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Everything posted by ~Viajero

  1. Although I fully live in 2011 and enjoy being a "steam prisoner" I am also of those who like those "bible"size paper manuals on good games. I have to agree though that steam could eventually help in broadening the player base for the CM series thanks to all its networking and scale features. Cant back it up obviously and just a gut feeling so a bit worthless. But the fact Moon and co. are looking at Steam data and facts so closely probably hints in the same direction. Having said that if I was BFC I would only go to Steam if Steam accepted my Terms & Conditions, and not the other way round. And that is not going to happen anytime soon, or is it?
  2. Probably worth to move this particular aspecty of the discusison to the off topic forum, but comparing Arma II to CoD is a tad unfair. Arma II is a different game concept altogether. CoD is just an arcade shooter in comparison. Scratch that, CoD is just an arcade shooter, period. Anyway, this may boil down to personal tastes, and I will give you that Arma II is not perfect. I just dare you name an infantry FP (not just a shooter) game that may rival or surpass Arma in the simulation aspect! PS: regarding having a CM FP, I presume you know there are quite decent WWII mods for Arma II out there!
  3. You then need to try Arma II. Better yet, need to try Arma II Operation Arrowhead. Best FPS (if you can call it that) I ve ever played. More of a simulator than a FPS really. Incredibly immersive and realistic. According to critics simulation is such that you need to behave as close as you probably would in a real situation, i.e. no trigger happy jumping all over the place calling you noob hormone filled teenages around etc. No. This game actually requires some thinking and mouse reflexes requirements are only secondary. Play Rambo and you re as good as dead. http://www.arma2.com/game-features/arma-2-operation-arrowhead-features_en.html http://www.armaholic.com/
  4. What?! Steve proven wrong and lacking memo? What else about all he has said thus far about CM:BN can also be wrong or affected by lack of memo then?
  5. Who on earth decided to give the next version of the (arguably) best flight sim of all times the "CoD" name?!
  6. No, no. Not truncated, just took the sectret with him to the grave. Glorious effort just before the last breath. Damn. Now we will NEVER know.
  7. So, since a quick browse in the forum does not show anything about this issue and noone has bothered asking at all, I ll be the first to ask: When is the game going to be released then? Ahem.
  8. I would also gladly host one for Scandinavia in Copenhagen, if it were allowed! FWIW!!!
  9. +1 Barrel length and all. No talk of shot traps yet though.
  10. Yeah... that would put the pre-ordering available date... when exactly? ****e man...
  11. Very interesting discussion no doubt... I would tend to agree whith those that suggest casualty numbers realism or lack thereof in games is also heavily influenced by the tactics used by each player, not just the game engine and model. I would like to add to teh discussion a "maybe" relevant extrapolation to a game I just happened to get involved with, and that some of you may know. It is Arma (well Arma 2 in this case), an allegedly very realistic FPS that is also allegedely portrays and simulates very faithfully infantry engagements (it also covers vehicles and aircarft but from what I have seen it excels at infantry above all else). If some of you know this game you could probably confirm that players behaviour here is nothing compared with your usual FPS rambo style. In Arma, one typically spend 30 minutes quitely eating grass and crawling or even static to then just die of a single shot in less than 1 second firefight. It goes without sayingt that the survival instincts and behaviour JasonC and others suggest as more realistic, and limiting real casualties, is in theory applied to the letter here. Hear a hand grenade nearby? Go prone and stay there for the next 10 minutes. Nevertheless, in your usual average difficulty mission here, most of the time out of the 2 or 3 squads in one side, losses amount up 80%+, and more often than not we are all wiped out (either human against AI or human vs human). Granted, most of my fellow friend players are also new to the game and inexperience may be a reason for this but still, we die because try to go on and achieve the objective no matter what when in reality if our squad was real they would have probably withdrawn or flee. This is a game and if we die, we can still come back and play another mission. Point is the game seems to be one of the most realistic around forcing players to really apply survival instincts as portrayed by JasonC etc. Nevertheless we die like flies becuase we know is a game and we do not mind maybe trying going that extra yard that may gets us closer to our target, but that ends up killing us. Tunguska spotted 400m away? Hmm... let me try crawling so to place that satchel charge and blew it up! fun!... ok, wait, what? It is not just the game engine or model, it's (in a significant part) us. Maybe it has been discussed already but one ways of maybe forcing players to behave more realistically would be to make geographical flags or positions held Victory Points subject to a certain cap of own units losses. It could be maybe done in a stage manner, i.e. if losses are betwen 10-30% you only get 80% of flags VP, if you get more than 30% then you get only 50% of flags VP etc, or something along those lines. At least it would give a different priority to players, a bit more akin with self preservation.
  12. Sorry I am already off the news cycle but i cant resist - Hey Otto! That a camera? Wonderbar! how do I look for a first page at Der Stürmer??!! Quick!
  13. Arghh! Not even a tiny winny side table set for each vehicle armor and gun somewhere online or Excel to be consulted or something? I remember we had that in Excel for CMx1. Someone took the time to compile it!
  14. Elvis, quick one regarding AI for units. Maybe it s been discussed already but not sure: Infantry is now modelled individually, correct?. When taking cover on one side of a wall or a building, is there any issues with some units in a given squad remaining on the wrong side of the wall or staying outside the house, or is the AI smart enough to ensure all units of the squad behave similarly when the move order is given? When I saw one of your pics with all units on one side of the wall I wondered!
  15. Given the latest position of the Jg.Pz.IV somehow I feel this picture will be part of the next installment...
  16. My humble guess is that the answer can also be found in this very thread... Either that or the first 6 hours were not very productive...
  17. He s not angry, he was just in the toilet while typing this in a iphone.
  18. Gunner: Oh wait, I can see it now, barely. I can make out the commander out the turret... he seems to be somewhat agitated... like you sarge. Their main is not aiming at us yet though. TC: Chrissakes Gunner, fire this thing already!
  19. Fair enough! Just do not expect me to buy CM:SF so to try Fast PBEM now!
  20. Indeed, thanks, we should call this method "Fast PBEM"! XD. Will have to try etc it once the game is out. If BF does not want for now to produce a full replay option for TCP/IP then maybe they could consider a simpler method using the game TCP/IP link created to actually share the file back and forth so each player can then load it? It would be a sort of pbem-TCP/IP hybrid so to speak... or not, and maybe this is just as cumbersome and time consuming to code as the real thing. Admittedly I know nothing about all this...
  21. Hi Gibsonm, any recommendation for an efficient/fast "file sharing" system? Does Hamachi itself allow the creation of some kind of virtual shared drive? Or you thinking about one of the players creating a shared drive on his pc somehow linked to the hamachi network or somehting? Silly as this may sound, it could be a good idea to have some kind of sticky for a "how to" on some kind of recommended method or system for this. I am aware that there may be several ways of doing it, but one or two proposed how to´s maybe good to help out those TCP/IP WeGoers who want replay ability out there for now. The solution proposed would be pbem but it may be as close as it can get to a true replay WeGo TCP/IP experience?
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