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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. Yeh it was HEAT for sure, the unfocused jet was caused by the rocket's kinetic energy smashing through the glass before detonation. This means the shaped charge exploded into open air which is ineffective, the glass acted much the same way as armor skirts on WW2 tanks. If that had detonated on Humvee window and they had all their doors closed, the pressure wave would be very bad for the occupants.
  2. What do you mean no protection?! You can't see it in the pictures properly but with special cameras the "Aura of Britishness" becomes visible. It uses pure British energy taken from Margret Thatcher and Churchill speeches to protect vehicles from enemy fire, which upon coming in contact with the field is filled with British patriotism causing it to divert to the nearest football match.
  3. I believe the problem is that the squads aren't supposed to split out that much, which is being fixed I think.
  4. We can just turn down the eye candy if it chugs, after all we play CM for realism not prettiness.
  5. Thanks! This will improve SF many fold. Also you can area fire stuff behind walls at the moment by just targeting the wall square, since the action squares include the area in front and behind the wall. This means that shots will hit the wall and perhapses penetrate to hit things on the other side. Of course with this new ELOS system tall units will be able to see over walls now if they are close enough.
  6. I seen it referenced a couple of times in the SF forums recently but I was wondering what ELOS is? Is it Enhanced Line of Site like from CMx1?
  7. But it does have rather detailed realism so don't think that's a FPS shoot fest.
  8. That "bug" where the fins stick outside the tube would be pretty pointless to fix since it only happens when the missile is fired in the brief moment that it starts in the tube. It would require a different model for all the rockets that is only used for a fraction of a second each launch.
  9. I still reckon my old idea of a "target weapon" addition could fix this prob with the RPG. Add a command that lets the commander select a specific weapon or ammo to be used on the target. Eg: choose to use SABOT on Bradlys instead of always firing ineffective HE shells at it from a T72. Or choose to use just the RPG saving the other soldiers from exposure (on that note I had a game today where I gave a squad a target order on a tank and watched as all the soldiers opened up with rifles at it and were half killed before the RPG fired). Also I noticed some evidence (irrefutable!) of T-72s using the wrong ammo in the videos for the dynamic lights in v1.05. Only way this could be right is if the tank was coded to only fire HE, 1 SABOT/HEAT/T-HEAT round would have blown the Bradly to bits, instead it fires HE repeatedly. On a side note the tank turning to face the threat is good. [ January 13, 2008, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: Flanker15 ]
  10. Very nice work there! Only thing now is to lower the saturation of one of the tree types (the very green one) to match the rest and make the mud a bit less maroon.
  11. Can anyone find any more info on this game? Like when it's coming out and stuff their website leaves allot to be desired.
  12. Cool, I'm more implying things for the addon not the patch. Blown off turrets would be good (if only used rarely) but I'd be satisfied with the simple added fire emitter from the open hatch.
  13. I was wondering since I saw allot of pics of WW2 knocked out and burning tanks on the net. If when you hit a tank and its ammo explodes can it be shown with its hatches open and fire/smoke coming out instead of just the engine block. Every pick I've seen of a burning tank (after ammo cook up not just engine fire) has this situation.
  14. It's a really good game I reckon. If you liked T72 you'll like SF, if you like WW2 settings you'll like it even more! Improves on the T-72 engine quite a bit, better physics, 3d interiors, prettier plants etc.... Really good realism too, like having to open the lens cap on the main gun sights or being able to fully control the engine.
  15. Giving the tanks limited sighting is planned in the addon so not all is lost!
  16. Is this the idea where you stick some armor sheets off the top of the tank to create a gap between the impact point and the tank?
  17. Flanker15


    I'm not sure what he is talking about either! Perhapses he is referring to the concussion from the shock wave killing or disabling infantry?
  18. No the cannon didn't kill the crew, I had it on easy so I could view the damage and the crew just decided they'd had enough and bailed out (like in CMx1 games where you can pound a tank with HE and it the crew eventually bails).
  19. I was doing some weapon tests with a BMP-2 and a Bradly and caught this pic: I couldn't damage the bradly from point blank with my AP or HE round so I reversed up a bit and fire a AT-5. Just before it launched the crew bailed out and the missile went in the back door! It actually exploded inside and not where the door would be which I thought was cool. As expected the ammo exploded and all the crew died.
  20. Just found this mod Sneaksie! By patch you are referring to the "uber" patch which will be soon? The new skirmish feature will be good for playing around with the mod.
  21. Most wargamers like CMBB over any wargame.
  22. Can these mods create whole new units or just retexture?
  23. HE should never be used against armored targets for starters. AP, HEAT or ATGM should be picked every time. When my BMP-2 decided to use AP against a Stryker it killed it in 1 hit, as opposed to many hits from HE.
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