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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. Well, 1.4 is just an improved 1.3. When I do release it, you'll have to import your mod records from 1.3 so you don't lose all the work you may have put into keeping the records. I do use the newest version as I work on it and it is amazing how just a few little things can make such a big difference. But still, it's not like there's going to be a patch, it's just going to be a new version to replace the old one.
  2. Thanks Pinetree, I may need you in the coming weeks. Even more improvements are being made after this latest release. Here is the update: *Activate mods from the mod record screen. (Should have been there all along.) *z folder Audit button. Checks if the mod manager has the correct mods marked as Activated. *Added a "What's Loaded?" button to find potential conflicts. *Mod Sets: make a mod set without being tied to a scenario or campaign. *Added color to mods screen denoting which side the mod is for (red or blue). *Some other small bug fixes. What I want to do: *Automate the mod finding process to eliminate the steps of filling the boxes, etc. *Import zipped mods straight into the mod manager. *Mod Conflict checker. *Other ways to organize the mods such as being able to pick USMC Uniforms, then picking what mod you want loaded, etc. *Continue simplifying interface, enriching features, automating, and improving.
  3. That's why I usually load up before hand. It's been suggested to me that that is stupid, but I haven't seen much of a difference myself. So I'd rather just be ready to rock with plenty of ammo.
  4. I could see a situation where there would be no ammo. Just because a force sweeps through an area, doesn't mean it's secure. So it is possible that a column could have advanced beyond their supply line. Remember the invasion of Iraq. There were HUGE columns of support and supply vehicles miles and miles long behind the main fighting force. This support/supply column was constantly harassed. So it's not too far from reality to suggest that some damaged or ammo-less vehicles would be stuck with the formation as a liability. This can add a dimension to the scenario, meaning that you have to protect the helpless ones as well as defeat the enemy. Now, if there was a lull between battles, I, as commander, would probably want to share ammo amongst vehicles, not wanting to leave any helpless if at all possible.
  5. Yep, you're right. This is one of the best! Any question you have, post it on here and you'll get the answer you're looking for.
  6. The taliban don't normally have these. But they have used atgm's while fighting the Russians. I have a scenario which I have yet to release, where the taliban uses atgms. I use the same 'it's possible' argument as cabal23, although not necessarily historical fact. The location in my scenario is also fake.
  7. Thanks! I'll be playing this one as soon as I have some time.
  8. I agree MikeyD. These guys don't want to 'beat the game' as much as they want to win a realistic battle using sound tactics. With this frame of thought, the game becomes a simulation. I don't care if I beat a mission as much as I do knowing (or at least believing) that I could take command of company of soldiers and win the day. That's how I see it anyway. Very cool! To the newer players... many of these 'rules' can be broken. For example, you don't always want to not let your vehicles carry troops. One strength of the Stryker is being able to take troops to where they can kill the enemy before they can even prepare to deal with them. Sometimes you might want to drive a squad FULL speed right up to a building, pop smoke, and then dismount and assault, or rush them to a flanking position. It's up to you how to use your assets. So have fun and try not to die too much!
  9. AKD, don't hurt yourself for mods. I hope you get to feeling better asap!
  10. This wasn't my first time through, but it was from over a year ago. Blue (Me) 57 KIA 123 WIA 0 Missing 4 Tanks Lost 19 Armored Vehicles Lost 0 Other Vehicles Lost Red 1032 KIA 730 WIA 421 Missing 49 Tanks Lost 19 Armored Vehicles Lost 78 Other Vehicles Lost
  11. Javolenus, For a novice you have a very good grasp of the tactics. The following are some of my general rules: *Lead from the front, not from the rear! (ok, doesn't exactly pertain to cmsf, but still..) *Think of your guys as real men, and you as their commander. You don't want to be writing letters to Moms about how great their sons were. Be as safe as possible and don't sacrifice men. The US Army, Marines, and the Brits will not sacrifice their men unless absolutely necessary. No human waves as blue unless circumstances are dire. *Use your units as a team, covering one another when possible, watching eachothers backs. *Use smoke, artillery, and air cover. *When in doubt, dismount. One RPG can kill a lot of guys in one vehicle. I'm sure there's tons more I can think of, but those are major points. And this game does rock, and it is the most realistic game of it's type. That's what makes it so cool to me. No other pc game can come close to providing realistic and fun modern tactical experience than CMSF. Glad you found it.
  12. FMB, I'm looking forward to this one! Is the download up there now the latest version?
  13. Tyrspawn, You're going to like playing with the Marines. The size and firepower of a USMC squad makes it one heck of a beast to unleash. They're quite useful and a sight to see when fully engaged.
  14. Well, my scenarios usually turn out to be pretty hollywood, but thanks for the compliment!
  15. No problem. Do it when you have some more time. For me, I'll be in Tahoe for the next few days .
  16. I also got my butt kicked early on. Fun, intense moments though, with the red forces pressing in on me. The next time I play it I'll set up differently and I may have more luck.
  17. http://cmsfmods.heroku.com/mods/search?search=grid&commit=Search Here you go.
  18. Well, there are good mods that turn the foliage and terrain into european style greenery. You just can't mod the equipment, so you have to use some imagination.
  19. Sounds like the average evening with my fiance. She can scrutinize enough for LITERALLY tens of thousands of people. Let's just all have a beer with MeatEtr.
  20. 1) Crap. I'll have to look into why that is happening. 2) I'll have to think about this one. 3) OK, not the problem. 4) Yes, download it for free from microsoft. I might try to uninstall Access Runtime 2007, then download a fresh one and install that. Other ideas: Make sure it's not in "Read-Only" mode. Also, if you have the full Access 2007, then make sure you have admin priviledges on your computer. Otherwise, I'll keep looking into it.
  21. It must be an optical illusion, but those main gun barrels look bent!
  22. I have no idea what's going on. It sounds like something is corrupt, but I've never seen this type of thing happen. It's now info gathering time: 1) If you delete the whole thing manually, you can't install a fresh copy? -Try Add/Remove Programs to get rid of it. 2) Did you download a new copy or are you using the original one you downloaded? -I'd get rid of the old install file and download a new one. 3) Do you have XP or Vista? -If you have Vista, I might be able to help. You have to do some wierd stuff to get it to work. 4) Do you have Access 2007 (full version) or are you using the Access 2007 Runtime? -If you have Access 2007 (full version), I may ask you to debug for me. If you have the Runtime, then I would uninstall and reinstall, as there may be something wrong with that. Please answer these questions for me and I'll do what I can to get you back up and running. By the way, sorry for the problems!
  23. As the creator of z-Bee 1.3, I guess I'm the guy to help you. Let's take it step by step. First, check that your paths are set properly. If you moved your files then the paths are not going to be valid anymore. If that doesn't work, then go to the .accdr file (the mod manager itself) and rename it. After that, try to download and install a fresh copy. Once the fresh copy is installed, use the importing utility to import your records from the old one. Let me know what happens with that. If it still doesn't work, we'll try something else.
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