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  1. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth book reading prep   
    Free stuff here:
    http://cgsc.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/search/collection/p4013coll11/searchterm/vietnam war/field/all/mode/all/conn/and/order/nosort/page/1
  2. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Lt Bull in Storm on Stoumont 19 Dec 44: Then & Now & CMFB   
    DOH! I somehow posted the link to this thread instead of the damn file!
    >>>> Bull's Stoumont Before & After & CMFB.pdf  <<<<
    While I'm at it may as well make up for it with a few teaser previews:

  3. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Lt Bull in Storm on Stoumont 19 Dec 44: Then & Now & CMFB   
    I originally played the excellent Kampfgruppe Peiper campaign that I believes comes with CMFB several years ago and forgot about it enough for me to warrant playing it again. One thing I really appreciate is playing on battlefields that are based directly on replicating the actual historical battlefieds itself.  I believe all the maps in this campaign are like that.
    One battle in particular caught my attention (again) which is the "Storm on Stoumont" battle and it's map. After play as the German attacker I wondered how much more challenging the German attack could be if a human player played as the US.  I was inspired enough to extract and create a H2H scenario battle version of the "Storm on Stoumont" battle and let's just say it is quite interesting to see how that battle plays out when a human calls the shots for the US defenders.
    Anyway, having extensively surveyed the CMFB map in preparation to play the battle, I really got a good feel for the battlefield itself and started researching the actual battle that did occur there on the 19 Dec 1944 between KG Peiper and the US garrison defending. I started looking at the amazing historical combat action photos and videos taken by the Germans during the actual assualt on the 19 Dec 1944 and it occurred to me that my familairization with the battlefield just from playing CMFB was essentially enough for me to have a good enough idea where virtually every photo/scene was taken/filmed. While searching for more photos and information from the battle, I did stumble across a Youtube video of Before & After photo comparisons of the battle of Stoumont that basically confirmed some of my guesses.
    I then decided it might just be worthwhile trying to recreate as many of the photos/scenes from the historical photos and film as possible, just for fun, and to see how CMFB compares. Using the before and after comparison screenshots from the Youtube video, I conveniently added my own CMFB versions to complete the trifecta of comparisons, in cases where the "after" photos (current day photos) had been compared to the historical footage/photos. I recreated in CMFB a number of other photos/scenes for which no "after" photo comparison were suggested/offered. PDF link below:
    Youtube Video: Battle of the Bulge Then & Now - Stoumont Then & Now!
    CMFB Comparisons: Bull's Stoumont Before & After & CMFB.pdf
    And a big shout out and tip of the hat to @Pete Wenman for researching and designing the map you see featured! It's amazing what can be achieved by some within the CM Scenario Designer. Much appreciated.
  4. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in Soviet assault engineers - elite infantry in bodyarmor   
    Brief history of assault-engineer units forming and order of using.
    The first attempt of using special equipped sapper units of Red Army for assault actions against heavy fortified positions took place during Soviet-Finnish war, when Red Army broke through Mannerheim Line. Assault teams also were equiped with steel cuirasses SN-38 and used special tactic, but in time of many different changes in Red Army structure, their experience was forgotten.  Only when Red Army went to offensive actions in 1943, suddenly turned out that Soviet infantry assault capabilities and training was much worth than German. Losses were too much for troops could consolidate experience and there wasn't much time for proper training of conscripted. Experience of fighting in Stalingrad already sketched a tactic of assault actions by specially established combined assault groups, but due to fast substitution of infantry personnel because of losses, infantry couldn't gain quality skill of assault.  
    Thus, there was decided to establish special brigades of High Command Reserve (RGK in Russian) , which could be breakthrough force during large offensive operations on major directions. All combat units of these brigades was planned to arm with SMGs and equipped partially with new SN-42 cuirasses. New troops had to provide recon, engineer-recon, minecleaning/wirecleaning, demolition and assault tasks. But where to get such universal soldiers in quick time? Then their eyes fell on existed engineer-sapper brigades of RGK and on tactic and organizatoin of German division pionner battalions. These brigades maintained large-scale operations, but weren't used like usual infantry, so weren't suffer big losses, had proper experience and cohesion inside units and units usually had compenetnt commanders. The directive was issued on 21st of May 1943 and in whole up to the July first 15 assault engineer-sapper brigades (rus. ShISBR) were established. From old brigades were removed all personnel older then 40 years and personnel with illness and with poor phisycal conditions. Remained personnel got enchanced trainings in recon and assult actions, hand-to-hand combat. Some commanders used real bullets to shell personnel during trainings in order to they became stable under fire. 
    First baptism of fire ShISBR got in the mid of August 1943. Up to the end of August five ShISBR more were established and their number became 20. According of High Command intention, SHiSBRs had to attach from RGK to Front Commands on the period of active offensive operations. Front Command in own part attached ShISBR under subordination of  the Army, which operated on major direction, where enemy had most strong positions. Army Command divided assault battalions of the ShISBR among rifle divisions. Division commanders in own turn divided assault battalion on companies and attached its to rifle regiments of first echelon. Regimental commanders formed assault groups on the base of rifle companies, to which assault-engineer platoons or squads attached. Also, when there was need to take large heavy fortified object and this was too hard for infantry, then assault-engineer battaliions or companies opearted on they own and infantry and their artillery only supported. Though, initially were happns that rifle division commanders, who seen well-trained, equipped with body armor soldiers used them like usual infantry in order to save own personnel and this caused to big losses among assault-engineer battalions. They were very tough in breaking though of enemy defense, but weak in defense of seized positions. When Germans were counter attacking with armor, assault-engineers could hope only on own skill and bravery - they hadn't heavy weapon to repell tank attacks and could only set minefields if had time to that.  To the December of 1943 the tactic and order of use of ShISBR was developed and these units was prohibited to use for infantry tasks. After sucessfull breakthrough of enemy lines or seizing objects, they had to susbstitute on infantry units and moved to closde rear for preparing new attack. 
    Since May of 1944 each ShISBRs were reinforced with flamethrower battalion, several ShISBR got engineer-tank regiment and flamethrower-tank regiment. All captured Panzerfausts and Panzerschreks were going to armament of ShISBR. Also new five assault engineer units were formed - motorized assault engineer brigades (rus. MShISBR). They had less personnel, but were equipped with trucks, that made its more mobile. Unlike ShISBRs, belonged to High Command Reserve, MShiSBRs were subordinated to Front Command. Almost each front got one MShISBR.
    ShISBRs and MShISBRs actively participated in operations in Poland, East Prussia and Germany
    Next time I will tell about TO&E of these brigades.
    On the photo assault engineers crawling with HE on their backs

