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Everything posted by ~Viajero

  1. Why, you look like the perfect fanboy to me. Stop it.
  2. No, no, no, no, no, no... dont sugar coat it. I really really really hate Digitaldownloaded.net and SCWW1.
  3. Hi Moon, Do you know if units have been given the relevant victory point allocation? I ve heard that in SF most of the pre made scenarios almost did not give any weight to troops so it is all about flags no matter the losses (which makes a Nabla system tourney less efficient when tracking comparative scores) Is this still the case?
  4. I do not know, I guess it is the monkey´s fault. But I really really hate Digitallydownloaded.net and SCWW1.
  5. +1 Of course it does not need to be a Tiger, that´s impossible! But a decent AT AT would do.
  6. Ok, just a quick update from me on this so to confirm that I still do not know when it will be released, nor the demo. Just in case you wondered and so you know.
  7. The old tables (http://mysite.verizon.net/pchardwarelinks/cm/) wouldnt they help regarding range and firepower estimates? Look at the Infantry tables for CMAK for example. They state the good old 4 discrete ranges that would show when clicking a unit (40m, 100m, 250m, 500m) and the applicable firepower for each... good enough?
  8. And it is not me. But Dimitri really knows when the game will be released. Just ask him. http://dimitrirocks.com/#/home
  9. I swear to whomever those Gods are that when playing CMx1 no matter what actual tank type I picked for my purchases they would all turn into Kartonnenpanzers sooner or later!!! (with sooner being the preferred option). Kartonnenpanzer be praised... and welcome brother, to the Church of Saint Rarity.
  10. What about the only, the supreme, the uber... Kartonnenpanzer!! Extremely powerfull at close range or against undersized infantry but somewhat vulnerable to rain or wet attacks in general.
  11. *Face Palm* This brings me good memories of that other similar event... : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr9VDZuSyQE
  12. Well, someone at BF did at least last week when they told GWJ about the demo being available this very week.
  13. Hi there, Wondering if it would be possible to join this fun tourney. I read that you need a reference or some such and I am afraid I do not have any... but at least I can confirm I have played similar tourneys in other sites, very much aware of Nabla stuff etc and I am a "serious" player... ahem.
  14. Hey mister! speak for yourself! I already knew all that, ahem.
  15. Packito, a ver si respondes a estas cosas, que clama al cielo. Si quieres te lo traduzco.
  16. That d probably mean that the game will not be released at all.
  17. True, that. We would need a few more cases like this to start worrying I guess. One thing seems to be more or less clear form that AAR. Armour seems a bit more resilient to hits in general than in CMx1. Other tanks in that same AAR also withstood more than could be perceived as usual in the past.
  18. Man, the latest deeds of that Panther are something to behold. It withstands 11 impacts (of which a few penetrations) and keeps on firing as if nothing had happened? Not even a shocked crew that stops firing? Business as usual? bug?
  19. Huh? Did you not see last year World Cup final? (where more than half players of Spain´s national team were Barça's) Nowadays the only way some teams manage to play against Barça is by trying to cut their players down. Now pray tell me, if you were the subject of this agressive stance by your opponent how would you behave to counter it? Saying thanks and asking for more? I am not a Barça supporter but I for one can´t blame them for playing-acting whenever required.
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