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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. The T-90 is the only tank that has a submarine sort of periscope that I've seen. Other tanks might have them hidden away though.
  2. I have probs with red tanks being blind to a tank sitting in front of them a few times aswell. The main gripe I have is you can only spot a vehicle if you have LoS to its center of mass. There have been plenty of times where I could have destroyed a tank that had its ass sticking out but I have to drive up into its LoS in order to engage. Then you get killed by it and get very angry!
  3. A Bradley's coax can't deflect that far though.
  4. I'm looking forward to the T-90 aswell! For a start we're going from a T-72 with armor of 400mm max to a tank with 1000mm+ armor using K-5 ERA, that's higher than the M1A2! Fully modernized targeting and ballistics systems, TIS and a 125mm main gun capable of penertrating the M1A2's turret (although I don't think the T-90SA is getting the new ammo that does that, the AT-11 can do it in a pinch anyway). This tank will level the playing field of CM:SF so scenario designers will have to be careful.
  5. I'm looking forward to the T-90 aswell! For a start we're going from a T-72 with armor of 400mm max to a tank with 1000mm+ armor using K-5 ERA, that's higher than the M1A2! Fully modernized targeting and ballistics systems, TIS and a 125mm main gun capable of penertrating the M1A2's turret (although I don't think the T-90SA is getting the new ammo that does that, the AT-11 can do it in a pinch anyway). This tank will level the playing field of CM:SF so scenario designers will have to be careful.
  6. I'm looking forward to the T-90 aswell! For a start we're going from a T-72 with armor of 400mm max to a tank with 1000mm+ armor using K-5 ERA, that's higher than the M1A2! Fully modernized targeting and ballistics systems, TIS and a 125mm main gun capable of penertrating the M1A2's turret (although I don't think the T-90SA is getting the new ammo that does that, the AT-11 can do it in a pinch anyway). This tank will level the playing field of CM:SF so scenario designers will have to be careful.
  7. "those men in the attack choppers are far braver than the insurgent filth we are fighting" When I see Apache pilots deliberately crashing into enemy positions I'll believe that. Seriously there is literally no higher bravery than doing something you know will kill you no matter what. No offenses to the gunship pilots but I can't see how pressing a button to shoot someone 2Kms away that can't shoot back is more brave than driving a van full of explosives into a tank.
  8. See "Drunken Shotgun of the Gods" for more info!
  9. So there's 2 games? One is the origonal addon and the other is Africa 1943? ToW2 is just an invention of the article link in this topic?
  10. This is the same game as the older screens that were unconfirmed as a TOW game aren't they. Well I guess this confirms it sort of.
  11. I had a go, didn't work out so gave up. Although I'm useless at modding anyway. I replaced the explosion file "frames" with the frames of a better explosion .gif I had but I couldn't get rid of the black background on it. Should be easy if your good at it.
  12. It looks very powerful and flashy because it uses API and HEI rounds which make lots of sparks and smoke when they hit. I will agree that it doesn't work very well in SF like rockets.
  13. That would probably be because the A-10 cannon isn't that powerful, it's powerful by air gun standard though. You would only get a few casualties if you fired at a squad with it since it has little blast and fragmentation effects and low spread. Thus requiring direct or near hits, with troops spread out you'd not get very good results unless you lined up just right. It's main use is against light-medium armored vehicles which it does well in CM:SF of course you can't expect it to do anything but annoy a modern T-72 but it will shred a BMP or BRDM in one pass. Bunkers are also killed in one pass and the older tanks can be killed from the rear.
  14. Cool there's the RPG18 I've never seen! Thanks Letha.
  15. I would imagine the tracks would be damaged by the shock wave of the explosion, pushing the tank down suddenly with great force can't be good for the tracks. Also how shaken were the crew after that?
  16. The COD4 gunship mission was pretty funny how they just casually flew an AC-130 enemy territory when they knew that they have fighters and SAMs! Not to mention a helicopter had just been shot down in that very area. [ June 02, 2008, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Flanker15 ]
  17. Ahh well in that case the mg should be disabled. I don't know about the T-72 being damaged though? Could the MG take the brunt of the missile and then let space under it dissipate the shape charge? I'm not sure how well CMx2 models shape charge. For the record I've had a tank in the training mission survive a javelin this way too.
  18. It looks like it's going to hit one of the big ERA blocks on the front turret. If it hit there the T-72 could get off ok.
  19. This highlights an important omission from CM:SF. While the Syrian regulars wouldn't have NVGs instead they would have lots of flares! The moment enemy units were detected or fired they would illuminate the area with flares. Also do burning vehicles create a light source?
  20. A good tactic I found for dealing with a Javelin barrage is to stick all you tanks behind things so they can't be targeted. Then when they come looking F%#king Bang!
  21. AK47 should be able to swiss cheese body armor anyway. I think it is due to the better optics on the M4s so more hits. Also I think Steve said that the Syrian army used HP bullets for their AK74s.
  22. Yeah most of them are. Does the export model of the T-90 come with the IR jammer system that would work on US ATGMs? Also does it come with the AT-11 ATGM? Also can we make a map large enough so that the T-90 can use its longer range advantage over the M1A2?
  23. Yep Slat armor eats my RPGs all the time too. Much different than earlier version where it didn't seem to work. I now try to elevate my RPGs when engaging strykers to shoot over the slats. I've also had slat armor eat a RPG-29 and a AT-3,4,6 and lots of T-Heat warheads from RPGs BMPs and SPGs. [ May 11, 2008, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: Flanker15 ]
  24. Didn't think I'd see this post again! Good to here that the quality effects the warhead loadout of RPG7s, it would be great if it could effect the type of scope too.
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