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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. That IS a nice looking truck! I wouldn't mind having one of those in the garage. That's some crazy suspension if the wheel-wells really need to be that high up. Most of our hummers back in the day had canvas doors with zip-up plastic windows. Our tactical hummers with hatches only had very thin metal doors. I'm glad to see stuff like this that will no doubt save lives.
  2. Funny, just a few minutes ago I shot up a technical and watched it catch fire. I was zoomed in and watched the fire grow into a small inferno. The flames caught my eye because of how realistic it looked. I was using a fire mod, but it was extremely nice looking.
  3. Uniform inspections at the end of every scenario? OK, that is TOO real for me, that's where I draw the line!
  4. I think we're on the same page, the database file is really the whole thing. So if you copy the accdr, you're copying the whole mod manager. Unless... you split the database, but I don't think that would work the way you want it to without significant programming. Either way, I'm glad you're able to use it for your purposes.
  5. Wow gibsonm! I've only got two, the 1.3 released version and my dev version. Feel free to let me know of any other suggestions.
  6. Good to know. I've put in a very significant chunk of time working on it. But it's been fun. The upcoming version will be even better and easier to use.
  7. All M16 variants including the M4 are a pain. They are very accurate, but they do jam a lot. Way too much in my opinion. You have to constantly baby sit it, oiling and cleaning constantly. It would be good to have something a little more hardy, while keeping the accuracy.
  8. That is definitely possible. I've never really thought of that because I use a single copy. I would have to make a selector that would switch paths. So you'd have to select which one you'd want to work with and the appropriate paths would be selected. But... to borrow a play out of the BFC playbook, there are other things I want to do before I would begin work on that. And I'm not sure how many people would actually use it, as I imagine that most people just use their one copy. The solution for you, until then, would be to make several copies of the database and then point all of the paths to each installation you have. The default install path is "C:\Program Files\zBee13\z-Bee 1.3 CMSF Mod Manager.accdr". Just make your copies of the accdr file and rename then according to what you want to use them for. Either way, I'm glad to hear someone is using it. I know a few people are, but I get almost no feedback good or bad.
  9. Captain Mike, Sorry I mis-spoke. By AI I was thinking about scripting scenarios for some reason. I'm not talking about the TacAI, which is improved all the time anyways. You're complaint has been made many times in the past. BFC plans on making major improvements to the scripting. I have no further details as to when exactly, but you're going to get what you want.
  10. Oh no... I meant during scenario creation. What settings refer to what backdrops? Which setting is it?
  11. I'm pretty sure ;)that BFC will be improving the AI as well as many other things. The game is only getting better all the time.
  12. How do you change the mountainous backdrop? I'm working on a scenario but the background image is not what I want. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  13. I know there was a serious discussion on the inside about ways to improve the editor and the AI. And if I remember, adding the ability to use triggers was something they really wanted to do. If I may ask a question on your thread... How the heck do you choose the mountain backdrop image of the map in the editor? I just realized I never really knew how to do that.
  14. It seems, if the taliban knew of a planned evacuation from that outpost, that a good strategy would be to hit with as hard and spectacular attack as they could. That way, it appears that you are forcing the American superpower out. The taliban are just taking advantage of their supposed resurgence. Even if they don't outright overrun the base and kill and capture everyone, they have received a boost in morale and won a seemingly impressive photo op.
  15. 1) Use Occupy if they need to hold on to it. I think it's whoever occupies that painted terrain when the scenario ends. 2) You can select a time in 5 minute increments. So if you have a unit set to R1 in the unit selection area (R2 for group 2, etc), you can then go to reinforcements and set group 1 to the time you want them to arrive. 3) You can't have reinforcements show up when an objective is taken. It has to be based on time. 4) When setting up, make sure they have their starting setup zone painted. Then place the insurgents where you need them within that zone. When they are all in their perfect ambush zones, exit the setup and SAVE. Make sure to SAVE. I've lost a lot of work because I carelessly clicked the load button. I hope this helps and we'll be expecting a scenario soon!
