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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Personally, I think it's a GREAT improvement in the game. My main question is... Will this be retroactive to CMSF, USMC, and UK?
  2. Here is something to watch while you wait for CM:N. http://www.allworldwars.com/videos/Close%20Range%20Tank%20Fighting/1943%20OKH%20Training%20Film%20Close%20Range%20Tank%20Fighting.html It's a german training video from 1943, showing infantry how to deal with Russian tanks.
  3. Just use FRAPS guys. You can take as many screen shots as you want or make videos. Save printscreen for your error messages.
  4. Google Earth now has historical modes for certain areas where you can dial back the clock to get an older image. I have not tried around Normandy, but I do know that Normandy was photgraphed from the air quite a bit more than most parts of the world in the mid 1940's. That's also worth a shot. Google Earth is one of the most amazing tools ever made.
  5. Well, it seems like half the mods are made by the same guys working on the game (including testers), so they are surpassing their own work. And it's not just about getting better quality, it's about changing the look. Great examples are changing desert paint/uniforms to temperate. Or the mods that reduce or get rid of sun glare, or the sun itself, or mods that reduce the size of the background mountain images. There's a lot of room for many, many mods. I wholeheartedly agree with sfhand. Pinetree's base mods is one of those you can't go back from. It's simply the best (imo) and provides not only color indicators, but shape indicators as well. Much better than stock bases. Beside the fact that Pinetree is a good guy and went to New Zealand Army boot camp with none other than the great Rhys Dharby.
  6. With the terrain editor, I would assume, using the elevation controls.
  7. Probably not, although you could simulate them in the editor.
  8. Good guess in my opinion. Having had to wear a kevlar helmet with chin strap for long periods of time, I know how much it sucks. Talking and eating are uncomfortable because you can't open your mouth all the way. Also, as Steve said, sometimes you just gotta take it off to either give your neck a break (not fracture ), wipe off sweat, or just get those darn hurtful straps off of the noggin for a few. Oh, and if it makes John Wayne look cool, it will make you look cool too!
  9. This is an art. It's like telling Picaso that he should've put the eyeballs in orange triangles instead of blue squares because it better balances the flow of chi. None of us are going to get everything we individually want to see for quite some time. Just rest assured that Normandy will be fun as hell.
  10. I also like the videos. They should be linked to in every online game review for cmsf. They really do give a good understanding of the game, not to mention hearing your tactical viewpoint was extremely interesting to me. If you get a spare 3 hours some day, by all means make another!
  11. Wow. It's amazing that a game screen can conjure up so many negative emotions, but hey, I'm unapologetically Blue.
  12. Under the circumstances, you guys have done well. I appreciate all the hard work put forth in order to make us forum guys happy. THANKS to Steve for getting back to me so quickly, THANKS to Moon, for all the hard work getting things up and running so fast, THANKS to all who have been running around like headless chickens so we can sit around and BS with eachother.
  13. I have that pic from Michael Yon's site on my computer too. That guy is loaded for bear and ready to rock and roll.
  14. I'm not an expert... but I did take a quick glance at the diagnosis file. It looks like your computer isn't very powerful, graphics especially. Check the minimum requirements for the game and see if it will work on your computer. Not trying to be a jerk here... but if I were you, I'd consider a new computer. There are plenty of budget deals out there that could get you up and running in this game without costing too much. Minimum Requirements .
  15. The parachutes looked good and they scored definite hits. Casualties are definitely possible there. Grrrr... I hate those guys!
  16. Looks nice! I'll be using that one. Thanks!
  17. What a great battle! And the DAR and AAR were fantastic. Great work! Something like this could be VERY useful for anyone (including military forces) to learn great lessons from before fielding forces. Thanks to both of you!
  18. If they are threatened, they should break their arc assignment and shoot back, so that seems wierd. Personally, I only use target arcs for certain situations. Either for defense so they watch a certain area, or making a really small arc so they don't shoot. Always make sure they are FACED in the right direction, as they generally will shoot at the best target. And if you're playing in realtime mode, you can pause and target freely. Fair winds and smooth sailing, undercovergeek.
  19. Yeah Ken, I have to agree. If the grenades were 'nerfed' a bit, it might be more realistic. You really have to get one close to pepper enemies and closer to kill. And yes YankeeDog, tossing a frag is harder than it looks. I was surprised in training how many people had trouble throwing them. (Ofcourse we didn't get a whole lot of tries unfortunately). Add rushing enemies, loud noises, confusion, fear, etc, and you're going to have a lot less effective fragging. If arty and small arms really are nerfed to account for tight groupings, then grenades should as well.
  20. The one that gets you is the one you never see! You've got to keep your eyes and ears open, just as if you were on the battlefield. That is really a major part of the strategy. Not only do you have to look out for the enemy you can see, but also any place they might be. That's your lesson right there. The first campaign mission lets you use maximum firepower (hint hint: shoot the place up from the best possible positions you can) to easily win. Either way, you will be happier with the ww2 game.
  21. As you can see, version 1.4 has been released! It's got tons of bug fixes and a few new features. If you guys find any problems, please let me know and I'll be fixing things up for a 1.5 release.
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