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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Tell that to a BMP-2 or a Bradley. It's more complex than that mate.
  2. This is the irritating thing, it works with SOME vehicles in the editor & it works with SOME vehicles 'in-game', here's an old example relating to my post above: Those HMMWVs are crewed entirely by Uncon fighters, no mods are used, they function just as they should.....The crews can even Acquire ammo (if I could give them NATO weapons they could use it too). The price of all this is either one reinforcement slot and a battle duration of under three hours, or a cunning excuse for a Yank fighting alongside ISIS in the mission briefing.
  3. And that NEVER happens: C'mon @Battlefront.com.....It might be fun to face a Green, -2, Fanatic, Abrams with Scarce ammo (that speaks Arabic), rather than the usual fully equipped veterans!
  4. Tend to agree 'in game'.....But just think of what could be done in the editor!
  5. Scenario's fully playable, repeatedly tested, briefing's not the best, but it's not exactly complicated either.....Take the town or freeze/starve to death! Still making a tactical map (I don't do operational or strategic, if you don't know where Afghanistan is, why are you playing CM:A? ) Ping me a PM and I'll send you a link once I'm absolutely sure I haven't missed anything and I'm not wasting your time (this has been finished for a while, but I discovered I'd used a 1978 pattern Mujahideen Battalion and their weapons are very different, so it went on hold until I could summon up the will to replace everyone). As is usual in my scenaros, I've suggested a basic plan of action and slapped down a zone for you to work from, but you'll need to refine it for yourself.....Clicking 'Big Red' and hoping for the best probably won't end very well (at best you'll find yourself doing a lot of maneuvering under fire, I suspect). PS - While this scenario isn't all that big, it can be moody in Win10.....I recommend saving not less than every 10 turns. You may need to exit CM:A completely, then restart & reload to avoid persistent issues. Outside my remit, I'm afraid. Couple of screenies from my own testing:
  6. Single Player (Blue Only) Scenario.....Almost ready for final testing. Is it even worth asking?
  7. I'd be willing to bet we'll see actual CMPs in whatever module adds Commonwealth forces to CM:FB.....Can't see @MikeyD letting that one slide! PS - Kind of surprised to learn we don't already have CMPs TBH, they were pretty common.
  8. Was wondering if you were using single sections of them in tall-walled enclosures as a means of escape for AI units that get seperated (this can really mess with AI plans and even cause units to dump orders).....I'm running units through a variant of @LongLeftFlank's Ramadi at the moment and it's a constant issue. One other thing that I've noticed recently.....I'm getting NO randomness in my AI scripting or reinforcement times, so if I have an order ending: Exit between 10:00 and 12:30 The units will ALWAYS move out at 10:00. Same with reinforcements, a reinforcement set to arrive at 30 minutes, with a 15 minute variable will ALWAYS arrive at 30 minutes dead. Is something broke? PS - Outta likes already, I owe you loads!
  9. Your point about Spies was a particularly good one IMHO.....If they can't communicate their information (even between the three members of a cell), WTF are they for?
  10. As have we all, at some point. TBH I'm not convinced that this is something that would happen very often within the scope of a battle, but in a campaign the more senior crews might be expected to have the option to take charge of surviving vehicles. Crew-swapping more generally would be a very, very cool thing.....If it were unlocked scenario designers could have an awful lot of fun with it, especially if they worked in conjunction with a modding team. They don't have to use it, but the option to do so would be very cool, if only in the editor itself (rather than in-game as described above). @37mm Just think of the amount of grief this option would have saved us with the vehicles in 'H&E'.....Were it available.
  11. I'd disagree with this, the TacAI is responsive to it's environment.....It's what makes troops take cover when fired at, or change facing toward a previously unspotted threat, it's also what allows the unit to makesome very good targetting choices if you don't overrule them. However the scripted AI which computer controlled units are following for their broader orders is not reactive to the environment beyond such things as triggers.
  12. Probably far too busy watching swarms of AI infantry trying to cross various chunks of @benpark's map! I'm starting to wonder if the new broken walls weren't requested by a QB map designer, in order to preserve the last shreds of his sanity!
  13. Worse than WWII Germans as a rule. There seem to be odd holes in radio coverage, some elements have them some don't.....Uncons have nothing whatsoever.
  14. Probably outside the scope of CM TBH, the info supplied might be better represented by the Intelligence setting.....TBH I'd love to see Uncons across the CM games, all warfare inevitably has an irregular element of one kind or another, whether those in uniform like it or not.
  15. That doesn't seem very sensible to me.....Might it be to stop people from heavily customising formations in H2H battles, by deleting the other guns but leaving their bearers to give single gun teams with vast ammo supplies? If so might, I suggest that people just don't play against folk who do that sort of thing. Please leave common sense intact for the rest of us who don't cheat, but who do sometimes find themselves fighting to the last with a single AT Gun and a few surviving ammo bearers! PS - & for scenario designers who sometimes come up with perfectly valid concepts that BF just didn't think of.
  16. I'd rather see time spent on other issues TBH.....Red comms in CM:SF2 are a shambles! Uncons just don't have any. MUCH bigger fish IMHO.
  17. This is a big issue for me in several projects I'm working on.....IMHO all Uncons should have an option panel for communications (just like we do for tanks or ATGM types etc.), perhaps something like: None Mobile (very easy to jam, ROE permitting) Radio Secure Radio (hard to jam) Sattelite (no jamming) TBH this or something similar could be given to all HQ units.....That way designers (& players) might actually start to care about the EW environment, or even be aware that it exists in the game!
  18. Made a few postcards from the new map. Typical view from a setup zone: A river to cross: One of the 'Outpost' farms: The main objective (for me at least): Finally, a view from inside the abandoned Wai-Bong stilt settlement: Go on.....Tell me that's Syria!
  19. He ain't joking.....I'm amazed at what has been done in 'H&E' and I've been watching from the inside! Best armoured Lee/Grant ever.....But as we discovered with 'H&E' experiments, you just won't notice that if the tank/gun firing at it is in turn slightly overpowered (like a 50mm L/60 disguised as the earlier L/42 gun). This could be done, for sure.
  20. I think you'd struggle to do Alamein, but some of the fighting in Tunisia might be doable. You are making me miss CM:AK.....I was always more of a CM:BB man, but I enjoyed making 'odd battles' with CM:AK, the invasion of Syria was one of my better efforts.
  21. I'd agree with that suggestion, knowing your wounded buddy's on a 'chopper back to the world' should help to improve squad & platoon morale IMHO.
  22. That's abstracted with the Hide command.....If they're in decent cover (trenches for instance) using that command should noticeably reduce casualties from bombardment.
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