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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Id love to see the grille or king tiger henschel
  2. Thanks for putting this up Vanir. Hope to see an official responce from BFC.
  3. Well James, as written before.. the close assault is not only ordinary grenades. Its grenade bundels, at-mines etc. Im not gonna go look for the thread where this was mentioned but Im sure it has been mentioned by BFC before. Very curious if Steve will set us straight. As an abstraction I feel its ok and gameplay works good. I would like to see special at munitions tracked but there are a lot of other things with a higher priority IMO.
  4. Grenades in this instance are also an abstraction of other hand held AT weapons such as grenade bundles, magnetic mines, panzer wurfmine or what have you..
  5. I have had a look and compared version 1 and 2 of several of Aris latest releases (not the M8 HMC yet though). To me they look even more realistic, the weathering and slightly darker colors. Aris just keeps getting better and better. Its a treat having these mods in game
  6. Exactly my point.. an attempt at sarcasm on my part. More power to anyone that makes an attempt with another language than their native tongue. Even more so if they dont have the natural exposion to tv shows/movies in that language and/or a school system that puts a lot of effort towards a second or even third language.
  7. I was happy to see that this has been tweeked in the patch. Not had time to check it out yet.
  8. For me nothings is a s good as a scenario that keeps true with history. That being said.. fictional or semi fictional scenarios can be very fun as well. Starting out as a scenario maker, starting with a small battle that is fictional is definately the way to go. You learn with time.. And a big thanks to all how make scenarios and post for us to enjoy. I think many of us are intimidated by the new challanges with the CMx2 engine compared with the CMx1. But I have over the last year started to work with the editor, creating maps. Its a lot of fun.. might just release a scenario when I have more time over.
  9. Put in as much as possible of units/formations/vehicles that where present during the time frame . One thing I have been woundering about.. will BF hold of on this pack for CMBN unitl 3.0 or whenever fire is added. Or might we see two packs, one odds and sods and one focused all around flames.
  10. They dont. But I believe its considered under the hood. The same with barrel changes. So the MGs over all performance effected.
  11. And all countries have English tv shows in a broad extent and a school system that has a high focus on English as a second language..
  12. And on my birthday. Thanks Aris!! Cant wait to check them out.
  13. Base game: CMBN and CMFI Modules for CMBN: CW and MG. Modules for CMFI: GL. Packs: No released so far. Content: Base Game: Major code upgrades. Module: New Units/Formations/Vehicles, scenarios and campaigns. Might contain new terrain etc (MG and GL) Packs: No released yet. Some inf from BF, but might change: New Units/Formations/Vehicles and some scenarios focusing on the new units etc. Might also contain some new terrain etc.
  14. Have a great vacation Aris. LOVE the new darker colours in the StuG and StuH. Big thanks!!
  15. Im using Aris/Fusers fantastic mod: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4799/details And if Im not misstaken I have edited the two sets included to use all of them, to give even greater variety. To have it work for US, CW and Italians as well, all you have to do is rename the .bmp files (really quick with the ctrl+c and ctrl+v commands).
  16. +1 to everything Peter said (not just the quote above). Very well put. Awesome as usual Aris. Cant wait to try it out in game! Well Wodin, all you have to do is rename the .bmp and they will work just as well for US, CW and Italian forces. Go ahead.. give it a try.
  17. Next year is our 200 year anniversary since last being in a war (some kind of record?! And not counting UN Peace keeping operations). Might have lost touch with the reality of war Thanks guys! I will put together a list once I get home so I can check my Z folder.
  18. Yes.. this will be carried over both to CMBN/CW and CMFI/GL as soon as their respecitve patches are released. One of the many great things with the new engin and BFC model.
  19. The 49th minute.. The reminder of the battle is not very exciting even though I was on my toes trying to get out with no further casualties. On my left the MMG from 2nd Platoon I Coy has burned through all but 150 rounds. It is now finally spotted (?), at least the area is under suppression fire from MG, and heavier guns. Suppressed but they do make it out alive. A telling image.. as the Rangers continue their retreat, man after man is falling as a result of enemy mortar and artillery fire. My force is slowly bleeding out.. Overview after 49 minutes of combat: Every turn more and more Rangers are able to exit the map.. but at the same time we suffer a steady stream of casualties from the enemy mortars and artillery. The Germans make one final push but is not able to catch the reminding Rangers. After some 55 minutes of combat a ceasefire is declared. Nine Rangers remain on map, but well on their way to get out. Red line: Indication of Axis forward units. End results: I must say I'm pretty happy with the end result. My force has suffered heavy casualties and is reduced by 30%. But under the circumstances I think that's fairly OK. Of the 19 wounded i receive 25% back.. and that's four men. Total casualties after this calculation is 42 men which now will be removed from the PzC OOB. I'm surprised and happy to see that the Rangers dealt some damage to the Grenadiers as well. Down side is that the enemy has more wounded than dead and gets a higher yield on their 25% return. 7 men returned and total casualties for the Axis are after this calculation: 40 men (to be removed from the PzC OOB). The Axis also lost a Kübelwagen but this is not tracked in the OOB (only vehicles with weapons are). The initiative will now shift over to the Allies once more..
  20. 42nd to 44th minutes.. The 2nd section / B team of 2nd Platoon H Coy, 3rd Rangers Bn try to make it out alive. The close proximity of the Germans, heavy fire, leads to suppression and that slows the eventual move towards safety. The smoke screen is gone and the Rangers are easy target. Private Jarett is downed.. leaving Corporal Ballew to fend for himself. Corporal Ballew lets lose on the Germans in a last desperate attempt to halt them. Seconds later he falls victim to a 150 mm round from one of the Grille SPA. On my left the two MGs are able to slow the Germans down. Several trucks are hit and at least two casualties are confirmed. Yet the Germans send in even more reserves. At least two platoons are committed to the attack on my left. I hope long range MG fire will have the Axis CO slow down. Overview after 44 minutes of combat: The Rangers are now in full retreat. Blue arrows: Allied movement Red arrows: Axis advance Red bulge: Axis base of fire Red circle: Axis artillery fire (81 mm mortar and 150 mm SPA) Grey circle: Axis smoke screen laid down by Grille SPA.
  21. The 41st minute.. On my right.. the forward Bazooka team is all but ready to pull back. Waiting for its smoke grenade to develop. Then a golden opportunity presents itself. The team dash forward trough the smoke. A Grille SPA is almost a point blank range.. Killing another Grille this early in the days action would be a great achievement. If you look closely you can see the rocket in flight against the dry grass. Mere feets away.. the rockets impacts bushes and branches. Saving the Grille.. The Grille fires of a round before it starts to reverse to safety. A team of PzGren puts down suppression fire on the Rangers and one man is hit. The Rangers then start to withdraw through the smoke and dust. Along with the fallen man from the Bazooka team, two men from the MG putting down covering fire are also taken out this turn. Orders are issued to get everyone out now. I wont try and hold the Germans on my right anymore. Distance, defilade and speed is all that matters now. The silhouette of the Grille can be seen through the smoke. The Rangers are ordered to get out. On my left.. after several turns of long range fire, the Grenadiers are moving up more troops. This time in trucks. If the Germans are allowed to get to close I will be in serious trouble. Two MGs are ready to great the new Grenadier reinforcements. Overview after 41 minutes of combat: Blue arrows: Allied movement Blue bulge: Allied defensive position / Observation post Red arrow: Axis advance Red bulge: Axis base of fire Red circle: Axis artillery targets. Various weapon types (81 mm mortar, 150 mm SPA).
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