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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Dude.. wall of text. People will have a hard time reading that. Id love if CM would incorporate a good grand campaign system. But I am pretty happy with what we have now. There is still a lot to do with the tactical simulation and that should always be the first priority if you ask me (fire/flamethrowers, ground to air, tank riding etc).
  2. Some German units was missing their panzerfausts (?), but that was corrected in a patch.
  3. Looking forward to it Combatintman. Your scenarios are gems. Love scenarios based on real events.
  4. Mmm the heroic Soviet Union who attacked Poland, Finland and the Baltic states with no provocation.
  5. Thanks Fenris! Poesel71, the offers expire fairly quick. If you couldent get it now then there probably is some sort of region restriction. Works here in Sweden anyways..
  6. The 40th minute continues.. Overviewing the carnage.. This BAR team puts out long range support fire towards the Grenadiers advancing on my right. It lacks the sustains fire capability of the MG. Overview after 40 minutes of combat: I have suffered heavy casualties over the last minutes.. my total now close to 30 men. With a starting force (well including my reinforcements) of 140 men I have now hit 20% casualties. The distance to the enemy is again a bit longer on my right. I will have to utilize this, making good use of cover and get out ASAP. Blue arrows: Allied movement Blue bulge: Allied defensive position / Observation post Red arrow: Axis advance Red bulge: Axis base of fire
  7. The 39th minute continues.. On my left is also sustain more casualties.. artillery and long range MG fire is bleeding my force away. Deadly MG fire open up as the Rangers dash between cover. Overview after 39 minutes of combat: 9 casualties sustained this last minute.. more a sure to follow during the next turn. Will I be able to exit a still combat capable force? One thing is clear, and that is that if I let the Germans get in to close, more Rangers will die. I have to keep the distance. ------------------------ The 40th minute: The dust generated by the grenade thrown in the end of last turn can be seen here. No confirmed casualty as a result. Its also apparent that these two Rangers wont make it for long. A final rush towards safety, bullets flying all around them.. Seconds later.. Away on the left.. a MG from 2nd Platoon G Coy targets a command team in a Kübelwagen as well as ha HMG 34. It scores a confirmed casualty and disrupts the enemy MG.
  8. The 39th minute.. Its hard to talk about a fighting withdrawal when the enemy get this close.. It will be next to impossible to get any of the 7 or 8 men that are up close and personal with the Germans back to safety. So close.. just as they are about to enter the woods another Rangers is shot by German small arms. The Germans keep moving forward, pushing any opposition aside.. A pinned group of Rangers, not able to get out decide to refuse surrender and go out fighting. Hopefully saving some of their fellow platoon members. From close range the Rangers revile them selves and open up on the Germans. At least one enemy casualty is confirmed. Facing overwhelming odds.. two Rangers are soon cut down. The squad leader throws a grenade just as the minute comes to a close. Behind the immediate front the Rangers moving off map are surprised by a stray 150 mm round. It also seems like the Germans have a spotter on station.. 81 mm mortar fire is dropping spotting rounds in this area. Two more casualties suffered as the enemy send yet more HE the Rangers way.
  9. The 37th and 38th minute.. The Rangers continue their withdrawal.. Another casualty is suffered as a Ranger is cut down by small arms fire. A MMG positioned to the right of the small wooded area is providing covering fire as the Rangers dash towards safety. On my left.. the Grenadiers start to move forward again. They are still harassed by the MMG in the farm building. The other MMG in the pair didn't set up in the other building for what seemed like an age. I have now re-positioned it outside. A German struck down by the .30 cal firing away at 450 meters. Also on my left but a bit further back, the SPA keep pounding the path of my withdrawal. Overview after 38 minutes of combat:
  10. The 36th minute continues.. The heavily outnumbered Rangers are not able to break up the Grenadiers advance. They are soon taken under heavy fire. Bold Grenadiers open up from their Kübelwagens. Sergeant Sabo is killed in the crossfire. MP40s and MG34s soon have the Rangers suppressed. Two casualties sustained on my right as the Grenadiers move forward. Things are still going as planed.. More Rangers from H Coy move towards safety. On my left another casualty is inflicted by the long range fire of the Grille SPA. My total casualties are now up to 14. The enemy has suffered some 8 confirmed casualties. The lethal radius of the 150 mm is truly impressive. It will be hell trying to move through this area. Overview after 36 minutes of combat: Blue arrows: Allied movement Blue bulge: Allied defensive position/observation post Red arrows: Axis advance Red bulge: German base of fire
  11. The 36th minute: After maneuvering into position the Grenadiers assault the Rangers positions. Corporal Wilmot, staying behind to cover the withdrawal of the reminder of his squad, showing immense courage, is finally killed. The Grenadiers storming forward in great numbers. 1st Platoon H Coy, at their last defensive position before the small wooded area covering their retreat path. The Grenadiers pay with blood as the move forward. Seen from the Grenadiers perspective.. A hail of Thompson and Garand fire great the advancing Grenadiers. 1st Platoon H Coy claim more kills as they fire as fast as they are able. Parts of the Grenadiers advance is broken up. Another two casualties inflicted as the Germans move up.
