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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. LOL!!! That cracked me up! Now that's a mod I'd like to see. Maybe for CM:Northern California.
  2. My first scenario, Death on the Sand, is a Gulf War scenario. It's a real blood bath, but you get the very long ranges for the tanks to play with. Just add Desert Storm style uniforms (mod is already made) and have at it! Mord: Vietnam would be fun, but BFC has repeatedly said NO to that one.
  3. I think he means the umbrella term for the Normandy game: Bulge and Eastern Front. Just like CMSF has USMC, UK, and NATO. It's a good question that not even the beta testers know yet!
  4. I have dared to enter the Peng threads a few times, but that's it. As far as I can tell, it's where intellectuals go to vomit when their brains feel sick.
  5. I agree with that. No unit is going to hand Gomer Pyle a sniper rifle. Any soldier who gets a sniper rifle will not only be a top-notch soldier for his unit, but will also be well trained. Throw in the fact that the British are among the best soldiers in the world, and you're looking at a Veteran or Elite man. Syrian snipers are probably the same. Now if you've got an insurgent who's using his daddy's old hunting rifle or something he just picked up off one of his dead buddies, that's different.
  6. What happened to refresh monkeys??? Looks like they've evovled into the monkey-men who first discovered that bones could be used as weapons!
  7. Might as well do it in order. CMSF ==> USMC ==> UK, then apply the patch 1.21. Make sure you apply the correct patch for your version. If this doesn't work, you could try putting in a hmmwv mod to see if that replaces the blank textures. Edit: I may be wrong, but this seems like a logical approach.
  8. I can make the background a large pepperoni, that's the best I can do.
  9. I've been messing around with the mod manager again! Time to take some requests, if there are any. Since I've upgraded my monitor to 16:9 and 1920x1080 resolution, I think a high resolution version is coming. Also, I would like to prepare a CM:Normandy version, so that it will cover that game as well. If you guys have any ideas or specific requests, let me know!
  10. Nice work! I'm going to download these when you're done. Thanks!
  11. Yeah Phantom Captian... you can still play in WEGO!!! I use RT but you may use the Esc button to pause as much as you'd like. Sounds like WEGO is for you. Use your IFV as support for your infantry. Beware of RPG's and other guided missiles. A single RPG can destroy any tank, so respect them. Oh, and I think you'll love the Marines. Get a few Marine squads to open up at the same time to see some fireworks!
  12. Alright! This seems like an obvious good decision. Like Charles, I've got a bunch of programming projects going on at work and know what it's like to need another guy to help out. Hopefully Phillip can hit the ground running and be able to really make a difference in production. I wish you guys (BFC) much success!
  13. I'm just glad we have the ability to even mod what we can. It's my belief that the mods out there now not only strengthen the game by tailoring to our own individual tastes, but can keep people interested in the game for longer periods of time. The more the end user gets into the game, the more likely they will stick around to purchase the next module or the next version. I know that is the case for me, and I hope that my mod manager has at least helped to keep a few fans from moving on.
  14. Our enemies already know where our bases are. You won't find much about where all the units/ships are, when they will move, how many per unit, etc. When I was in, I wasn't allowed to talk specifics about our movements.
  15. Yskonyn, I think just about everything you've read here is right, but there are situations in which you'll need to break from conventional thought and take a risk. Sometimes risky moves can turn the tide of a battle in your direction very quickly. I try to play as if I were commanding real dudes whose Moms I would have to write letters to if they died. In your situation, if you have to take a house that's got enemy overwatch from two sides, you should be worrying more about the enemy than the house. Your maneuvers should be aimed at taking out the enemies on overwatch of your objective. Once they are either actively engaged with superior firepower or just destroyed, you can mosey right on in to the objective at your leisure. Only time limits will make you have to rush the place. Use any time you have to pour lead on them, only taking the objective before time runs out. Just a few minutes can help a lot. Engage any confirmed (sometimes suspected) overwatch positions immediately. Use artillery, air power, etc, if you have it. If you have none of the good stuff and can't get any armored vehicles into position to fire upon the enemy positions, then you're screwed. That's when it becomes a gunfight. At that point, if you want it bad enough, you're really going to have to just fight it out. There are also times where it's better to rush in with an armored vehicle. A common tactic might be to rush an empty vehicle up where he can pop smoke. Then rush the vehicle full of troops up and have it pop smoke. Then dismount the troops and rush the vehicles back to safety. I would only recommend this if you are able to minimize the enemy fire on you. An example would be crossing a street covered by an MG. A vehicle travelling quickly across the street would leave the enemy with less time to engage. Not to mention the survivability against MG fire is significantly increased with a little steel plating between you and the enemy. A squad of infantry would cross much slower and expose themselves to fire for a greater period of time. Basically, use your arsenal before using your lives. Don't ever get guys killed because you want to save ammo unless fulfilling that parameter is the only way to win (:[). Either way, it sounds like you've got the right mindset of evaluating the situation and trying to come up with the best solution. The more you do that, the more lessons you will learn and the wiser you will become.
  16. Hey tyrspawn, Hopefully these will spark something with your creativity... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1609762.stm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Anaconda http://www.suasponte.com/m_afghan.htm
  17. I'd probably just take a screenshot and log it into a spreadsheet like Meade95 said.
  18. Great!!! I still have a hard time playing the game without the old ones. The new ones look awesome! Good to finally have all the Brit weapons done up. THANKS!
  19. ...and for the rest of his life, telling the story of how close that missile came by his head. Nice shots.
  20. I think he just means the eye candy. I'm always up for better graphics. CoH does have graphics limitations that CMSF has no problem with, like not being able to zoom way out and way in. I'd love for CMSF to have the same eye candy. As far as gameplay goes, CoH doesn't even compare to CMSF in realism, not even close.
  21. I looked it up on facebook, but I found several results. Which one is the official one??? EDIT: Nevermind. I found the link on the main page.
  22. US Army, USMC, and British Forces all play much differently. With USMC, you can use brute force in most cases, while playing with the Brits requires more finesse and tactics. I love them all, to be honest. Newer scenarios aren't necessarily HUGER than any from the past, but they are a little tighter as far as AI and point scoring are concerned. Google Earth/Maps has, as MikeyD said, made the maps easier to create in a more realistic fashion. In fact, with NATO and Normandy, you'll be seeing quite a few maps straight outta google. So not only are the maps improved, but you get tons of new units, and will more than triple (?) the number of scenarios you can play. If you are a fan of CMSF, then the modules are worth every penny.
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