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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. Here's one, sorry about the pause thing RT needs a clean pause option. http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/613/cmsf1lp8.jpg Note the missile and 4 others that hit the same place had no effect!
  2. I've been having some issues with my AT-4 ATGM squads. Allot of the time when they fire the missile will just dip into the ground almost straight away, is this a malfunction or bug?
  3. Syrian ATGM design. Also for people being unhappy about their T72 using HEAT against M1s at least yours don't fancy HE rounds as an AT weapon, mine do (4 HE shots into a M1 before changing to HEAT is my record)!
  4. Yeah that would be good for providing level battlefield scenarios. Also every new vehicle adds more options for scenario design.
  5. I don't know how strong it is but I had a M1 ignore 5 AT-4 hits to the area of the turret ring just under the barrel. I usually think of that area being the weakest place on front turret armor but I could be wrong, also shouldn't the hits atleast damage the gun?
  6. The target light command should give that effect, atleast in theory. Also an addition to the choose weapon would be to choose ammo for more precise control (I had a bmp1 try to destroy a stryker with its MG for ages when a single HEAT shell would have done the trick, same thing happened to an RPG HE against a stryker he didn't get another shot though...) [ August 15, 2007, 07:14 AM: Message edited by: Flanker15 ]
  7. Being able to target with a single weapon (Sometimes you really want to only use one weapon in a squad eg: use only a RPG on a stryker instead of opening up with all guns and getting spotted/killed before the RPG is ready or forcing a IFV to use its ATGM on soft target). Tooltips I'd really like to know what all these lights, pictures and objects mean without having to look in the manual every 5min (eg: what gun is this? what does this picture next the gun mean? what are these little crosses on the support menu?). Detailed stats I know they're already on the list but will they have all the detailed armor thicknesses/ERAs and penetration/blast values for the units (including individual squad weapons. Also important would be a complete list of component status instead of the list on the UI that only lists the most important 9 components. Just wondering...
  8. Hit text and detailed stats are apparently on the list for being added.
  9. Cool, I didn't mean for the devs to do it but as a mod project.
  10. Syrian vehicles produce black smoke from their smoke launchers and vehicles will pop it by themselves now so that's what you're seeing.
  11. Is it possible in the CM:SF engine to give vehicles a different texture set when they get destroyed? The current system is OK but if you could have vehicles looking all shot up and damaged when they get destroyed it would be cool (even more cool if more than one could be made for whether or not a vehicle catches fire). Also is it possible to have tank turrets dip down when it gets knocked out like in CMx1 games?
  12. Why not just have the game automatically pause every "x" minutes and then not restart until both players unpause? Even more advanced you could limit the command option to the player when in RT. [ August 14, 2007, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Flanker15 ]
  13. BRAAAAIIINNNSSS!!!! LOL never seen that bug before.
  14. Well the arty system is pretty perfect as is, only improvements would be: -more types (syrian air, more planes etc) -sound effects (distant cannons, shells flying over and plane/helecopter engines) -weapon models (model the individual missiles and bombs) -model the planes and helicopters (not with fancy flight and damage models, just something to add to immersion) -Precision ordinance selection (be able to tell a plane to use a certain number of a particular weapon instead of just choosing itself).
  15. Seems obvious when you read it but I was having trouble getting my arty to go where I wanted it. If you want you arty in quicker use the emergency mode but don't expect it to hit anything near you target mark! Use the other modes for calling in arty unless you want it to land 500m away from the target or in my case, on my troops!
  16. This is an odd one: I wish I knew how to make screenshots so I could show it to you but i'll try and explain. This is basically about the LOS between 2 opposing tanks, I had an advancing T-72 and I knew the enemy had another T-72 parked just up ahead. I came to a point where I should be able to see the tank but couldn't and he couldn't see me (we were 100m apart with direct LOS in the render but it said blocked by some wall rubble and a 2ft bush). So I went closer and at 2m (our models interlaced) we became aware of each other and of course were too close to shoot. At the same time abit further away was an enemy APC parked which my infantry could see, I could visibly draw a clear line between my tank and the apc and the los tool said that it was blocked by the same wall rubble. Also at short ranges a tank even with its reduced viewing capabilities should be able to instantly see a tank parked in the open only 100-200m in front, I usually get about 10-20 second delay or only after it shoots. Infantry to tank and tank to infantry is fine.
  17. I see no reason why a right click menu can't be added in later along with a unit buy system (for the WW2 CMx2 game they will certainly do it). Right now the game has only just come out, BF is putting its resources into patches and bug fixes. If you really want point buy system you can do it from the scenario editor at the moment.
  18. Well as I see it WEGO over TCP/IP net is a bit hard because of the file size but what about WEGO over LAN? 14mb is chump change for a LAN connection and it doesn't use download quotas either.
  19. I saw that too, I decided it was either a bug (the collision detection is sometimes off) or the javelin has the ability to penetrate the building without detonating?
  20. I'm not whining I'm trying to help by finding bugs and suggesting ideas that might make the game better. Ofcouse as a war gamer I'm a chronic perfectionist.
  21. I got one, how about when a unit routes it runs off the battlefield instead of disappearing? With the pretty graphics you could even give it an animation? On the same note there doesn't seem to be any surrendering of units in this aswell.
  22. Vehicles don't have javelins for use as far as I know. The javelins in the equipment tab are there to be given to squads if they need it.
  23. The moveable bits on weapon models (clips, bipods)occasional move to funny positions on the weapon (float next to it or stuck out the side). When you have another soldier helping reload a MG the sometimes ammo box has ammo clips from that soldier weapon stuck to it! I believe the reason why you cannot control the time during the action phase is because unlike CMx1 the phase is not pre-calculated but is running real time. Notice that there is no calculation waiting bar at the start of the turn like in CMx1, this probably to make real time possible.
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