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Everything posted by theFightingSeabee

  1. I think there should be a "load up" line at the top of the ammo list, so you can load up with one click. Not sure I like the idea of auto loading up. But you should also be able to click on another squad and exchange ammo. Nothing sucks more than having a guy with a CLU standing next to a guy with a Javelin missile, just to have them sit there and not use it. It makes you almost want to have him poke his head up and get shot just so you can 'maybe' take his missile during buddy aid. Hearing it will be fixed at some point is nice, but I REALLY wish it could make it into to cmsf1.
  2. OK, I checked out the UK mod. I have a small problem. Every single sound has the F bomb. Not that I don't say it on a daily basis, but I think it would be better to mix it up a bit. Some should have it, some shouldn't. I do like the emotion behind it though, that really spices up the game.
  3. Nice mod! With blue weapons you could almost say that's a vietnam/korea/ww2 mod.
  4. Yeah, the mods folder is really just wherever you store all of your cmsf mods. I keep mine easy to access, so I can always unzip them there easily. From there, z-bee will read all the mods in that folder and let you make records of them. It also copies the mods from that folder to the z folder when "activating". Deactivating just deletes them from the z folder, but they remain in the mods folder. I know it's a bit confusing at first, but all z-bee is doing is using the paths you set and the records of the mods to manipulate the files. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions, I'd be glad to help.
  5. To clarify, gibsonm is right, except that the path to the Scenarios and Campaigns should be where your actual scenarios and campaigns are located. So if you are using the default install location, then: C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force\Game Files\Scenarios and C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force\Game Files\Campaigns You don't really need a separate scenarios and/or campaigns folder. Just use the one that game reads. And, as I'm sure you've read, there is another version (much improved) coming out soon. If you need more help, let me know.
  6. That's a flash suppressor. I don't know if it really works all that well, because the .50 cal flash can be huge at night. But it is standard issue with any m2. Those are higher tech optics than the old school starlight scopes that I had.
  7. There are so many I'd like to add, as I have no single favorite. But here are some of my favorites: *One I just tested from Imperial Grunt: USMC and UK_15th MEU Helo Assault. *USMC Circle the Wagons. A great little ambush scenario. *Scoops Big Adventure. (for the laughs!). *USMC Rahadnak Valley Search. (with added time). *USMC Fish. (with added time). *UK The Mouse Trap. (Had a lot of fun with this one). *Baker 1_1. *Dawn Raiders. *Hold the Line v3 Elite Edition. (what a crazy attack!). *USMC 310 to Yuma. (very cinematic). *USMC Clean Sweep. *Many of the different campaign missions are great too. One of my favorite campaigns is From the Dawn to Setting Sun. I could go on and on with many more, so don't feel bad if I didn't include yours! But these stick out in my head.
  8. Yeah. I've seen this subject gone over a hundred times in this forum. It's basically just Charles doing the programming, so dev time is a bit slow. I do know that the UI will get quite a few improvements for ww2. If I'm not mistaken, they designed the UI earlier on and then it kind of obsoleted itself as they added more and more detail. So, while I totally agree with you that the UI needs more work, you can go to bed tonight feeling nice and fuzzy knowing they are working on it (among a million other things!).
  9. I will have a ton of fun with the upcoming ww2 games, but.... I know it will leave me sickened waiting for the next modern warfare game. It'll be like when I tried to recreate the battle of Fallujah in CMAK.
  10. I've found good positions for the atgm strykers to be 1) hull down near a small bridge (?) to the lower left (looking toward obj charlie). From here you can get some of the tanks coming on the map. 2) Poking out of the ravine on the right. But, in both places you have to back up under cover while reloading. Even a hit to the missile system can knock out the vehicle. The rest of the team I have sitting in the buildings. Not until later will I load up and race for the end. You just have to use those atgms to great effect or you'll lose. This one gave me a lot of pain in the past too.
  11. I think it's about that time... Time to call on a few z-Bee testers to help polish version 1.4. If anyone would like to help out, just PM me with your email and we'll go from there. Thanks!
  12. Mord, it's been a while! I'll have to check it out asap.
  13. Boom. Recoilless rifle soldier. AT-4 rear hit. Although it looks like the guy on the left would have been very pissed off, having just had his ear blown out and all the hair on his head burned off.
  14. I love the whole IL2 series. I've spent many many hours shooting down strafing airfields and trains. Great fun. I can't wait to see the Battle of Britian.
  15. How about China and allies invade the US West Coast!? Plenty of varied terrain from temperate to desert, mountains to plains, rural to urban.
  16. And here I am in MS Paint stretching, skewing, and cropping, trying to draw a box the exact number of pixels it needs to be. Boy do I feel stupid. I sat there with a calculator trying to figure out what percentage I needed to shrink to get the exact size.
  17. I can't speak for the Army Air Cav or similar units, but I have some experience. I believe that my experience will mostly pertain to any other US air-mobile unit, but may not be entirely accurate due to operational differences between the branches. I was a part of 'Air Det' in my Seabee battalion. This was a small group of hard chargers , with specialties in all areas. Basically a mini battalion the size of a small company. Since our entire battalion was air-mobile, we used Air Det as the initial force under most circumstances. We would be flown in, generally by C-130's, and unload and secure the area, if not already secured by the Marines. Helicopters could bring in much of the equipment, but only if there were no dirt strips for the C-130's. Not to mention we also used heavy equipment like bulldozers and trucks. I think just about any unit would operate in a similar fashion. Rather than flying in dozens of helicopters, I would expect that they bring in the initial wave and reinforce as they go. Something to consider is that equipment airlifted in with helicopters may not be ready to jump in and start fighting. There may be some prep work involved, so don't have choppers drop off battle ready tanks. They will also be carrying supplies, ammo, food, water, tools, etc. So some type of staging area will be necessary. Seabee vehicles driving right off a C-130 will be almost immediately ready to rock. For the question about the distances away, that all depends. 1km is not very far. Many machine guns have a greater range than that, so that may be a consideration. But, if the tactical situation requires the force to land in the thick of it all or the element of surprise is key, then enemy fire be damned! Still, vehicle delivery would occur in the safest area possible. I hope that helps with your design. Oh... and glad to see you back PT!
  18. Yeah, sorry about that! 1.3 is the last release. 1.4 is in beta stages.
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