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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. kohlenklau, Slow turn rate? Very few battles will ever run the full two hours (no battle so far has gone past the hour out of 6 battles played). Basicaly you will have a force that can match the enemy and duke it out, otherwise you will try to preserve your force and move off map after 30 minutes. If you have been surrounded and its not possible to force a breakthrough, its perhaps best to surrender. On another note, my battle is going well (as far as turns are exchanged at a good phase). I have not had a lot of time to start my DAR/AAR for this battle but will start it soon.
  2. Very much so Aris. Thanks for your efforts, looks great.
  3. Get a download only. No need to pay for shipping. Another option is to uninstal the game on your laptop so you free up one activation for his computer.
  4. Your probably right.. better take the extra weeks to iron out those bugs. Very much looking forward to another quality BFC product
  5. Aris, outstanding as always. Love your work and how it makes the models pop in every scenario. It’s always worth an extra rewatch of the turn to look at the detail and gorgeous finish of your work.
  6. Four weeks since the MG announcement this friday.. fingers crossed!
  7. Yes I think thats what he is asking. StansDad, try some out and see if they work. If your not into guess work then check the name of the mod files, they need to be the exact same for them to work in CMFI and CMBN (and of course.. the model etc needs to be in both games, no Elefants will show up in CMBN). You can also rename files to have them work. Use the mod tools in the CMBN/CMFI folder and have at it.
  8. Great news! Very happy you are bringing this engagement and beautiful map to CMBN George
  9. Ahh.. The King Tiger (henschel turret) makes its entrance.
  10. Looks great Aris! Looking forward to the priest!
  11. I would also pay for master maps of the Normandy areas of interest. Easy. These ones for MG looks amazing, cant wait for the release
  12. Some additional intel. We have been hels up in northern Ribera for two hours. We have good visibility to the surroundings. No Grille SPA have been reported in the area. Earlier this morning we were engaged with the blackshirts dealing minor casualies to them as we withdrew into Ribera from the other side of the Verdura. Shortly thereafter the Italians where hit by our P-38s. Strafing and bombing the enemy column inflicting moderate casualties. The Italian coy is weekened. The PzGren unit has not been engaged in any combat yet. Their numbers are believed to be in battalion streangth and of good quality. The enemy has no attached artillery with the exception of organic mortars (x2?) and Infantry guns (x2?).
  13. Thats not good . I also hope BF will give us more options even if they just put the same sound for severeal functions. Then it will be possible to mod and we have so many tallented sound moders out there (the two posters above mine for example).
  14. My 2IC in this campaign is steeping down due to RL time constrains. Playing as a team makes this whole experience much more fun. If you would like to take part as 2IC in the allied team together with me, please let me know via a PM. 2IC doesn't handle any of the PzC stuff, its all about CM action. Our next set of battles are ready to go.
  15. Looks great (from formations, buildings to master maps)! Cant wait to get my hands on it. The henschel KT is stunning.
  16. I hope this changes soon (for pzf, zook and schreck). Might be to late for MG but in the next patch maybe. Vanir and Argus have done the research / has the physics knowledge. In adition to that, the fact that tanks dont have any elevation restrictions. A change in this behaviour just makes a lot of sense IMO.
  17. Is it possible to rubble a wall in the editor? If so, how? Im not talking about the wall of a building, but independent walls. Rural stone wall as an example.
  18. Axis offensive fire: I will only show results that had effect. The PzGren softens up the defending Rangers before their pending assault. 14 casualties are inflicted, whats really bad is the fact that all my British Liaison officers / FO for HMS Ulster are killed. I think this will render HMS Ulster ineffective for the reminder of the operation. A huge setback for the Allies to say the least.. The 14 men/X indicates 14 casualties are sustained as well as that a unit has been destroyed. In this case the British Liaison officers calling in fire from the light cruiser HMS Ulster. Axis assault phase: Two assaults are declared. I have opted to fight both of them in CM, even though Im heavily outnumbered. Assault 1. The paratroopers held up in northern Ribera are assaulted from the SW by a Coy of Italian blackshirts from the XII Corps. They are also assaulted from the N by a unit of PzGrenadiers from the 15th PzGren Division. I'm not sure how big the German force is. The XXX indicates we have between a Coy and a full Bn in front of us. Assault 2. The Rangers are counterattacked after the hit and run they just have conducted against a weekend Bn of PzGren from the 15th PzGren Division. Its the northern hex that is assaulted (83 men from G and H / 3rd Rangers). The adjacent unit I / 3rd Rangers can move in as reinforcements if I choose to deploy them. The unit has to cross a hex (1km) at its units PzC speed. Most infantry have a 4km/H speed. This means it takes them 15 minutes to traverse the ground. However there is a +/- 15 minutes variable to simulate that it takes time to get the message received and get moving. There is also a HQ at the adjacent hex, HQ 3rd Rangers. They cant take part in anything other than fully defensive actions, so the hex they occupy has to be attacked for them to be able to take part in a battle (I've marked them with a red box). We are now in the process of finding / creating suitable maps for the two battles. --
  19. Kuderian asked me to answer this so I will We have not decided 100% on all the rules yet. This whole operation is a trial and error to get comfortable with the whole system and hopefully have everything ironed out for our next operation, probably something related to Market Garden. So the main reason behind this rule, was that we wanted to some how get around the need to fight all battles in CM. If a battle is just too one sided and one part really doesn't think it will be any fun. At the same time we want to favor battles being fought in CM. We also want to keep rules to a minimum so we first decided that the enemy unit is to be considered destroyed/captured. This was far from ideal as the attacking unit would get away whit zero casualties and the defender would always be wiped out. On the other hand assaults in PzC will give you results that are far from what one would expect from a CM engagement with the same forces and favor the defender. Fortunately noob did some testing and when lowering the defenders defense value by a quarter, or at a set number of 4. One will get results that are very favorable for the attacker but still leaves some room for the defender to have some tactical choices. CM combat will still be favored by this rule but PzC assaults will play a role and the defender can use units to block the attacker with some success and the attacker needs to be careful so that he attacks in the correct formation (not travel formation) etc. As presented in my part of the AAR a big US force destroyed a small Italian force without any US casualties and on the other hand a Italian Coy was able to fend of a US Bn assaulting over a stream. US taking 4 cas and the Italians 5. I'm really happy with the outcome with this change.
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