    ShISBR trooper fires with Panzerfaust

    Also another assault-engineer with Panzerfaust. But this guy used this weapon in non-standard way. During hand-to-hand combat he took Panzerfaust like a cudgel or mace and killed 10 German soldiers with it. Such pointed in awarding list.

  5. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Bud Backer in Fire and Rubble Update   
    The other day, I saw this in another thread. It’s exciting to see someone discover a new front, and a new game.  
    But I would never have thought the eastern front could be described as “easy!”


  6. Like
    Lethaface reacted to umlaut in Umlaut´s mods   
    Last mod for the time being:
    The M24 Chaffee
    - this one is also usable in Final Blitzkrieg
    As always I´ll share it via this Dropbox link - until it is available on CMMODS IV.

  7. Like
    Lethaface reacted to umlaut in Umlaut´s mods   
    Got another mod ready - and as it might not be the last, I figured I might as well start a dedicated thread for my own mods.

    This one is one of my new favorite vehicles in CMFI R2V: The Morris C9B SPAA.
    A favorite to play with, that is - not to mod! It has been a real PITA to mod, because it has no large surfaces, but millions of little nooks and crannies. Luckily, modding is now over and I enjoy playing with my weathered Morris SPAA. Hope you will too.

    As always I´ll share it via this Dropbox link - until it is available on CMMODS IV.

  8. Like
    Lethaface reacted to 37mm in Shall try to start an unofficial screenshots thread?   
    Continuing with the "Advanced Tutorial campaign"...
    ... I know I should be getting back to the jungles of SE Asia, but I'm quite enjoying this foray into WW2 Italy.
  9. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Street fight.

