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Everything posted by ~Viajero

  1. But, but, but.... We ve always had these: http://mysite.verizon.net/pchardwarelinks/cm/ Good enough for me! I think for CM:BN, probably the CMAK tables are the most appropriate as they will probably have the widest range of guns and armour accross all periods. I have just merged the CMAK Guns table (penetrations) with the CMAK Tanks table (armour thickness/angles) in one spreadsheet for ease of reference, and off I go! I would be surprised if BFC has decided to reinvent the wheel on this and started using a significantly different set of numbers...
  2. Last paragraph of the preview announced by Moon here and already at the main BFC page: http://www.gamerswithjobs.com/node/108288 I understand that as BFC saying to GWJ that a Beta Demo will (may) be available next week? Edited:Ninja´ed, go here
  3. I just found another mistake: A manual has been released but there is no game that came with it!
  4. We are the B(FC)org . Lower your hands and surrender your keyboards. We will add your pre-order to our growing list. Your culture will adapt to service us. Asking for a release date is futile.
  5. This. I knew there was a very good and valid reason for the additional delay. Makes perfect sense now.
  6. Yeah, after a few hours staring at the box I started drooling and mumbling in arameic... I vaguely recall my wife slapping my face several times before I regain conscience.
  7. Exactly the same thoughts! At least we get to play the demo a bit before full release... although Steve suggested both will come really back to back. Or is it just me misunderstanding things (again)?
  8. I do not think it is not understood. I can understand delays. Just thought it was much better from an expectations management point of view to state "around start of May", as it is essentially the same thing and would have also equally covered late april delivery.
  9. Geez. Getting into the fine print now hey? If that was the intention then it would have been much better to say "around start of May" instead I reckon. In essence is the same thing (even if you consider the border between months an infinitesimal discrete change). Point to avoid precisely my kind of reaction, manage expectations and would not have cost a thing.
  10. Right. So does this really mean that your stated End of April deadline will not be met?
  11. Moon is actually evil. Although not high school evil.
  12. This looks great. After watching the first half an hour or so I was now wondering if American tank crews can be recruited independently of the tank? That banzai assault to the forest in the first scenario (min 38:55) after their tank being neutralized and making the German squad in the area surrender in the process is something to behold! Go tank crews! Go! - (American tank commander) $hit man, lets get the hell out of here and hide in those woods! - Aye Sir! - Run for your lifes! -(German sargeant) Scheissen Otto! Die Amerikaner are assulting our position! They are so very brave and courageous after wie destroyed zeir tank! - Wie surrender!!! - (American tank driver) fukc, where´s my gun? Oh, Sir looky here! Germans surrendering! What do we do? - (American tank commander) Huh? yeah, huh, just look tough and accept their surrender damn it! Can we give them some chocolate?
  13. Well, I am obviously biased but were he to continue this show I would humbly oblige and contribute. So I´m game! Failing that then Packito should really get serious and pass by the Mother of all Threads (some are more Mother than others) and make us all happy(er).
  14. Copyrights-wise nothing is wrong of course. But that is hardly the issue. The issue is with denying Santiago the pleasure of posting here first those news he deservedly got ahold of. Common sense (at least mine) and simple courtesy would dictate that you should have asked him first. Specially when both of you are hosts/key members of 2 of the main CM fan sites in Spain and would naturally tend to rival over this kind of news. That is all.
  15. This is great news. I have never player CMSF (well, I tried the demo a little bit) and was wondering if veterans with CMx1 that had never played CMSF will be at a significative disadvantage when playing CMBN against those that have played CMSF. Is the learning curve really steep? Or nothing a good manual read / tutorial could not help fix? We will all be CMBN scum sucking noobs, but are all noobs born equal?
  16. Reading the info around here on graphics and terrain, somehow I got the impression grid mods would not be as straight forward as they probably were in CMx1. In CMx1 we had actual terrain tiles. Terrain was partitioned in discrete tiles that each represneted a terrain type, and thus I would imagine grid mods took advantage of this by "simply" creating new terrain tiles with the grid superimposed. But CMx2 has no tiles. Have any modders out there already started thinking about this? Any ideas? Maybe it is a non issue and there is already a simple way around it, dunno. Or maybe the graphics will be so damn good that we will not need grids at all to see elevations etc?
  17. Kane, Not sure if you got an answer already. This might help: http://www.ditii.com/2011/03/06/imageshack-serving-frozen-frog-blocking-certain-countries/ It seems the issue is on Imageshack side, they ve banned most IP addresses other than US, Canada and Europe. Weird and bold move by them that is preventing many users around the world from seeing the pics... this may force many of those users to either go somewhere else for their pics or register!
  18. Ah, finally some good irony there. Shame you still had to use smileys though. No. No miniskirts, although maybe some leggings. Dutch may remember Breda and how its surrender was portrayed by Velazquez a few centuries ago. Note, vuvuzelas are not South African, no irony there, fact:
  19. Yeah, you also noticed hey? So perceptive. I was hoping this may scar his soul for life. Will see.
  20. Ok. Humor and irony seems to have been lost in translation then. Wonder if adding a few smileys might have helped? FWIW I think I got inspired after getting to know failblog.org... man I can spend dead hours in that site! PS: Since I am Spanish and you seem to be Dutch I would asume you are just bitter because you lost the World Cup final last year...
  21. Is there any info already available about which ports we will need to redirect in the router for direct TCP/IP?
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