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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. T-72 TURMS-T is not your average T-72.....Their targeting system is at least as good as that of the Challengers they are facing, possibly better, but their armour is rubbish vs 120mm sabot, so you need to be very, very sneaky with them. TBH the virtual omni-presence of T-72 TURMS-T in scenarios gets on my nerves, they are not at all common.....Two or three per company in a well equipped battalion would probably be about right.
  2. That will be because that one is for CM:SF1.....I have a slightly modified version for CM:SF2, but I recommend trying the original on the old engine before the updated version, I honestly think it works better, but I couldn't explain how.
  3. I found that randomly tapping the default camera movement keys seemed to stop the problem on my old Win7 machine (I don't recall this issue ever ocurring on my Win10 machine).
  4. @Suchy Could you convert a CM:A map into CM:SF2? If so please could you ping me a PM.
  5. Pray tell.....How does one hear an empty bunker? But they still leave tentative contacts.....After your units see them. To quote the game manual (you should probably read it one day): SPOTTING AND CONTACTS Spotting is a rather complicated affair in CM:BN, but it basically consists of seeing confirmed enemy units, which are signified by a floating icon that can be selected, and contacts, which appear as question marks. A confirmed enemy unit is straightforward: at least one of your units can see it, and confirm its basic type, such as a soldier, an anti-tank gun, or a vehicle. Your units will automatically fire upon these units as they see fit. The machine gun team by the crossroads is a confirmed enemy unit. Contacts, on the other hand, are merely possible enemy units: your units think there might be something there. Your units will not automatically fire at contacts. The opacity of a contact will tell you how confident your troops are that something is there: a very translucent contact is less certain than one that is fully opaque. Contacts can be upgraded to confirmed units over time, by moving closer to the contact, or if the enemy moves or fires at your units. Units that move or fire are much easier to spot. Contacts can also be the last known location of confirmed units. Unlike CMx1’s “Borg” spotting, units do not automatically share their spotting with all friendly units: this is known as relative spotting. For example, if one of your units spots an enemy anti-tank gun, a nearby unit might not see the same anti-tank gun at all! The unit will have to spot the anti-tank gun on its own, or have the information passed to it through the C2 network. You can tell which of your units can spot an enemy unit by clicking on the enemy unit icon. Your units that have currently spotted and confirmed it will have highlighted icons. TBH this should be obvious enough.....If they really were 'sound contacts', everyone on a 1km x 1km map should get one when a tank fires its main gun. But they don't.
  6. Wondering if we might not see more titles appear on Steam first, which might well help to fund our all too numerous wishes.....I was a bit skeptical about the Steam release, but there already seem to be a bunch of new faces around here and they seem a nice mob as a whole.
  7. Cheers fella, tell you what.....I'll wrap up that CM:A thing and as soon as it's done I'll send you the file. BTW - Did you ever try this: You did ask for it you know.
  8. Not entirely, CM:SF2 doesn't have the unique units from CM:A. I'd love to see a 1980s-1990s CM:SF2 variant (CM:Fulda Gap?) with an Afghanistan pack as the first module. Really impressed with those screenies......I only wish CM:A looked that good.
  9. I have one (Winter of Discontent) that just needs some briefings typing up and a tactical map making.....I'll get it out at some point. TBH I've been too busy IRL for any CM recently.....Still fiddling with H&E stuff and a couple of experimental projects when I can (including one large project in CM:A, attempting to get to the bottom of the Out Of Memory Errors), but time is very limited at the moment.
  10. I'm basically relearning my AI scripting at the moment.....Absolutely nothing I wrote was working quite how I wanted it to, With the tiny units involved the consequences could vary wildly, between comedy & horror! So it's back to A, B, C for me.
  11. As above, sounds like mines.....Sticking barbed wire across a road with AT or Mixed Mines underneath it is a fairly standard trick amongst the more mean-spirited designers. PS - @MOS:96B2P Wonder what would happen if you stuck a Huge IED underneath? Something like this, I suspect:
  12. CMSF2 Big Bundle at half price? You would be mad not to IMHO!
  13. Not at all convinced about the first bit, but he really can do the second.....I've seen him do it!
  14. I just had a dude stuck in a building full of Jihadis.....He was chatting away until someone brought out a big white sheet. We don't know what happened to him after that. PS - Tracking unsecure phones is a very real way of providing targeting info.
  15. I'm fond of them too.....But mine (almost) always go off: The secret to almost guaranteed detonation is to stack your IEDs in pairs.....Then ensure that two or more triggermen have LOS to each pair. This minimises the small chance of trigger failure and as one charge will always set off the other, both would have to be a dud for it to fail. Test it out and see, it enhances their lethality significantly.
  16. How do you get that to work with AI control? The longest I've managed to get a pre-planned fire to last was (IIRC) seven minutes.
  17. Artillery out of ammo? Hard targets still to suppress? Just call 1-800-ISU:
  18. Hey.....I might meet you, but going the other way! Was going to bring my nephew to Moscow for GPW 75th anniversary, but Covid.
  19. I only play turn based and I've not seen this yet (I'm fully patched on all installs).
  20. I don't think they are neccessarily sound contacts, I believe they are 'tentative contacts', usually originally generated by a fleeting glimpse of the target (study your playbacks carefully to see if this is the case). I just watched a T-55 get briefly spotted by several units at up to about 2km when it fired it's main gun in a night battle (with no NVG). On checking, the units had clear LOS to its position, but they couldn't see it (no contact) until it fired (full contact/target) and they lost sight of it again shortly after it fired (tentative contact). FWIW
  21. Not even close.....CM:A covers fourteen years. Not quite as well, I'll grant you, but fourteen years!
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