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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. My experience is that MG gunners in HTs are picked off to easily at medium ranges. I think poesel71s tests with KW and HT are telling.
  2. togi, The reason the elevation isn't limited is that its to hard and time intensive to code the behavior for the AI to react in a proper way when it cant depress/elevate its gun to hit a target. This wont change (at least not anytime soon). What has been done is that such a unit suffers from time penalties so that it wont be able to engage as fast as it would if it was in a "proper" position. A good work around if you ask me. These new changes came with MG so you wont see it in CMFI unit the next patch comes out.
  3. Zenomorph, Units will only go over low walls. For high walls you will need demolition charges to go through/blast your way through with the blast move order (usually only allocated to engineers, airborne, and special breach teams). Tanks and guns are also able to shoot holes through high walls but I dont think I have ever seen fausts/bazooka etc take out high walls.
  4. The battle progress without much activity.. 19 minutes has passed (only 11 minutes remaining until I can move off map without any penalties. Is the Axis CO taking to much time? Is my 60 mm harassing mortar fire holding his units back?) Grenadiers are starting to move up and are now closing in on the ridge on my right. In the background 2nd platoon H Coy can be seen. The Germans are using a nice bounding overwatch as they move in on the ridge. I spot several HMG setting up as well. I will try to hit them with some 60 mm mortar fire. The forward element from 1st platoon H 3rd Rangers are watching as the Germans move forward. The spotted unit is the same LMG as seen in the picture above. As the forward element (short/medium covered arc on all units to hold fire unit the enemy comes closer) opens up on a German unit making its way up the ridge with their Garands all hell breaks lose. Soon after the Germans send 150 mm shells down the Rangers way. The awesome firepower of these weapons will have me dislodged quickly. No casualties yet and I must move to a reverse slope position ASAP. The allied unit in the picture is the forward element of 1st platoon H Coy as seen in the picture above this one. A mmg from 1st platoon H coy 3rd Rangers hug the ground as the 150 mm shells impact to close for comfort. Luckily one round drops pretty short and Its a good chance it harmed the German assault teams, or at least suppress them for a turn or so. Overview: As I'm soon allowed to move off map and the Germans don't seem to try and flank me on my right I start to move back 2nd Platoon H Coy. Blue arrow show their path and the blue bulge show their planed new defensive position. From there they will be able to put out fire from a reverse slope position as any Germans follow 1st Platoon H Coy as they start to fall back. Red arrows show the German advance. Orange circles are 60 mm mortar missions. I feel very confident as 19 minutes has already passed and no casualties sustained.. I will soon be allowed to move off map and am starting to make preparations to pull everyone out. I also believe I can move 1st Platoon G Coy as the enemy doesn't seem to move with any speed through the wooded area (which of course is smart.. last battle I was able to take out a fair number of Grenadiers as they stumbled into my SMG wielding Rangers hiding in the woods.)
  5. I'm finally able to continue this AAR after a very intensive RL period. We are currently playing through the 5 turn (of 11 total) of the PzC operation, and its the Axis assault phase. Below is the battle that is fought between myself and Axis CO (Kuderian). At the meantime Kohlenklau is taking on poesel71 in the northern parts of Ribera (separate AAR by Kohlenklau). As shown earlier in this thread the Rangers of 3rd Ranger Bn has landed on the beaches southwest of Ribera. From there they have dislodged an Italian coastal defense coy from its fortified positions as well as engaging a larger German force moving down the coast, reinforcing the Italian units on the field. The Rangers have enjoyed the support from the two ships just off the coast. The destroyer USS Buck and the light Cruiser HMS Ulster. After the last engagement, where the much smaller US force was able to dish out some hurt on the German PzGren of the 15th PzGren division and then withdraw, the Germans are now putting the pressure on and start to attack the location held by the Rangers. The depleted German PzGren Bn is supported by five SPA (Grille - one was destroyed by a lucky 60 mm mortar bomb during the last engagement) and are attacking the location held by G and H coy 3rd Rangers (83 men). Neither side have any off map support with the exception of the potential deployment of their organic weapons (The Germans have a 75 mm IG and 81 mm mortars. One IG was lost during the last battle due to naval fire from USS Buck.) The Rangers are seriously outnumbered (I coy will turn up as reinforcement with another 57 men after some time (15 minutes + a variable 15 minutes), The HQ unit in the same hex as I coy cant join in the defense. HQ units can only take part if the hex they occupy is assaulted). The Rangers mission is to hold the enemy back for 30 minutes and then start to move off map (exiting earlier will result in morale penalties for future actions / or the loss of the individual units). Conducting a fighting withdrawal against a motorized unit with SPA support will be very tricky. The high quality of the Rangers are what I will be counting on to pull this off. In the longer scope these Rangers are to move northeast to support the airborne of the 1st Bn, 504th PIR as they take the 300 point VL just south of Ribera itself. The data extracted from PzC to CM except for the number of men and unit type: Morale A = High CM motivation Fatigue < 100 = Units are fit Experience = (Always) Typical Below the setup (and some 9 minutes have passed.. the Germans are very cautious as the battle begins.) The map was created based on the map used in our last battle as the hexes are adjacent. Not showing in this picture, but further to the coast lies "the Winery".. properly edited to reflect the damage it took from USS Buck in the last battle. Below, some more details on the setup and my overall plan. Red arrows are expected routes of the enemy advance. Yellow box: 2nd Platoon H coy 3rd Rangers. They are holding the ridge commanding most parts of the battlefield. Once the Germans take this position they will be able to direct fire on my exit routes. I must try and hold it as long as possible. I must also block any advance that tries to move up on the far edge. This could cut of my exit. Orange box: 1st Platoon H coy 3rd Rangers with the Coy HQ. They are holding the fields/hills in the center and protecting the flank of 2nd platoon. Light blue box: 1st Platoon G coy 3rd Rangers. This force is heavy on SMGs and are supposed to block any advance to the far edge of the wooded area. This platoon might get cut of as the battle progress. If that happens, their orders are to fight until other units have moved off map and then surrender. I'm hoping to be able to execute a nice ambush with this force. They are also equipped with a bazooka. Any Grille moving to close would be a very nice target. Holding this area will seriously hinder the enemy from moving up on the center or left flank. Dark blue box: 2nd Platoon G coy 3rd Rangers. Seriously depleted, this small platoon is taking up positions on a small ridge covering the enemy's possible approach on the left flank. A bit further back you can also see G coy 3rd Rangers Captain with two 60 mm mortars. I plan to use these mortars to harass the German advance as well as hammering any buildup locations I can spot. The white lines are the planed route of withdrawal for the respective units. On my right the platoons from H coy will setup a new defensive position in the small wooded area in the middle of a field. From here they will hold of the enemy for some additional time if needed before they can exit. On my left both platoons from G Coy will move fast towards the exit. I'm counting on I coy, moving in as reinforcements to take up positions in the small farming complex and cover G coys retreat once they move on map. All retreat routes have been carefully selected to utilize defilade to as great extent as possible. Left flank, MMG from 2nd Platoon G coy 3rd Rangers covering the approaches from the south. Coy HQ G 3rd Ranger, two men and two pairs of binoculars watching the central approaches. From here they will be able to direct mortar fire as well as follow the enemy advance.