  10. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from Pete Wenman in Evade towards enemy   
    AFAIK BF have actually confirmed it and said they work on it after the previous patch was released, but they said it wasn't an easy fix because difficult to find out why. Perhaps someone could find that post and sticky it, because this problem gets re-reported very few weeks. It might also help people like you who falsely assume there has been no confirmation/response from BF and start going wild about them being money hungry bastiges or something (my thoughts).
    Anyway, apart from bocage, I don't see why WW2 is unplayable. As is modern. So that leaves a lot to play.
    The remarks about them not patching without money to be made is uncalled for I think. Just look at the patch history. Many patches apart from paid 'upgrades'.
    Also, you can still buy those modules but you choose not to. While you are calling out people that say you should live with it, I think you are creating unnecessary fuss/drama and spreading incomplete information around a real issue with bocage fighting.  
    Relax, it will be fixed in the next patch I'd expect. Keep your money nicely in your pocket until then, hopefully inflation won't damage the value in the mean time
    Apart from bocage, it's not really effecting much other stuff. I've had my share of bocage already a long time ago, so I'm not really impacted by this bug.
  11. Like
    Lethaface reacted to IICptMillerII in Evade towards enemy   
    I can tell you for a fact that the bug is known, and it is being worked on right now. I get the frustration, trust me. But it is being addressed. I want to see this thing fixed just as much as you do.
    There is a bocage-specific bug that only Normandy suffers from at the moment. Again, this bug is known and being worked on. 
  12. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from AlexUK in Evade towards enemy   
    AFAIK BF have actually confirmed it and said they work on it after the previous patch was released, but they said it wasn't an easy fix because difficult to find out why. Perhaps someone could find that post and sticky it, because this problem gets re-reported very few weeks. It might also help people like you who falsely assume there has been no confirmation/response from BF and start going wild about them being money hungry bastiges or something (my thoughts).
    Anyway, apart from bocage, I don't see why WW2 is unplayable. As is modern. So that leaves a lot to play.
    The remarks about them not patching without money to be made is uncalled for I think. Just look at the patch history. Many patches apart from paid 'upgrades'.
    Also, you can still buy those modules but you choose not to. While you are calling out people that say you should live with it, I think you are creating unnecessary fuss/drama and spreading incomplete information around a real issue with bocage fighting.  
    Relax, it will be fixed in the next patch I'd expect. Keep your money nicely in your pocket until then, hopefully inflation won't damage the value in the mean time
    Apart from bocage, it's not really effecting much other stuff. I've had my share of bocage already a long time ago, so I'm not really impacted by this bug.
  13. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Attilaforfun in German SMG formations?   
    That quote caused me to look up the Begleit Bde. Bde commander has a day by day log.
  14. Like
    Lethaface reacted to BrotherSurplice in Task Force Thunder AAR   
    Well, it took longer than expected to put this together, but better late than never, right?

    My basic plan at this stage is to initially make an attack by fire from the berm, driving them up the ramps into positions where they will be hull down and able to engage the enemy static tanks and fortifications. Meanwhile, the breach team will move to the berm opening and begin looking for mines. 1st Platoon of A Company will be first through the breach.

    My Fire Support Team calls in the Shadow UAV. Hopefully, this will enable us to ID enemy tanks and strongpoints before my tanks go up the berm. Even against an inferior force, every advantage helps.

    Worryingly, one of my tanks bogs down in the sand. Fortunately, it eventually frees itself. The Strykers are not faring any better, the soft sand reducing their speed.

    Already my UAV bears fruit, spotting two static tanks and enemy infantry in their trenches.

    3rd tank of 1st Platoon makes a daring dash across the berm opening, beelining for the furthermost berm ramp.

    The MGS platoon begins moving up. I intend to use them to shoot up the fort through the berm opening as I make my attack.

    The UAV spots some destroyed bunker tanks, victims of the aerial campaign.

    Shifting its attention to the enemy positions straddling the highway, a few minutes of observation reveals enemy bunkers.

    3rd Platoon of A Company arrives, and I order them to join the queue of vehicles forming up behind the breach. It's time for the tanks to go over the top.

