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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Likewise and there's no perceptible difference in load times for me either.
  2. This came up elsewhere: If you've not seen it before, it's quite eye-opening.
  3. Don't need to. I'll add a link for you in the 'Never Say.....' thread, this one's supposed to be about TOW Missiles.
  4. I've studiously avoided 'Fury' TBH.....Apparently that Sherman has a degree of Panzerfaust resistance that would be the envy of an IS-2. Still, it made Bovvy a few quid, so some good came of it.
  5. Yes, I know of Stanton Friedman John.....To be fair I prefer to take my Orion info from Freeman Dyson and NASA/USAF's own files. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19760065935.pdf (you may need to refresh the page to get the document to show) There used to be a lot more documents in that series, but they've been removed from the NTRS server. I saved a copy. But we've wandered very far from TOW missiles, into realms that aren't really appropriate here, so best left, eh?
  6. I think these vehicles were probably common enough in the Allied forces to warrant inclusion, but I'd prefer to see things like mine-roller tanks & Partisans in CM:RT before asking BF to dedicate time to this. A simple 'Empty' option added to the ammo settings and the use of a regular Sherman would be a quick and acceptable fix in the short term and it would give scenario designers a new tool to play with too.
  7. Hey, it keeps us off the streets (or out of pubs & clubs in my case).....Can't be all bad! I've learned more through my interest in WWI & WWII modelling and wargaming than I ever did at school or university, indeed I passed my history exams at school based on my own learning not the syllabus we were taught (just to make a point) and got into university based on an essay I wrote about the various socio-political tensions in Europe leading up to WWII. Since I've got back into CM, my interest's mainly been focussed on more modern stuff, mostly because it's a learning process for me. Like yourself I don't find much appeal to the various 'Thunder-Run' type scenarios, with Blue carving a swathe of destruction across the map. I prefer small scale (as a rule, but big can be good too) asymmetric warfare scenarios that challenge the player and render Blue's usual high tech advantages at least somewhat null.
  8. Some early Befehlspanzer mounted dummy guns, but others had a gun with reduced ammo capacity.....I'd have to check to be precise, but IIRC the Befehls Pz.35(t) & 38(t) and possibly one of the later Pz.III variants were armed. With later tanks like the Pz.IV & Panther the Befehlspanzer variant was almost identical, discernible only by the extra antenna.
  9. I kind of get what you are saying now.....Perhaps something like the ability to put a squad into 'Ammo Bearer' mode, no fighting allowed, but other units can Acquire from them as they would a vehicle. If they are switched back to normal mode, they lose the excess ammo. Just a thought.
  10. For some reason I thought 'Light' included FFARs (or whatever the current equivalent is).....I'd assumed you done some trickery with the ammo or equipment level settings.
  11. I'll get back to you with observations from testing.....I'm intrigued to see if that big armoured bin actually does anything too, the stats say no, but in my experience this game can be more subtle than that.
  12. Same as CMx1, just plot them as normal in the setup phase, you don't need line of sight, just plot away.....You can give them a delay too, so they won't start up until you are ready.
  13. The German equivalent, known as Beobachtungspanzer were usually artillery observation vehicles IIRC, I'm not sure the Luftwaffe had a close equivalent.
  14. It's been a genuine pleasure to test mate....Giving it another go tonight and then I'm into the editor. I'm keen to see how you configured the Cobras for gun-fire only.....If it can be done with all helos it's something I'd like to emulate.
  15. The first time I played this one I messed it up royally by convincing myself the final Phase Line was in fact an Exit Zone, so I rushed through.....It's since become one of my favourite missions, and it's quite replayable. The proper mission (based on a real action) is to sweep through the valley obliterating Mujahideen as you go using the firepower of the BMPs & tanks to overcome local strongpoints. The long artillery call times are a hassle so consider pre-plotting them to either annihilate local strongpoints that you don't want to take on in a direct fight, or to block likely avenues of attack/escape with long duration linear-barrages. IIRC the last time I played I used one destruction strike and two linear barrages, there was enough ammo left after the first destruction strike for a second on the final settlement area. My best result is a Tactical Victory IIRC.
  16. It's a decent film, but I wouldn't take it too seriously. That being said however, the one thing Soviet troops feared above all else was falling into the hands of the Mujahideen women.....Look it up, but only if you are not squeamish.
  17. Turns out I was wrong about Webroot.....POS locked my system up on exit first time I tried it after restarting. Is it worth posting a sticky of AV software to avoid if you like the CM games? What AV software do people recommend these days?
  18. Just discovered this.....You are incredibly prolific George, if this is as good as your CM:SF stuff I'm going to have a lot of fun.
  19. It rocks, you'll love it.....Don't be put off if it goes pear shaped on the first try or two, it's well worth persisting.
  20. I discovered your sniper/spy combo in action.....Plastered a sniper with one of the Hummers, but noticed someone was plinking me again a minute or two later, so I plastered the same location, until I spotted the little b******d.....Then I plastered him too! @borg You should message LLF.....His 'Ramadi - Wicked Wednesday' is under testing right now and it's epic! PS - Forgot to add that I was also under fire from the survivor of an RPG team who had picked up an SVD somewhere along the way.....From my own experiences testing my CM:A stuff I've noticed some units (especially spies & vehicle crew) really like to tool-up and will happily upgrade to the best weapons at hand (in one instance I had a spy with an AK-74, and vehicle crew with AK-74/40mmGL, RPK and a PPSh)! PPS - They don't take weapons from fallen enemies though, only from fallen comrades, I'd really love to see this changed in a future iteration of the game.....Don't get careless with those Javelin Teams!
  21. Well found.....CM:SCW was my favourite ever mod, I kept a full custom install on my old machine, are the old CM:SCW mods still available anywhere?
  22. The temptation to post an equivalent image from CM:BB (which I still play) here is overwhelming.....But I shall resist.
  23. @steepdate Another Stephenson fan.....Good show! Snowcrash is still one of the finest cyberpunk romps ever written. You used to be able to download comprehensive specs of the Orion craft online (it's been taken down since).....Some of us did.
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