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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. All the info I've gathered here about the addon pleases me greatly. I can't wait till it comes out, will it come out this year?
  2. Still holding out for an additional "Target weapon" command where you choose to use one weapon to be used (and which ammo to be used). Think of how useful it would be to be able to fire an RPG at a APC without having all the units engage or as above firing HE shells at a building.
  3. What happens if someone throws a grenade into it?
  4. Not to mention the fact that when my BMP-2 did decide to load AP against a stryker the shots penetrated through the whole vehicle, instant KO!
  5. Damn, being able to customize your forces quickly for a QB would make this game so much better. Can you atleast have options for what types of units we get? I get really annoyed when I set it to a tiny city map and it gives me all these jeeps and kornets and the enemy doesn't even have any armor!
  6. Still no option to point buy units in QB, this is one of the biggest flaws in CMSF. When dose battlefront think it will be implemented? Oh and great job with v1.04 it really improved the game for me!
  7. Splitting the squad should be unnecessary if the squad can be made to behave properly. The senario should be like this: Squad spots APC or hears it and knows where it is. Squad leader tells AT man to engage the apc. AT man steps into LOF and fires then goes back to cover. APC doesn't know what hit them! No amount of Soviet doctrine training would prevent that scenario. Currently it happens like this: Squad spots APC. Squad engages APC. Entire Squad moves into LOF and maybe lasts long enough to fire the AT weapon. APC has fighting chance.
  8. No muhahahahahaha! Unless you use the editor. Hopefully they'll put the point buy system back in for the next patch.
  9. I believe you are seeing an area objective (unit needs to enter the area to get it), it's quite normal and I think you can turn it off.
  10. Well one way it could work is the stuff in the addon could be backwards compatible with ToW campaigns and such, anything like that happening it is an addon after all.
  11. Yo Sneaksie, any plans to add the FLAK88 in the addon?
  12. Great maps mate! Deleted the original SF maps and just put your ones in, they're all you need! Now all we need is an option to choose forces and QB might make a come back.
  13. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6760530260633420235&q=firearms+training&hl=en Bam there ya go.
  14. I saw this bug too when I was playing. I ordered upwards of 100 men to move into an area that had enemies. They all moved into a nice column and started marching towards the enemy, upon being shot at they started dying and getting suppressed. When they unsuppressed they got up and started walking towards the enemy again. Eventually they all got killed or routed and not one shot was fired at the enemy! Compare this to a copy scenario in CM:AK where as soon as the enemy fires or is spotted in range your units will return fire and seek cover. When the enemy is dead or gone they resume moving or they will continue moving slower while returning fire. The same things go for vehicles in CM:SF where they won't retreat or return fire against enemies like they did in CM:AK. I like to think of this bug in terms of commands and mind control. In CMx1 you give units orders they will try to accomplish but they will still think for themselves and make their own decisions about targeting and movement but in CMx2 you have mind control powers on your units and they will obey you to the letter without doing much themselves.
  15. Dose this project have a name or a web site yet?
  16. Weird, works for me. I had a T-72 with a clear shot at a APC and it wasn't firing even with a target order. I didn't know what was wrong until I saw that it was hiding and when I turned it off it fired.
  17. Can we set it on fire in a future update? Not having grass and buildings catch fire was one of the things I found odd to be absent in CM:SF. Ohh and 1.3 is really good!
  18. Put the unit on Hide, units will not fire while hiding.
  19. Bridges would be a good addition. New terrain of the non-desert variety. SHILKAS!!!! Water would be nice. Operations or campaign missions that use the same map more than once with terrain damage that carries over. Things catching fire.
  20. While I wouldn't shoot while moving, if units encounter the enemy in close range while moving they should atleast engage them not walk past and get shot.
  21. Link to other screenshots? Release date?
  22. It's a bug as far as I know, Syrian vehicles seem to love HE rounds for some reason. T72s love HEAT more than SABOT when engaging a M1 or even HE.
  23. Here's my shot from the previous post: 1 or 5 hits to that location http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/613/cmsf1lp8.jpg The missiles traveled below the barrel and hit just above the turret ring below the barrel mantle.
  24. There's abit of a problem with this at the moment (hope it gets fixed) where things like buildings and walls have a cover/LOS/move block effect that spreads across the entire grid instead of the 1:1 model of the object. This currently makes urban combat very hard where LOS/LOF is blocked by a piece of open ground next to the wall instead of the wall itself (you can only get LOS if the it passes through no wall grids), same thing for vehicle movment. Also if inside the grid that the wall is on a unit can have LOS/LOF to the other side of the wall instead of it being blocked.
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