    The carnage is wonderful to behold. The tanks of 1st Platoon methodically engage and destroy the tanks and bunkers that they spot.

    Astoundingly, enemy troops are already fleeing into the desert.

    The breach team moves up, sniffing for mines.

    My tanks are having trouble spotting the static tanks in their battle positions, so I call in precision fire missions from my artillery to do the job instead.

    With the tanks and bunkers that are spotted being destroyed, my tanks now engage the enemy infantry in their trenches, bombarding them with HE and hosing them down with their co-axial machine guns.

    What I expected soon transpires: Syrian T-55s (mobile ones) are spotted moving up at the far end of the wadi. However, they fail to make use of the concealment offered by the wadi and are quickly knocked out by the tanks on the berm.

    To try and spot the remaining enemy static tanks, I unbutton my tanks. This swiftly draws a hail of machine gun fire from the trenches, and two heavy DShK machine guns also open up from the watchtowers of the fort. I immediately task one tank each to the offending HMGs.

    2nd Platoon of A Company arrives, along with the last of my artillery support.

    More T-55s trickle along the wadi, meeting the same fate as their comrades. One almost makes it to the trenches.


    Precision 155mm rounds come in, frustratingly landing in a perfect straddle around the southernmost static tank. Meanwhile, Syrian troops continue to flee in twos and threes into the desert.

    I call a harassing fire from the 155s down on the trenches either side of the highway, keeping the pressure on.

    My precision rounds are finally able to hit something, achieving a perfect double tap on one of the static tanks.

    At long last, the breach team spots a patch of mines and begins clearing.

    Yet more T-55s filter in and are wiped out.

    An entire tank company now lies in twisted, burning ruins.

    While this is going on, Syrians continue to flee their trenches in ones and twos, which unfortunately sends them out of the frying pan and into the fire

    The next precision shoot once again performs a perfect straddle of the southernmost static tank. I need to kill this tank, and my tanks are seemingly unable to spot it.

    The patch of mines is partially cleared.

    Airburst rounds begin to burst over the Syrian trenches, for now coming in at a slow, steady pace. Just enough to keep the infantry that hasn't already fled nice and rattled.

    The last of my precision rounds are once again defeated by this blasted (or rather, un-blasted) static tank. I have no choice now but to lead the assault with my tanks, instead of leaving them on the berm as I had previously planned. The tanks will go through the breach first, as I am confident that they will be able to safely engage any static enemy tanks that decide to open fire. The Strykers will follow shortly after and make their assault on the fort.

    More intact static tanks lie in wait on the north side of the fort too, their deep fighting positions allowing them to escape the ire of my Abrams.

    Moving up to the berm opening, 3rd tank spots one of the dug-in tanks and engages it.

    As the tanks line up, the MGS' move into position. Bunching up like this dangerous, but I'm confident that for now, we are safe.

    Meanwhile, I am putting my fire plan into action. I will be pounding the fort with two 155mm sections, one section placing its fire across the whole fort complex and the second section targeting the barracks building. Judging from the amount of Syrians that I've seen fleeing into the desert, I am confident that there aren't many men left in the trenches astride the highway. Consequently, those trenches will only receive fire from the remaining 155mm section. When my units can get eyes on, I will be hitting the trenches north of the fort with the 120mm mortars.

    155mm shells rain on the fort and trenches.

    Syrian conscripts flee the terrifying barrage and are mown down.

    The time has come, 1st Platoon of B Company inching their way through the minefield.

    Amazingly, no mines are set off and the tanks are safely through.

    As the tanks spread out and push towards the trenches, the breach team makes one last effort to spot more mines.

    The fort continues to suffer.

    There is a nearly catastrophic friendly fire incident, as an MGS spots enemy infantry and in his zeal, shoots an Abrams in the back. Luckily, it only fires a HE shell and the damage to the Abrams is minor.

    It is now 1st Platoon of A Company's turn to risk the minefield. Two Strykers manage to squeeze through . . .

    While all of this is going on, the 120mm battalion mortars pepper the trenches north of the fort. Chaos ensues as Syrians flee the field and are mown down.

    The other half of 1st Platoon traverse the minefield safely.