  16. Wengart, I'll release it soon. When I had it tested earlier, I got some negative response. So I'm fixing a few minor things before I let it go. I'm a pretty busy guy, so it may take a few days. But keep an eye out for it... COP Hawkeye. I designed it with the type of combat we are talking about in this thread in mind. I've seen video after video of our guys in small outposts getting hammered from every direction. With only a few guys on any given outpost, they really don't have much ability to send foot patrols out. When they do, they are under-manned and always surrounded by the enemy. So that's how I tried to make the scenario: An understrength platoon of US Army troops, a small group of US Navy Seabees , and a small contingent of ANA (who are also severly under-manned) make up your forces. You must survive an all out attempt to overrun your outpost.
  17. I've got a scenario cooked up, but never released. It's a small group of US troops at a tiny old outpost in Afghanistan. They have to survive a taliban onslaught. I can release it if you guys want.
  18. We all know that IED's and suicide bombers present a terrible problem that we'll never be able to fully defend against. They have certainly taken their toll on us. But when we fight for land, we REALLY don't like losing. So when a squad worth of guys dies with others injured in a real infantry battle, that's when we start getting shaky. On msn.com, there was the story of the guys who died today, and right after was followed by "Is the Afghan War really a necessity?". The more brazen the and ballsy the attack, the more we get nervous. They want our public to get scared and stop supporting the war. And with the support of the Afghan people, they are doing just that.
  19. I just ran a quick test: It wasn't decisive. 1. The larger caliber artillery DID knock down buildings faster. 2. General knocked down an 8 story building first, then anti-armor shortly after. Anti-personnel did less damage to the building, but did still cause casualties. 3. Placing rounds NEXT to buildings with troops on the 1st floor caused only SLIGHTLY more casualties than targeting the buildings themselves. 4. Anti-armor arty seemed NEARLY as effective, if not the SAME as General. 5. Troops in shorter buildings seemed to survive building collapse more than troops in taller buildings that collapsed. 6. I did NOT notice any real difference in accuracy between different types shot by the same guns. Very interesting. This makes me rethink the way I use arty. I always thought that General and Anti-armor fire had more of a significant difference.
  20. OK, good call. You can set the scenario path when you click the "SCENARIO MANAGER" button on the main screen. Once that is set, the folder button should work for you. You do the same thing with the campaigns. It would make more sense to put these in the "Set Up Paths" screen! Thanks though, I'm glad you like it.
  21. Even more improvements are being made after this latest release. *Activate mods from the mod record screen. (Should have been there all along.) *z folder Audit button. Checks if the mod manager has the correct mods marked as Activated. *Added a "What's Loaded?" button to find potential conflicts. What I want to do: *Automate the mod finding process to eliminate the steps of filling the boxes, etc. *Import zipped mods straight into the mod manager. *Mod Conflict checker. *Other ways to organize the mods such as being able to pick USMC Uniforms, then picking what mod you want loaded, etc. *Continue simplifying interface, enriching features, automating, and improving. Since the 1.3 release, I've not heard a single comment. Good or Bad, please let me know. I'm always up for suggestions.
  22. I usually just use General on buildings. I think that's the best bet.
  23. Yeah, when my lady left for an Alaskan vacation, I was finally free to play as much as I wanted! It was a vacation for both of us.
  24. Capt. Mike, Another trick along the same lines... If you wanted, for example, US advisors, you can set your red vs red setting and buy red troops. Then go back and set it to blue vs red and pick blue troops. That's how you can get multiple nations on one team. Take care and thanks for your service over there. At least you get to play cmsf!
  25. Dude, this is simply the best game of it's type. It's worth the money and only gets better with age. You'll love it and Normandy is going to kick ass too. Luckily I, like you, have a cool girlfriend (fiance now!) who likes computer games. The minimum requirements of the game should have that listed: Cool girlfriend.
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