HQ "Hiding"? (I see the log shows "spotting", but just to make sure) - Is the artillery called on map or off map? If on map, same question, is it hiding? (I presume is off map but also need to make sure)
  22. Not sure if commented on already but I presume the requested Armor Covered Arc feature is also being considered for all AFV in general, not just AT guns as OP title says.
  23. FACT: luck never played a key role during WWII, or any other war for that matter. Hence the game is fundamentally flawed.
  24. No, no. I ll switch now, instead of just F5´ing the page every nanosecond I ll alternate between the Monkey and bumping this thread.
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