    Their fields of fire now safely clear, the MGS platoon starts firing on the fort HQ.

    The two Abrams attacking down the highway continue to hunt for the southern static enemy tank, inching ever closer. The other two Abrams take up position in front of the fort HQ, watching the northern trenches just in case any of the other static tanks try to be heroic.

    1st Platoon begins their assault on the fort. I have decided that I do not want to push my luck with the minefield any more. Thus, I will assault the fort with only 1st Platoon. This is risky, but throughout the battle, the enemy troops have been fleeing at the slightest provocation. I judge that the enemy is severely rattled. As long as I handle 1st Platoon carefully, they should be able to take the fort.

    At long last, the Abrams spot the dug-in enemy tank, and it is obliterated at virtually point-blank range.

    The commander and loader unbutton and mow down more fleeing Syrians.

    Fireteams of 1st Platoon hurl themselves forward, as the rest of the platoon lay down suppressive fire on suspected enemy positions. Fire from enemy RPG and machine gun teams within the fort is taken as the fireteams close with the trenches.

    The rest of the platoon closes in.

    The platoon occupies the trenches, trampling over mangled corpse piles that are all that remains of the previous occupants.

    The tanks close in and begin blazing away with their machine guns.

    A DShK HMG in the middle of the fort tries to take a crack at one of my tank commanders but is quickly taken out.

    A Syrian squad attempts to flee and is swiftly cut to pieces.

    3rd Squad of 1st Platoon tries to flank around through a hole blasted in the fortress wall, but are stopped by a squad of Syrians hunkered down in the fort HQ. However, the return fire of my troops is effective and the Syrians either run or surrender.

    A fireteam from 2nd Squad dashes through the gate into the fort, making for one of the gatehouses, taking heavy fire all the way. A Syrian team in the gatehouse tries to spring a point-blank ambush but are immediately gunned down by the intrepid team. The team begin to take heavy fire from all angles and are pinned down.

    The question of how to save this fireteam is swiftly answered, as the Syrians surrender. I am rewarded with a total victory! Despite some mistakes and missteps, this is probably the best outcome that I could have wished for, with no casualties or vehicle losses whatsoever.
    There are actually a surprising amount of Syrian units still left in the field, with several teams in the fort and a few left in the northern trenches. Some of the static tanks have also survived the carnage, their deep fighting positions shielding them from the ire of the Abrams on the berm. However, this cuts both ways as their contribution to the battle was . . . minimal, to say the least. Not a single enemy tank, static or otherwise, did so much as fire a shot throughout the entire battle. But then, I can't say that I didn't expect that. The optics of the T-54/T-55 series aren't fantastic at the best of times, and at night, against the most modern, most powerful main battle tanks in the world? The outcome never really was in doubt.
    So, as mentioned this is the absolute best outcome that I could possibly have got. However, some mistakes were made. For starters, I failed to adequately sweep the minefield. Fortuna was kind to me in this instance, and the few vehicles that I risked got through unscathed. But the minefield prevented the ingress of my remaining Stryker platoons. If the enemy in the fort had been less badly shaken, the one platoon that did go through would likely have had a very bad time of it. Unfortunately there was very little I could actually do about this, as my breach team were sitting on the minefield for virtually the entire battle, and still only managed to spot one measly patch of mines.
    Secondly, the timing of my fire support left something to be desired. Ideally, my men should have been dismounting from their Strykers just as the last shells were impacting the fort and trenches. However, due to the slow passage through the minefield, the barrage ended long before that. This accounts for the surprisingly stiff resistance that I received from the Syrians still inside the fort.
    I failed to keep track of the enemy infantry. What I should have done was keep a tally of the enemy infantry fleeing the trenches and spotted within the fort. This way, I would have known that the trenches astride the highway were unoccupied when the time came to make my assault, and the 155mm battery could have been used elsewhere. I also would have had a decent estimate of enemy troops within the fort itself, as opposed to the big fat question mark that was the answer to that question as I closed in.
    Lastly, timing in general. I had one hour with which to complete this mission, and I used up every minute. I spent too long trying to clear the minefield, spent too long sitting on the berm shooting up fleeing Syrians and spent too long waiting for fire support to come in. The end result was that my final assault was made with dangerous haste. I'm not sure what I could have done to improve this, beyond simply more experience with the game and more thorough planning.
    I'll try to keep some of these lessons in mind as I go forward. For now though, on to mission two! Stay tuned!
  15. Like
    Lethaface reacted to marklaker in The outpost   
    Currently reading the book, authored by Jake Tapper.  Story of COP Keating.  Very good read.  My son spent 15 miserable months in that AOR with the 173rd, a year prior to the main event.  We were just discussing the book a couple nights ago and he told a story of sitting atop a cold windswept mountain watching the COP get pounded with mortars. Said they were only a short trek away as the crow flies, but given the terrain it would've taken them hours to reach it.  Ironically, he found himself in nearly the same situation a short time later when on what was supposed to be his last few nights in country, he and 18 members of his platoon were attacked on a remote OP by 100+ Taliban in the early morning hours under the cover of fog. Son said it was the longest hour he could ever imagine.  His squad leader was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions that day....and I thank him silently every night before going to bed for bringing my boy home.
  16. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Freyberg in Shall try to start an unofficial screenshots thread?   
    They build them tough in Dusseldorf...

