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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. Can I bind the order menu to RMB like in CMx1 games and unselect to space? That would let me play one handed so I can scratch my chin while I plan. Is environmental/spreading fire going to be put in soon? It's an important part of the battlefield. Can the big explosion FX be improved? I like it for the smaller explosions and the volumetric smoke and dust from it is great but the big low res explosion sprite is a bit lame. Just the one when you get a critical detonation on a vehicle, when it's smaller it looks fine.
  2. Try the situation again with a line of buildings down one side and see if the troops go into them when fired on?
  3. Um yeah it's fixed and this it the first time I've heard of it happening!
  4. Can you tells us what the little ammo icons for air support are? It just has a bunch of shell icons with no names. Since there's no detailed stats for the aircraft like Cmx1 it's a bit hard to tell what they are.
  5. It doesn't have an image as the horizon though. The horizon is the actual horizon on the map.
  6. I see, yes that makes sense CMx1 games didn't have it since it was all done at the start. Well another solution could be giving a unit the ability to convey information to other units, since I had a squad spotting the tank they could have radioed it to the MGS and they I could have had it "ghost" spotted. Right now this only seems to happen for units in the same "group" but shouldn't it happen to all units that are in communication range for what they have.
  7. I was just wondering why there is such a large delay between a unit entering LOS and it being spotted? I can understand infantry hiding in cover or sneaking through non-open terrain. But when it takes 10 seconds for a tank to spot another tank it seems a bit weird. The other day I had a T-72 sitting around a corner and a MGS ready to engage it, so I give a cover ark command to face the gun to where the tank will be and tell it to move into the corner. After 8 seconds the T-72 spots the MGS 10m infront of it and fires and the MGS is destroyed without ever spotting the tank sitting right in front of the barrel! I think that vehicles and infantry (up to a range) that are in plain view (no concealment or cover) should be spotted instantly when they enter another units LOS.
  8. I think the front hull of the Bradly is strong enough to stop HEAT RPG-7s
  9. Don't know about trenches but with low walls you can actually hide behind them! If you set your men to prone behind a low wall the enemy can't see them until there right up to it and in fire fights if a guy takes cover he can't be seen by the enemy. Long range gunfights are good now, units take careful aim and fire single shots or small bursts and units get picked off slowly. I've seen a stryker reverse out of LOS and pop smoke when it was attack by a T-72. I haven't played mount yet.
  10. Maybe you just hit it 15 times in a non-important place? Did you check it for damage in the map review?
  11. I had to reinstall since there was an error for me, I don't really need the hot keys anymore with the space menu. Ohh and the enemy comp just beat me for the first time (Total defeat as US), so 1.06 is epic win for me! Anyway to bind the space menu to right mouse?
  12. My guys never do anything that doesn't have some chance of success, the worst my infantry does is throw frag grenades at tanks. They won't fire there bullet weapons at anything they can't hurt with them for me, unless I tell them too. They will shoot at half tracks and open top vehicles since there is a chance to hit the crew or damage the wheels.
  13. It shouldn't matter how wide the ambush arc is if the tank is buttoned up: it will have constant forward vision from the driver, constant 360 vision from the commander and constant vision along the turret from the gunner. I have noticed this blindness too and it's killed my tanks, not see infantry straight away is one thing but taking 30 seconds to see an apc in front of you is another.
  14. Will this mod be compatible with the new battle generator in the patch?
  15. Is it penetrating though? Do you see shell holes when the shots hit or not? The shots could be penetrating and not causing critical damage (if you see shell holes it means the shot penetrated. Also the penetration lists don't take into account armor slope.
  16. I'm pretty sure blast wave is one of the factors that cause damage with a HEAT round, at least it's modeled in simulators where the gas is pushed into the enclosed space suddenly causing heat and pressure. I checked and the liner on the HEAT round is optional, the effect works with just the high velocity gas boring through the armor. Although having a spike of metal plasma helps allot I'd imagine.
  17. I'd like a click drag lasso ability and a right click menu for orders too. It would make the game much more fluid if you know what I mean. Also you could play with one hand and get rid of the big order box thing and stick something more useful there.
  18. I don't think they had the equipment to disarm it from afar like the US does. So they just had to try and dig it out, the US should give them commendations, they blew up so that US soldiers didn't. Pretty creepy watching the man pick up the broken remains of the AK that was being carried by a person just moments before.
  19. A forum where the mods can be stored and have little pictures and descriptions would be good.
  20. Hey could the Syrians be given illumination flares for night battles?
  21. It works because it is so hot and traveling so fast that it will bore through pretty much anything. The jet of metal is focused forward by the shape of the explosive (eg shaped charge effect), it requires a pretty flush contact with a solid object to work properly. If it is able to escape out into open air the speed and heat is dissipated ineffectively. But when it bores through armor into a enclosed compartment the sudden increase in heat and pressure cause instant death to the occupants and ammo explosions.
  22. There was an ongoing blog by Sneaksie about addon features but it seems to have dropped off the bottom of the forum. Smoke was planned though. web page
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