  6. waclaw, Is the 15mm sound for MAC or PC? Im a PC man myself so would love to see an update for Market Garden.
  7. Waycool, Yes.. you can collect weapons, ammo and equipment from them. These items may also be damaged/destroyed as a result of the pixel mans death, no way of knowing until you perform buddy aid. Seriously wounded, red base soldiers, can be stoped from dying by buddy aid. They still wont get back to the fight but they will not turn to a dark red/brown dead soldier at the end screen when results are counted. EDIT: I hope to see more on hand to hand combat as the game evolves. Even if no fancy animations are added it should be a part of the game.
  8. I have been playing a lot of RT (since CMSF days) but only against then AI. For me the problem is when scenarios are too big and it becomes a problem to control a very large force (without pausing a lot), playing WEGO plays out better IMO. The other thing is that you miss so many of those small cool things that will happen in a CM battle. The things you can just sit and rewatch for several times. One of the things that I love so much with CM. So I’m quite happy being back playing WEGO against human opponents. IMO what brings out the most of CM.
  9. Maybe triggers will be added in 3.0? That would be great news. I usualy only play h2h but with a more "advanced" AI Id play more solo. What strikes me yet again is the beauty of BFs new system with the cmx2 engine and how it evolvs and "old" families being able to be brought up to the same standard as new ones for a modest amount. I love that.
  10. Not if you use the mouse to move the camera as intended.
  11. Search youtube for "German War files" and you will find all episodes (including Panzer I and II as well as non Panzer "files" suchs as artillery, Falschirm Jaegers and different aircraft) and in their full leangth. For example: https://www.youtube.com/user/geesusdb/videos?view=0&sort=p&shelf_index=3
  12. Man that pak looks good Aris! Guess it will work right in CMFI as well
  13. I was very happy to learn that there was a new "The road to" campaign. I havent tried it yet but look forward to doing so. PT is a really a top campaign designer and I hope this is a trend of "The road to" campaigns as new families and moduels are released
  14. Togi, as I understand it we will still be using the cmx2 engine for Bagration and modern.. but we will go from 2.0 to 3.0. Aragorn2002, I believe "Bagration" or the first east front title will have modules/packs that will bring to up to the end of the war. BF has also been talking about making CM east front into one single base game with a lot of modules instead of the earlier talk of 3-4 base games with modules.
  15. AA units where able to engage aircraft in cmx1.. I believe BFC are planing to make it happen for cmx2 some time but other things have higher priority. I for one is just happy we have AA to play around with even if its only in the ground role (how often does one face aircraft anyways).
  16. It is.. you sure it has a mg with ammo. Also sure its not a fire short/quick order?
  17. It would be great if the old hunt command (cmx1) would be introduced again (a unit will start to move again if it lose contact or destroy all spotted enemies). I cant recall if BF has explained if its to hard to implement in the cmx2 engine?
  18. My guess is it will be included in the first pack for CMBN (not sure if there will be more than one). As the model is there for CMFI I would guess it means less work to move it over to CMBN than to create something from scratch. I love the little thing so hope to see it included. Speaking of packs.. it would be great to get some more information about the amount of content. How many formations / how many vehicles can we expect in a pack (ballpark numbers)? If I’m not mistaken it has been said that a pack will include some scenarios focusing on the new units in the pack but no major campaigns. Also that the price will be lower than a module. I’m sure BF knows what they are doing figuring out the amount of content and the price. I’m hoping for more content and will happily pay for it
  19. Well the good new is that the next patch for CMFI will have units being able to share ammo from other units that are not in their parent formation (If I have understod things correct - this feature is brought in with CMBN MG module).
  20. I never thought modern would be my cup of tea either.. bought it to support BF at first. After some time with it I just fell in love. Both the setting and the new x2 engine. For me it was very appealing with a game that was able to simulate current events in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  21. There is no need to track casualties in a excel sheet. The end screen AAR will do (we do not track individual weapons, only the casualties themselves). Looks like your retreat have been cut off. If it’s not possible to break out (without extreme casualties) it might be best to try and agree on a ceasefire and exit (not likely) or to surrender. It’s your call.
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