  17. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Mord in GIGANTIC SURPRISE!!! 12 YEAR MYSTERY SOLVED!   
    Been ruminating on this possibility since RtV was announced. Been thinking about it hard since it was released. After I finished up the FI portraits it really started eating at me. So, I asked sburke to send me some RtV files the other day to do some testing. I actually gave up once and was gonna write him and tell him what I had been doing and that it had failed but I decided to try again. Still didn't get there and stopped. Figured I give it one more shot and all of a sudden....12 years of wishing is finally fixed. Not perfect but the best we've had since SF1 was released.
    @Zveroboy1 You've got some updating to do.
    @mjkerner yeah, you. something for you to try.
    @Sequoia it's finally happened.
    I give you the Muj for SF2!
    NOTE: They need to be modded. They aren't gonna be perfect. This was just a test to see if it could work. I need a better mask to get rid of the chin strap (anybody have one?). I just wanted to show you guys because I have wanted something like this since 2008 and I know some of you have too.


    Gotta use you imagination and visualize what could be accomplished. These will by far be the best models we've had. Imagine colored head wraps, different colored beards, vests, etc. A lot can be done!
  18. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Mini-Campaign/Scenario: Alarmeinheiten   
    The battalion motor pool, with the repair shop, is located a short distance to the west of Kvass in the village of Sazony.  The Motor Pool has several vehicles in the shop for repair.  The rarity level of the vehicles under repair will vary depending on the vehicle choice made in the vehicle choice scenario.  The mixed TOE may have something like a Nashorn while the common TOE  may have something like StuG III.  When vehicles are repaired and returned to service, they will be found parked in the yard of the Repair Shop.
    Below a Hetzer tank destroyer is returned to service. 

    The Hetzer moves out to link up with the Alarmeinheiten. 

  19. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Mini-Campaign/Scenario: Alarmeinheiten   
    The mini-campaign's battle scenario was created to encourage the use of C2 rules developed by @Bil Hardenberger and @IanL.  A link to the topic for Hard Cat rules is included at the bottom of this post.  The rules are not necessary but they can make the scenario a little more interesting for players that use them. 
    The Alarm unit and SS unit have liaison officers located at the 2nd Bn. Command Post.  The officers in the battalion command post horizontally share spotting contacts with each other.  Information is also vertically shared within the three formations. 
    HQ teams assigned to the 2nd Battalion CP

    During testing I thought it was interesting to play in the following manner:  If a BP is getting overrun by Soviet tanks the Alarm unit can't respond until it has tentative Soviet contacts around that BP.  So basically units can't respond to OpFor units until they know there is something to respond to.  The information traveled vertically from the BP to the Company CP then to the Battalion CP.  Next the information traveled horizontally among the officers (HQ teams) at the Bn CP.  The information then traveled vertically to the Alarm unit and SS Unit.   
  20. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Mini-Campaign/Scenario: Alarmeinheiten   
    As the battle scenario begins the Alarmeinheiten HQ team monitors the radios in the command track.  The sounds of combat can be heard from the east.  Which Battle Position (BP) will get hit with the main attack and require assistance of the Alarmeinheiten?  

