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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Nope, they've done it twice now, both times in the same building, once on the ground floor (but after blasting out the wall, they still left by the front door).....Once I've got the new AI plans for this one up and running I'm going to have a bit of an experiment in the editor to see what the score is with both this and AI controlled artillery spotters.
  2. One of my other hobbies is flying kites, I fly both fixed-bridle & depower power kites (from 2m2 to 13m2) static, on a land-board or occasionally in a buggy. I also fly a four-line stunt kite called a Revolution, it's pretty cool and a lot of fun to play around with.....In the hands of a skilled flier it can do amazing things: I only wish I were that good with mine! Pretty cool huh.....Now check this out: And now for something that's just damned alien.....The Airbow: I so want one! Or maybe you'd prefer something a little more, extreme: Not all kitesurfers are Lewis Crathern however: Some go even higher:
  3. Yet its influence is still pretty far reaching.....Ironically enough English is the 'Lingua Franca' of a big chunk of the globe, and the City of London's financial tendrils are almost omnipresent.
  4. Who knows, but dude.....The AI blasted a wall! Have you EVER seen that before?
  5. Testing of version 1-4 is now well under way, I've ironed out a couple more trivial map glitches and a bit of a cock-up in one of the AI Group's plans which may lead to some interesting activities after the 2:15 point in the current version (assuming anything is still alive and hasn't surrendered). I've also discovered something bloody amazing.....When set to 'Assault', AI Mujahideen & Tribal 'Mine Teams' (the guys with satchel charges I mentioned elsewhere) will actually use them independently to blast walls! Sadly as you can see in my test they chose to blast a hole in a second floor exterior wall, but fair play at least they are trying! I'm not sure if the AI did not take a satchel charge from their total, or whether it took it the previous turn (had no reason to check until I noticed the blast go off), but regardless, I'm really impressed.....Clearly this much overlooked title's AI needs some serious exploration by some of the more experienced CM:SF crew.
  6. Committees.....A bureaucrat's alternative to work.
  7. Britain is cutting it's armour force to (IIRC) 176 Challenger II total. There's vague talks of upgrades, but nothing concrete that I've read yet.
  8. Me too....."The old pillboxes on the map-edge trick eh?"
  9. @LongLeftFlank I'm intrigued by this talk of negative victory points, haven't looked in the editor yet, but I gather you've used them so perhaps you can advise.....If the player fails to achieve an objective with negative victory points, do they receive points? I'm considering placing red 'Spy' units marked as civilians on my Mosul map and applying a 'Destroy' objective with negative victory points for the Blue player, in order to represent the negative impact of civilian casualties.....Is this a viable concept in your opinion?
  10. Probably a wise move.....Draw 'em back onto the supporting FLAK batteries & guns, a K-18: Will royally wreck a T-34's day! I'd like to see a few arty pieces available on the map for those desperate moments.
  11. Above Top Secret makes my brain hurt.....I deleted my account there due to the overt racism & jingoism (as I recall at the time they were permitting posts openly calling for America to 'Do a Nanking' on China and I got a warning from their imbecile admin team for calling them out on it). All the bulls**t there kinda comes with the territory though, so I can more or less live with it, but I'd really rather not. As for your following post, nothing 'unintended' there that I can see.
  12. Britain too apparently remains unthreatened.....But there was cake! https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasneemnashrulla/chocolate-cake-missiles-iraq-err-syria?utm_term=.kr2PwlyeV#.ynX4YZLy7 Which apparently passes for news these days.
  13. Sounds like your BTR discovered the chemistry professor's handiwork! Losses amongst the DRA Mech, Sarandoy and even the Relief force are trivial in this scenario (in the full version the Relief Force would be part of your Core, so wasting them would be unwise).....Just protect the high-value civilians and try to keep the Mujahideen out of the Consulate & the Government buildings. Keeping at least one Forward Observer or Air Controller team intact with both team members alive is pretty critical here, those guys can call in the guns, fighters & gunships in fast (one of the Sukhois is Elite +2, the other three are Veteran +1, they might be wearing Afghan markings, but they sure ain't Afghan pilots). The DRA unit from the East has arrived, those are the bad guys with the tanks.....The scenario was originally very loosely based on the 1979 Herat uprising in which a big chunk of a DRA division defected, hence the tanks. The Mujahideen mortars are not on map (not possible in CMx2 Engine), the Fitters have already dealt with them and there should be no more mortar fire, if there is any please make a save and let me know. Remember if the high-value civilians don't actually bump into the Afghans they won't shoot at them, many of the city's inhabitants would be running around as all hell breaks loose around them and they can hide themselves in the chaos (but don't get too close to the Blue units or they're gone). If you are already seeing the bad tanks, your reinforcements are VERY imminent. I've tried to time events in this scenario (hence the title), once the Hinds turn up the boot should be well & truly on the other foot.....You will be hunting them. Hope you are having fun with it.
  14. Yup & the individual missions too, was hoping you might redo the full 'Forging Steel' campaign from the Red perspective.
  15. Wow, eight months and no official reply from Fury, I'm an NVidea user so not affected, but I have to say that this doesn't inspire much confidence!
  16. First bit, see elsewhere. Second bit, when there 5+km maps for the game I'll form an opinion, but right now it's pretty meaningless from the gaming perspective.
  17. The terrestrial launch issues are a red-herring, the 10m & 20m Orion prototypes were designed to piggy-back a Saturn Ic to altitude before triggering the Orion propulsion. Optionally the same booster could lift several different Orion configurations to orbit in parts (two parts for the 10m & 20m as I recall) for final assembly.
  18. If it could be done it would be a fantastic tool IMHO, but I think I'd prefer something 'in-house'.
  19. There are no TRPs in the game, but in the setup turn, before you click go, you can plot pre-planned artillery barrages. When you plot in this initial pre-battle phase, line of sight is not required. You can choose settings for the number of tubes firing, the intensity and duration of the barrage, and you can also choose to delay the arrival of the barrage. Sadly there's nothing I can do about the unit icons at all. I've tested my battle real-time so it is doable, but it really can get pretty hectic at times.....Your policy of playing with many pauses is definitely the right one!
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