  12. kohlenklau, In a building? Not if it goes for the tripod, with the bipod it can fire without any delay.
  13. Wodin, Thats what I plan to do as well. It will work, but it might look a little bit out of place when a V1 hull/turret is matched with a V2 hull/turret. But I will try it out and see how it looks. EDIT: I have to sneak in a small request/wish to Aris.. the Panzer VIB Henschel turret. Id love to see it get your attention and be brought up to par with the porsche
  14. Setting up a MG in a building will take minutes rather than seconds. Its hard to redeploy them sucessfully when on defence in a built up area.
  15. I'm a decal man myself.. but I'm just grateful that you put these mods together Aris. Would you use decals yourself? If not, I say release as is And thanks again for amazing mods!
  16. @Fuser, Thanks Ang good news BFC is looking into the facing/relocating of MGs in buildings.
  17. Ive managed to miss the UI deployment time.. can someone post a pic? Id appreciate that
  18. ian.leslie, I believe thats probably the smoke from firing the gun.
  19. I for one is very happt they have included som Normandy FJ battles in MG. I have missed them since CMBN first was released. Sure they could have left this out and someone would have made scenarios after MG was released, but I think it makes perfect sence they included them. The comparison of different units being the same is not valid in any way. This is CM not Company of heroes or some other crap..
  20. Oddball, go ahead and do Aris a favour and download from the repository and then upload to cmmods.
  21. The 35th minute continues.. Fortune favors the brave. Yet more mobile units move up on my right flank. How far will they go? Are they going to try and cut of my escape? I have a MMG ready to deal with any softskins moving closer to my force. And the Bazooka team, waiting for the Grille. The Axis commander is very confident, and determined to halt the Rangers escape. Overview after 35 minutes of combat: Im still positive.. I have halted the Grenadiers advance on my left. Their SPA are pounding me but hugging the ground not many casualties have been inflicted. On my right the enemy is moving up nicely on my flank.. but I have several units in good position to stop them if they try to move in on me. At the same time Im moving up nicely on the exit zone. Blue arrows: Allied movement Blue bulge: Allied defensive position Red arrow: Axis advance Red bulge: Axis base of fire Red circle: Area bombarded by Axis on map artillery. ---------- No action in this part of the map but wanted to show a picture of "the Winery" that took such a pounding from USS Buck during the last hour of combat. Ps. Thanks kohlenklau.. we will make the Axis pay for Ribera.
  22. The 34th minute: Overview: ------------------ The 35th minute: As I move units behind the farming complex.. the enemy soon spot this. A Grille round strikes in the wooded area and wounds a member of 2nd Platoon I Coy HQ. As my MGs continue to fire on the Grenadiers on the hill.. they start to take casualties. Some are also seen crawling away to cover. The MG in the farming complex.. some 480 meters from the Germans have been firing for two-three turns but still hasn't attracted any attention. This is very good news. I was sure a Grille would fire on them after a turn or so. I hope they can keep going without the Germans discovering them. As the Germans are starting to move up on my right flank, I bring up a Bazooka team to check the Grille if it tries to move further down hill. Distance as of now.. 150 meters. The Grilles icon can be seen further up the hill. A Bazooka round will make short work of it. But I will only risk firing if I'm sure I can score a hit. Also on my right.. the withdrawal continues and is so far successful. Again its smoke grenades that provide nice concealment for the Rangers.
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