    There are four Avenues of Approach (AA) into 2nd Battalion’s Area of Operations (AO).  Each AA is defended by an under strength, infantry platoon holding a Battle Position (BP).  Each BP is only capable of repulsing weak attacks.  The BP’s primary task is to identify a main attack and sound the alarm.

    1 - 1st Company CP.    2 - N/A.  3 - 3rd Company CP.  4 - 2nd Infantry Battalion CP. 
    MISSION: Respond to alarms from the Battle Positions and prevent breakthroughs.  Experience has shown that the Soviets will reinforce success by sending additional units to exploit a breakthrough.  Partisans can be expected to support breakthroughs with additional attacks.  Partisans inhabit many of the villages behind our lines and are a constant threat.  A secondary mission is to clear villages and rid the AO of partisans.
    If an AI unit reaches a certain phase line on an Avenue of Approach (AA) additional AI units will be triggered to attack on that AA. 
  21. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Mini-Campaign/Scenario: Alarmeinheiten   
    Decision Scenario.
    This is not a campaign in a traditional sense.  The 2nd and final scenario is one three hour battle fought on a 13.5 square kilometer map.   The first scenario is a decision scenario where the player decides on the type of vehicles he wants to bring into the fight.  The scenario is set in September 1944.  The choice is between mostly common vehicles or a mix of common, uncommon, limited, rare & unique vehicles for September 1944.
    The player is taken to the decision scenario where he can view the vehicle types.  Not necessarily the number of vehicles but generally one from each type. 

    The player has a HQ unit on the map that he will use to make the decision.  For the more common TOE the HQ team enters the west (left) building.  For the mixed TOE the HQ team enters the east (right) building.  Cease fire is then selected.  
    The vehicles on the west side of the map are mostly common for the time.

    The vehicles on the east side of the map are a mix of vehicles just for the fun of playing with different vehicles. 

    After the decision is made the HQ team is sent into the appropriate building and cease fire is hit.  
    When the battle scenario begins the player will have his selected equipment on the map (some vehicles will show up as reinforcements). 
  22. Like
    Lethaface reacted to MOS:96B2P in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Bad day at the office.  After getting knocked out by a panzershreck the crew of an IS-2 bails out.  Then on board ammo causes a secondary explosion while an MG42 takes them under fire from a second floor window.  Cool game. 

  23. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Oleksandr in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Mod being used: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/combat-mission-shock-force-2/cmsf2-infantry/cmsf2-usmc-infantry-by-oleksandr/
  24. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from Drifter Man in No antialiasing?   
    Perhaps the resolution is too much? You can set the resolution with a textfile, although not exactly sure how.
    For the blurry text try disabling FXAA in Nvidia. 

    I'm on a 2560x1440 monitor, win10 and GTX1080 without issues.
  25. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Haiduk in Soviet assault engineers - elite infantry in bodyarmor   
    As I already said in the thread about on-map bug guns, the late warfare phase was some different from the previous phases. Soviet troops encounterd with strong enemy defense, which relied on perfect ordered system of trenches, different bunkers, minefields, heavy defended water obstacles and the cities with old strong fortifications and very tough stone buildings. Sieges, assault actions, bloody fights in attempts to breakthrough rugged defense - this a feature of battles in late 1944 - 1945.  In that places, when neither tanks nor infantry could handle and even high-power guns  on direct fire culdn't help, then on the scene of the theater of war they appeared - ShISBR troopers , elite "Stalin's panzer infantry". ShISBR is from "Shturmovaya Inzhenerno-Sapiornaya BRigada" - Assault Engineer-sapper brigade. Under those rush, bravery and non-standart actions didn't remain standing no one strongest German fortress. It is very starnge that such interest unit wasn't reflected by BFC in CMBB, and I think, in CMRT they also weren't in the plans.
    I hope, theese guys in bodyarmor will appear if not in this module, then in some pack. Here I will tell in short about these troops, their TO&E the kind of application in operations and examples of their actions. For now, just several photos


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